Create In-App Campaign

To create an In-app campaign:

  1. Navigate to the MoEngage Dashboard.
  2. From the left navigation, use one of the following options:
    • Click Engage > Campaigns. The All campaigns page is displayed. At the top right corner, click + Create campaign. The Create campaign page is displayed.
    • Click Create New > Campaign. The Campaign page is displayed.
  3. Under Inbound, click In-app. The In-app creation page is displayed.
    In-App create.png

Steps to Create an In-App Message Campaign

The following are the steps to create an In-app message campaign:

  1. Target users: Define the target audience for the campaign.
  2. Content: Define the content of the campaign to be sent.
  3. Schedule and goals: Define the campaign's delivery schedule and goals.

Step 1: Target Users

This section contains the following:

Campaign Details

The campaign details section contains the following fields:

    • Campaign name: Enter the name of the campaign to manage and identify the campaign. The campaign name must have at least five characters, and the limit is 256.
    • Campaign tags: Select campaign tags from the drop-down list. You can select a maximum of five tags. For more information, refer to Campaign Tags.

Select Platform

In the Target platforms section, select the required platforms:

The available options are:

    • Android
    • iOS

Trigger Criteria

This section describes the trigger criteria for the In-app campaign.

On app open On specific screen On custom event

Show the In-app message on the first eligible screen post-launch. You can send the message immediately or after a delay using the Select trigger time option. 

How It Works:

Initial Triggering: The pop-up will appear as soon as the app is opened on any screen where showInApp() is explicitly invoked. This ensures that the message is contextually relevant and only displayed on screens prepared to handle it.

Subsequent Displays: If showInApp() is not present on the initially opened screen, the pop-up will not display until the user navigates to a screen where showInApp() is called. This method must be implemented on any screen where you intend for pop-ups to appear.

Across the App: The "Show on App Activity" trigger is not restricted to the app's opening event. It will activate the pop-up on any screen where showInApp() is triggered during the app session. 

Managing Repeated Messages: To prevent the pop-up from appearing too frequently, which can disrupt the user experience, it's advised to implement a delay between messages. This can be configured within your messaging settings to ensure users do not receive the same pop-up multiple times in a short period.





  • You must add the showInApp() method to your home page for the In-App message to show on app open and for this trigger criteria to work. For more information on showInApp(), refer to Display InApp.  
  • When After Delay is selected, a maximum delay of 1 day (86400 seconds) and a minimum of 1 second delay can be set.
  • The After Delay option is available in the following SDKs:
    • Android SDK version 6.9.0 or higher
    • iOS SDK 4.11.1 or higher
    • React Native SDK 8.6.0 or higher
    • Cordova SDK 8.4.0 or higher
    • Capacitor SDK 3.1.0 or higher

Select Target Audience

This section contains segmentation filters that help you choose the target audience for your campaign. The following options are available:

All Users Filter by User Property Filter by User Behavior Filter by User Affinity Filter by Custom Segment

This filter option allows you to send the campaign to all the app users. When you use this option, you cannot add multiple filters.


After selecting the filter criteria, you can do the following as well:

  • Create Multiple Filters: You can create and combine multiple user property rules, user activity rules, and custom segment rules to create a complex user segment using this option.
    1. Click + Filter.
    2. Click AND or OR.
    3. Select the attribute or event and define the filter conditions.
  • Exclude Users: Select this checkbox to define the filter criteria for users to be excluded from the campaign.
  • Reset filters: Click this option to reset the segmentation filters.
  • Show count: Click this button to display the total number of users who are currently in the configured segment.

filters connector campaign.png

Control Group

This section contains information about control groups for the campaign. Control Groups are enabled only for promotional campaigns. They are not applicable for transactional campaigns. You can enable the control groups to which you want to send the promotional campaign.

In the Control group section:

  • Turn the Global control group toggle on to not send the campaign to all the users in the control group
  • Turn the Campaign control group toggle on to not send the particular campaign to the control group.

