Array Data Type support in Analytics
You can now filter events in the Analytics pages - Behavior, Funnels & Retention using array-type attributes such as campaign tags, cart items, and so on. This will enable you to run deeper and more specific analyses. For more information, refer to Using Arrays in Analytics Queries.
Channel Fallback
Inform now has the Channel Fallback capability that allows customers to send messages to only one successful channel. With this feature, customers can save costs by only attempting to send via one successful channel instead of sending messages across multiple channels. For more information, refer to Channel Fallback in Inform. For more information, refer to Channel Fallback in Inform.
Outbound Channels
Default Attribution Settings
You can configure your preferred attribution type to either "View Through Attribution",
"Click Through Attribution", or "In-Session Attribution" with these settings. For more information, refer to Default Attribution Settings.
Connector Info Revamp
The campaign analytics and info UI for Connectors has been revamped. For more information, refer to Connector Analytics and Info.
Delivery Controls Settings
You can now configure the frequency capping, minimum delay, throttling, and do not disturb (DND) settings on the Dashboard from a single place, the Delivery Controls Settings. This feature lets you configure cross-channel frequency capping and set the throttling limits for all channels on an RPM model. For more information, refer to Frequency Capping, DND, Throttling, and Minimum Delay Between Campaigns.