Create Web Push Campaign


To create a Web Push campaign:

  1. Navigate to the MoEngage Dashboard and select Engage > Campaigns from the left navigation.
  2. Click mceclip2.png at the top right corner of the All Campaigns page.
  3. Select Push from the Outbound channels listed.
  4. Select one of the following campaign delivery types:
    • One Time
    • Periodic
    • Event Triggered
    • Business Event Triggered

    For more information about delivery types, refer to Delivery Types.

Steps to Create a Web Push Campaign

There are three steps to creating a Web Push campaign, and they are:

  1. Target users: Define the target audience for the campaign
  2. Content: Define the content of the push notification to be sent
  3. Schedule and Goals: Define the campaign's delivery schedule and goals

Step 1: Target Users

This section contains the following:

Campaign details

The campaign details section contains the following fields:

    • Team -If your organization has teams enabled, select the Team in the dropdown. For more information, refer to Teams in MoEngage.
    • Campaign name - Type the name of the campaign to manage and identify the campaign.  The campaign name must have at least five characters, and the limit is 256.
    • Campaign tags - Select campaign tags from the drop-down list.  You can select up to 5 tags. For more information, refer to Campaign Tags.
Push_CampaignDetails (1).png
arrow_drop_down Event Triggered Campaigns

Event-triggered campaigns allow you to send personalized notifications triggered by different user action events. For example, you can remind users about the item they added to the cart but have not purchased. For more information on creating such campaigns, refer to Create an Event-Triggered Campaign.

arrow_drop_down Business Event Triggered Campaigns

For business event-triggered campaigns, you can select the business event to be mapped to the campaign using the Select business event dropdown. The dropdown contains all the business events created in your MoEngage account.


Once the business event is selected, the event attributes associated with the business event are available in the segmentation filters. Business event attributes are available in the following segmentation filters:

  • segment by user property - you can map the user property to the business event attribute
  • segment by user behavior - you can map the attribute of an event executed by the user to that of the business event attribute
  • segment by user affinity- you can map the attribute of an event executed by the user to that of the business event attribute


      • The data types of the user attribute or event attribute chosen should match with that of the business event attribute for segmentation to work.
      • Show count is disabled for business event-triggered campaigns as business events are modeled to run on dynamic segmentation (based on the values with which the business event is triggered).

Target audience

This section contains segmentation filters that help you choose the target audience for your campaign. The following options are available:

All Users Filter by User Property Filter by User Behavior Filter by User Affinity Filter by Custom Segment

This filter option allows you to send the campaign to all the app users. When you use this option, you cannot add multiple filters.


If teams are enabled for your account, the segmentation criteria specified for the team for which you are creating will get appended to the campaign with an AND condition. For more information, refer to Teams in MoEngage.

After choosing the filter criteria, you can do the following as well:

  • Create and combine multiple user property rules, user activity rules, and custom Segment rules to create a complex user segment using this option.
      • Click + Filter.
      • Click AND or OR.
      • Select the attribute or event and define the filter conditions. 
  • Exclude Users - Check the Exclude Users checkbox to define the filter criteria for users to be excluded from the campaign. 
  • Send campaign to the users opted out in preference management - Check this option to include users opted out in preference management for the campaign. For more information, refer to Preference Management.
  • Reset Filters - Click this option to reset the segmentation filters.
  • Show Count - Click Show Count to display the total number of users who are currently in the configured segment.


Target Platforms

This section lets you choose the target platforms for your campaign. The following options are available:

  1. Android
  2. iOS
  3. Web

Select the Web option to run a Web Push campaign.

Note: You can not run Web Push campaigns when you select Device Triggered or Location Triggered campaigns from the Create New Campaign page. 


Control Groups

This section contains information about control groups for the campaign. To exclude users in the control groups, do the following:

    • Enable the  Global control group toggle to exclude the users in the control group from the campaign's target segment.
    • Enable the Campaign control group to exclude a fixed percentage of users in the campaign from the campaign's target segment. Specify the percentage of users to be excluded from the campaign in the box below the toggle. 
    • For more information about control groups, refer to Control Groups.

Click Next or use the tabs on the top of the Create Campaign navigation to move to Step 2.

Step 2: Define Content

This section contains various fields where you can define the content of your campaign. You can create the message you wish to show in the web push notification. A preview of the message is shown on the right half of the screen.

The various parts of a web push campaign are:

arrow_drop_down Basic Details
  1. Message Title: Enter the title of the campaign.
  2. Message: Enter the content you wish to display in the campaign.
  3. Redirect URL: Enter the URL where the user will get redirected after clicking on the Web Push notification. 
  4. Auto Dismiss Notification: You have the option to dismiss the notification automatically after 8 seconds. If you do not enable this option, the user will see the notification until they have interacted with it (either removed or opened it).
  5. Image: This is the image that is attached below the message of the notification. You can either upload an image from your computer or enter a URL for your image. 


arrow_drop_down Buttons
Buttons enable you to add a maximum of 3 calls to action to your messaging. You can add a button by following the steps below:
  1. Click + Action button.
  2. Title: Give a title to your button. If you want to use the button to let the user go to their cart, you can call the button "Check Out".
  3. Icon (Optional): Add an icon to your button. MoEngage allows you to upload an image from your computer.
  4. URL: Enter the URL where your user will be redirected to after they click the button. 
You can add up to a maximum of 2 action buttons in a push message. The Web Push notification is treated as an action button by default by the browser.  