For more information, refer to Control Group.

control group.png

Click Next or use the tabs at the top of the create campaign navigation to move to Step 2 "Content".

Step 2: Content

The following options are available to add content:

Prebuilt and Saved Templates

This option allows you to choose a template from the following options: All, Pre-built, Saved templates, and API templates. The All option is chosen by default. 

You can do the following in this section:

  1. Search templates: You can search for a template by specifying its name in the Search templates search bar.
  2. Filter templates: You can filter the templates using the following options:
    • Filter By Type: You can filter the templates based on the type of pre-built templates (Nudges, Carousel, Pop-up, and so on).
    • Filter By Use Case: You can filter the templates based on their use (Promotional, Feedback, Survey, and so on).
    • Filter By Content: You can filter based on the template's content (templates that contain only text, templates that contain buttons, and so on).
    • Filter By Editor: You filter based on the editor that supports the template (Native, HTML, or Self Handled).

Pre-built Templates


Pre-Built templates Saved templates
Pre-built templates support many options apart from adding text, such as adding links and buttons, displaying ratings, popup templates. The following table summarizes some of the common pre-built templates:
Field Description
Text Displays templates with text.
With Image Displays templates with images.
Without Image Displays templates without images.
Single Button Displays templates with a single button.
Multiple Button Displays templates with multiple buttons.
Full Screen Displays templates that enable full screen.
Pop up Displays templates that have pop-up windows.
Embedded Displays templates with embedded links.
Rating Displays templates with rating options.
Nudge Display nudge templates in a non-intrusive manner.

Start from Scratch

This option allows you to choose from the following options:

Add Content to the Template

Perform the following steps to add content to the selected template and template type.

Common Actions

  1. Turn the Mirror platforms toggle on to use the same template and configure the message together for the selected platforms.
  2. Click + A/B test to create a variation. You can create a maximum of five variations.
    For more information, refer to A/B Testing Overview.
  3. Click + Locales to add a locate. You can add a maximum of  10 locales for a single campaign. 
    For more information, refer to Using Locales.
  4. Click the ThreeDots.png icon to:
    1. Save Template
    2. Change Template
    3. Reset Template

Screenshot 2022-05-25 at 2.02.06 PM.png

Click to modify the content:

Template settings

Field Description and action
Background color Select the Background color option and define the background color of the message.
Phone background color Select and define the background color of the phone or device.

Do one of the following:

  1. Select the Image URL option and enter or paste the URL of the image.
  2. Select the Upload Image option and drag and drop the image or click upload from the computer to upload the stored image.


  • Ensure that the image size is lesser than 10MB
  • Ensure that the aspect ratio of the image is 2:1 (WXH).

Entry and exit animations for the entire In-App message.

Select from one of the following animations:

  • None - no animation
  • Slide up - Message displays from the top of the screen.
  • Slide down - Message displays from the bottom of the screen.
  • Slide left - Message displays from the left of the screen.
  • Slide right - Message displays from the right of the screen.
  • Fade in - Message displays with the fade-in effect. Applicable only for entry animation.
  • Fade out - Message displays with the fade-out effect. Applicable only for exit animation.
Close Button
  1. Enable or disable the display of the close button.
  2. From the Type drop-down, customize the appearance of the close button by selecting one of the following:
    • White-filled (Android only)
    • Black-filled
    • Grey-filled
    • Brown-filled
    • Cross only black
    • Cross only grey
    • Black-empty (iOS only)
  3. From the Close button placement drop-down, select the placement as one of the following:
    • Left 
    • Right

Select the following:

  1. Use the slider to define the Width of the border in pixels.
  2. Use the slider to define the Radius of the border in pixels.
  3. Select or type the hexadecimal code of the Border color.


Field Description and action
Heading Type or paste the heading in the text box.
Font size Type or use the up and down to select the size of the font used in the text.
Font color Type the hexadecimal code or select the color of the font used in the text.
Custom font Select the custom font and type the name of the font used in the text.
Background color Select and define the background color of the message.

