Open Analytics

Growth teams need to perform a lot of data analysis for their daily operations. For this analysis, they need the correct data access at the right time. MoEngage Open Analytics enables growth teams to access the latest data on the MoEngage platform in real time directly from the data storage. MoEngage allows customers to directly query the data warehouse and get desired data.

Capabilities of Open Analytics

MoEngage open analytics can help with  -

      1. Read and Query data using SQL queries through a console or Programmatically via API
      2. Visualize the data on the Open Analytics console through in-build visualization methods available

MoEngage open analytics is not suitable for data exports. For data export, please use MoEngage Streams or S3 exports.

Enable Open Analytics

MoEngage requires 2 sets of information to enable open analytics - 

      1. Email ids of users
      2. The static IP address. (This can be your VPN IP as well. Make sure you provide the static IP, IPs provided by your network provider will not work)

Data Categories

All data received at the MoEngage system can be categorized into 3 kinds –

      1. Device data
      2. User Data
      3. Event data

The data is collected using the SDK and S2S events and processed and stored with events.

Data Schema

MoEngage processes and stores all the device attributes and event attributes in separate event tables for each event.

Table Name - account_name.event_name

attribute 1 attribute 2 attribute 3 --  attribute n-1 attribute n
... ... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ... ...

The time window for analysis can be selected using the attribute - day. This partition time works for all tables. Must always use this in your queries to limit the costs. 
For Example


SELECT server_time, COUNT(server_time) as metric
day >= '2022-01-01'

Event Tables can be joined using common keys/attributes such as - user_id


SELECT user1 
(SELECT user_id AS user1 FROM "account_name"."uptete_spa") table1 
(SELECT user_id AS user2 FROM "account_name"."moe_user_merge") table2 
ON table1.user1 = table2.user2

Event & Attribute Naming Convention

Event names have structure as ‘EventName_XXX’, for example - moe_app_opened_828
Event Attribute names have a structure as ‘Datatype_AttributeName_XXX’, for example - string_activity_name_880

User Attributes

User attributes are stored in the user table, and the table refreshes one time every day.
Table Name - users_base_table 
Column for MoEngage generated User Id - user_id

attribute 1 attribute 2 attribute ... attribute n
... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...

Important Attribute Information

(These attributes should be present in all of the events)

      1. day - Time-window for analysis can be selected using this attribute. This partition time works for all tables. This should be considered as the date attribute for Tables.
      2. server_time - UTC at which events reach MoEngage servers.
      3. user_id - This is a MoEngage-generated User Id.
      4. string_uid_125 - This is the User Id generated by your App/Site.
      5. original_event_name - Event Name
      6. user_time - Event time in the local time zone

Open analytics Usage Best Practices

      1. Use day in your queries to optimize query performance. Otherwise, MoEngage will scan the entire table, and scanning costs will be higher.
      2. MoEngage works on a columnar database, so you can use only the columns ( attributes ) you need for analysis. If unnecessary columns are used, cost increases, and query performance decreases.
      3. To optimize queries, refer to best practices.
      4. A general guide to writing Athena SQL queries -

Programmatic Access to Data

To read data using python or java code, Open Analytics makes APIs available to generate the report utilizing existing queries. For more information, refer to using APIs.


Sample Queries

      1. Key Metrics Queries
      2. Reachability Queries

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