Select from the drop-down one of the following:

Field Description
None No action is performed.

Do the following:

  1. Select one of the following:
    • Navigate to screen: From the drop-down, select the screen to which the user needs to navigate.
    • DeepLink: Type or paste the URL to which the user needs to navigate to.
    • Rich landing: Type or paste the Rich landing page to which the user needs to navigate to.
  2. Click + New KV pair (optional).
  3. In the Key value pairs field, enter the key and value.
Dismiss Dismiss the In-App message.
Track Event

Type or paste the name of the event to track.

Share Type or paste the text to be shared with the user.
Set User Attribute
  1. Select the user attribute from the drop-down.
  2. Type or paste the value for the user attribute.
Copy Coupon Code Type or paste the coupon code to be shared with the user.
Call Type or paste the phone number to which the user needs to call.
Sms Type or paste the phone number and message to which the user needs to send the SMS.
Custom Action

Add key-value pairs for custom action.

Navigate to notification settings Take users to the app Settings screen. This option is only available on iOS.
Request Notification Permission Invoke system notification permission. This option is only available on iOS.
Width, Margin, and Padding

Use the slider or type the value to define the width of the text box in percentage.


Select Together and use the slider or type the value to define all the margins of the text box in pixel.


Select Separate and use the slider or type the value to define the top, bottom, right and left margins of the text box in pixel.


Select Together and use the slider or type the value to define all the padding for the text box in pixel.


Select Separate and use the slider or type the value to define the top, bottom, right and left padding of the text box in pixel.


Select the following:

  1. Use the slider to define the Width of the border in pixels.
  2. Use the slider to define the Radius of the border in pixels.
  3. Select or type the hexadecimal code of the Border color.


Do one of the following:

Field Description

Image URL

Select the Image URL option and enter or paste the URL of the image.

Upload image

Select the Upload image option and drag and drop the image or click the upload from the computer to upload the stored image.


  • Ensure that the image size is lesser than 10MB.
  • Ensure that the aspect ratio of the image is 2:1 (WXH).


Select from the drop-down one of the following:

Field Description
None No action is performed

Do the following:

  1. Select one of the following:
    • Navigate to screen: From the drop-down, select the screen to which the user needs to navigate.
    • DeepLink: Type or paste the URL to which the user needs to navigate to.
    • Rich landing: Type or paste the Rich landing page to which the user needs to navigate to.
  2. Click + New KV pair (optional).
  3. In the Key value pairs field, enter the key and value.
Dismiss Dismiss the In-App message.
Track Event
  1. Type or paste the name of the event.
  2. Type or paste the value for the event.
Share Type or paste the text to be shared with the user.
Set user attribute
  1. Select the user attribute from the drop-down.
  2. Type or paste the value for the user attribute.
Copy coupon code Type or paste the coupon code to be shared with the user.
Call Type or paste the phone number to which the user needs to call.
  1. Type or paste the phone number to which the In-App message is sent.
  2. Type or paste the content of the SMS.
Custom Action

Select custom action and do the following:

  1. Click + New KV pair.
  2. In the Key value pairs field, enter the key and value.
Navigate to notification settings Take users to the app Settings screen. This option is only available on iOS.
Request Notification Permission Invoke system notification permission. This option is only available on iOS.


Field Description
Button text Type or paste the text used in the button.
Font size Type or use the up and down to select the size of the font used in the button.
Font color Type the hexadecimal code or select the color of the font used in the button.
Custom font Select a custom font and type the name of the font used in the button.
Background color Select and define the background color of the button.

Select from the drop-down one of the following:

Field Description
None No action is performed

Do the following:

  1. Select one of the following:
    • Navigate to screen: From the drop-down, select the screen to which the user needs to navigate.
    • DeepLink: Type or paste the URL to which the user needs to navigate to.
    • Rich landing: Type or paste the Rich landing page to which the user needs to navigate.
  2. Click + New KV pair (optional).
  3. In the Key-value pairs field, enter the key and value.
Dismiss Dismiss the In-App message. This is the default action. 
Track event
  1. Type or paste the name of the event.
  2. Type or paste the value for the event.
Share Type or paste the text to be shared with the user.
Set User attribute
  1. Select the user attribute from the drop-down.
  2. Type or paste the value for the user attribute.
Copy Coupon Code Type or paste the coupon code to be shared with the user.
Call Type or paste the phone number to which the user needs to call.
Sms Type or paste the phone number and message to which the user needs to send the SMS.
Custom Action

Select custom action and do the following:

  1. Click + New KV pair.
  2. In the Key value pairs field, enter the key and value.
Request Notification Permission

Android - Invoke system notification permission. If the system notification permission has been requested multiple times, it would take the user to the application notification settings screen where the user can manage notification permission.

iOS - Invoke system notification permission.

Navigate to notification settings Take the user to the application notification settings screen where the user can manage notification permission. Android only.
Navigate to Settings Take the user to the application settings screen where the user can manage notification permission. iOS Only
Notification Action Invoke system notification permission. This option is only available on iOS
Width, Margin, and Padding

Use the slider or type the value to define the width of the text box in percentage.


Select Together and use the slider or type the value to define all the margins of the text box in pixel.


Select Separate and use the slider or type the value to define the top, bottom, right and left margins of the text box in pixel.


Select Together and use the slider or type the value to define all the padding for the text box in pixel.


Select Separate and use the slider or type the value to define the top, bottom, right and left padding of the text box in pixel.


Select the following:

  1. Use the slider to define the Width of the border in pixels.
  2. Use the slider to define the Radius of the border in pixels.
  3. Select or type the hexadecimal code of the Border color.

Personalize Content

You can personalize the content of the In-app campaign. Use @ to personalize the content or image.

You can personalize the content using User Attributes, User Events, Product Sets, Content APIs and Content Blocks.

For more information, refer to:

Do the following:

  1. In step 2 of campaign creation, click on the text box or the image property URL.
  2. Type @ to personalize the content.
  3. Click either Data personalization or Content Block.
  4. Click the Data personalization tab and from the drop-down, select one of the following
    1. User Attributes
    2. Select one of the following as for alternate (Fallback) to the personalization:

      • No Fallback
        Choose the option for personalized content. The option results in no alternates when the personalization does not work.
      • Do not send In-App
        Choose the option where if the personalization does not work, In-App messages are not sent.
      • Replace Text
        Type or paste the text used when the personalization does not work.
    3. Product Sets
    4. Content API: Modify the values of the parameters of the Content API.
  5. Click the Content Block
    1. Select the content block to be inserted.
    2. Click Insert only the content of the content block.
  6. Click Done
arrow_drop_down Test Campaign (optional)

Test campaigns enable previewing the campaign on a test device to ensure that your notification is conveyed in the manner that you desire.

You can test the campaign you created by selecting any of the following options and providing the value for the attribute chosen for your test user:

  • Unique ID
  • Email ID
  • Mobile Number (Registered With MoEngage)
  • Google Advertising Identifier
  • iOS Identifier For Advertising
  • Device Push Token
  • Custom Segment


For more information about testing campaigns, refer to Testing In-App Campaign.

Step 3: Schedule and Goals

This section contains the following:

  • Delivery Schedule: Choose when the campaign should be delivered to your users and the periodicity of delivery.
  • Conversion goals: Choose the conversion goals and revenue metrics to be tracked for the campaign.
  • Delivery controls: Choose the advanced delivery control options such as throttling, frequency capping, and expiration settings for the notification.

Delivery Scheduling

The following delivery schedule options are available for In-App Campaigns:

One Time Periodic

Choose this option to send the campaign immediately or at a specified time to the target users.

Field Action

As soon as possible

Sends the campaign immediately to the target users. You can select:

  • Campaign time zone - the timezone in which the campaign should be sent.
  • Ends: the date on which the campaign should end. The following options are available:
    • Never: the campaign runs daily.
    • On: the campaign ends on the end date specified in the End date and End time fields.

At specific date and time

Send the campaign at the specified time, time zone, or predicted time.

This section helps you send the campaign on a specific date and time and contains the following fields:

  • Campaign time zone - the timezone in which the campaign should be sent.
  • Start date - the date on which the campaign should be sent.
  • Send time - the time at which the campaign should be sent. Select am or pm depending on when the time of day at which the campaign should be sent.
  • Ends: the date on which the campaign should end. The following options are available:
    • Never: the campaign runs daily.
    • On: the campaign ends on the end date specified in the End date and End time fields.


Conversion Goals

You can add conversion goals to track the business metrics for your campaigns. You can track a maximum of five conversion goals. You can choose any app event as a conversion goal activity and set more than one conversion goal. The first goal will be treated as a primary goal.

For example, if you want to track the number of customers who have purchased an iPhone after your campaign was sent. (Event: Purchase event, Product: iPhone). Your conversion goal setup might be similar to the following image:


With multiple conversion goals, you can track more than one business metric or visualize a funnel for your user actions. For example, if you want to check the following, you can do so with multiple conversion goals.

  • How many users have viewed the product page?
  • How many of them added that product to the cart?
  • How many of them made a successful order?
arrow_drop_down Tracking Revenue Performance (Optional)

With MoEngage, you can track the revenue generated by your campaigns. For example, you can track the revenue generated by your product after sending a communication. To track revenue performance, enable the Revenue performance toggle for the conversion goal for which you want to track the revenue.

In the example here, to track revenue for orderSuccessful events, you must enable the Revenue performance toggle.

After choosing the goal, you can select the numeric attribute that captures the order's total monetary value. In this example, cartValue contains the total order value. You can choose the currency in which your monetary value is being reported. RevenuePerformance.png
Set Attribution window: You can set an attribution window (a time period or window that is calculated since the user has received/clicked the campaign, for which you want to attribute the conversion goals to a specific campaign.) By default, it is set for 36 hours while the maximum attribution window can be set up to 10 days. In the example below, the attribution window is set to 5 hours. Attribution Window.png

Campaign Priority

Set a priority for your In-App campaign as Critical, High, Medium, Normal, and Low


Delivery Controls

You can select the following options for your In-App Campaign:

  • Limit the maximum number of times a user can see messages from this campaign to: The frequency of a campaign can be controlled by entering the number of times to show the message.
    Note: Frequency capping will work on the device level and not the user level. This means if your user has been logged on to two devices at once, they will receive the campaign on both devices even if the frequency setting has been set to 1. 
  • Add a minimum delay between two messages of this campaign: Add a minimum delay between two messages to control the frequency and timing of showing in-app to the user. This setting is disabled for Nudge Templates.
  • Ignore global minimum delay: You can choose to enable or disable the global minimum delay settings for this particular campaign. 
  • Auto Dismiss message after: This option dismisses the In-App message after the specified duration. Select the time in seconds. After the specified time, In-App message will be dismissed even though the user does not perform any action on it.


arrow_drop_down Delay Between Two Campaigns

If you have more than one In-App campaign created, you can also stagger them by setting a minimum delay between two messages from different campaigns. To do that, go to Settings > In App NATIV.

Note: This minimum delay will apply to messages from different campaigns and the same campaign. 

Here you can set the minimum delay between two In-App messages from different campaigns. The delay is in minutes. With this setting, if your user sees a Message from Campaign 1 at time T and if another message is sent at the time before T+15, it is not displayed.


Your campaign is now ready to be sent. Click Publish and provide confirmation in the dialog box that opens up to create the campaign. After the campaign is created successfully, the Campaign Info page will be displayed.



In-app campaigns support the Campaign Approval WorkFlow (CAF). If CAF is enabled, the campaign must be reviewed and approved for publishing. For more information, refer to CAF. To enable CAF, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

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