Screenshot 2022-09-20 at 12.59.39 PM.png

arrow_drop_down Advanced
Icon Image: This is the icon displayed in the push message. You can either select the default icon (present in Web Push settings) or upload a new image. 

MoEngage recommends that you verify your web push message displayed in the preview and then click next to set the schedule and goals of the campaign.



You can view your Web Push notification by clicking on the See in web browser button. This will open a preview of the Web Push notification in your own browser and device. If you want to know how the notification might look in other browsers and devices, go to this page. 


arrow_drop_down Test campaign (Optional)

Test campaigns enable previewing the campaign on a test device to ensure that your notification is conveyed in the manner that you desire.

You can test the campaign you created by selecting any of the following options and providing the value for the attribute chosen for your test user.

  • Unique ID
  • Email ID
  • Mobile Number
  • Google Advertising identifier
  • iOS Identifier for advertising
  • Device Push Token
  • Custom Segment

TestCampaign (1).png

For business event-triggered campaigns, you will be asked to enter the attributes with which the event should be triggered, as shown below. If you have mapped any business event attribute(s) to user attribute(s) or event attribute(s) in segmentation, these values have to be passed while testing the campaign. If they are not passed, the test campaign will fail.

Step 3: Scheduling and Goals

This section contains the following:

      • Delivery Schedule - Choose when the campaign should be delivered to your users and the periodicity of delivery.
      • Conversion Goals - Choose the conversion goals and revenue metrics to be tracked for the campaign.
      • Delivery Controls - Choose the advanced delivery control options such as throttling, frequency capping, and expiration settings for the notification.

Delivery Schedule

arrow_drop_down One Time
As soon as possible At specific date and time

Send the campaign immediately to the target users.


arrow_drop_down Periodic
At fixed time Send in user timezone Best time for user(Sherpa)
Choose this option to send the campaign on a specified date and time. The following fields are available in this section:
  • Campaign timezone - the timezone in which the campaign should be sent.
  • Start Date - the date on which the campaign should be sent.
  • Send Time - the time at which the campaign should be sent. Select am or pm depending on when the time of day at which the campaign should be sent.
  • Periodic - the periodicity of the campaign. You can choose from three options: Daily, Weekly, and Monthly, from the radio buttons available to the left of the screen.
    Periodicity Description
    Daily Repeat every - This option lets you specify the number of days after which the campaign should be repeated.

    Repeat every - This option lets you specify the number of weeks for which the campaign should be repeated.

    Repeat on - This option lets you specify the day(s) of the week on which the campaign is to be sent (For example, if you wish to send the campaign every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, select these days in this option).


    Repeat every - This option lets you specify the number of months for which the campaign should be repeated.

    Repeat on - This option lets you do the following:

    • Days of month - Choose this option for repeating campaigns that are date specific. Select the date(s) of the month the campaign is to be sent(For example, to send the campaign on the 5th and the 25th of a month, select the 5th and 25th in the calendar widget.).
      Note: If the selected date(s) doesn't exist in the month specified (as it is a shorter month), a campaign will be sent on the last date. (For example, if the 30th and 31st are selected and the month is February, one campaign would be sent on the 28th).
    • Days of week -  Choose this option to specify the day(s) of the week on which the campaign is to be sent (For example, if you wish to send the campaign every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, select these days in this option).


  • Ends - the date on which the campaign will end. The following options are available:
      • Never - the campaign will be scheduled to run daily.
      • On - the campaign will end on the end date specified in the End Date field.
      • After - the campaign will end after the number of occurrences specified in the occurrences field.
arrow_drop_down Event Triggered
Click Active continuously under Send campaign and do the following:
Field Description
Campaign Time Zone

Select the campaign time zone in which the campaign is sent

Start Date

Set the start date at which the campaign is sent.

Send Time
      1. Set the send time at which the campaign is sent.
      2. Select AM or PM
End Date Set the end date at which the campaign is stopped.
End Time
      1. Set the end time at which the campaign is stopped.
      2. Select AM or PM

When will event triggered campaigns be sent?

The campaign will be sent only when:

  • The event property/attribute which is being used to create these types of triggers (like the flight_time example), is in a valid date-time format. If it is not in date-time format, the string should have data in one of the supported formats. If the selected attributes do not contain data in any of these formats, the campaign won't be sent to your users. 
  • The date/time value from the attribute is greater than the time at which the trigger condition is fulfilled
  • The date/time value from the attribute is less than 30 Days + the time at which the trigger condition is fulfilled e.g. If your trigger condition is fulfilled at date D, your notification will be sent only when the attribute value is less than D+30
  • The Intelligent Delay Optimization does not work for campaigns sent on the relative timing.


arrow_drop_down Business Event Triggered
Click Active continuously under Send campaign and do the following:
Field Description
Campaign Time Zone

Select the campaign time zone in which the campaign should be sent.

Start Date

Set the start date at which the campaign should be sent.

Send Time

Set the send time at which the campaign should be sent. Select AM or PM

End Date Set the end date at which the campaign should be stopped.
End Time

Set the end time at which the campaign should be stopped. Select AM or PM

When will business event-triggered campaigns be sent?

The campaign will be sent only when:

  • The data type(s) of the user attribute(s) or event attribute(s) mapped to data type(s)the business event's attribute(s) match.
  • The attribute(s) used in segmentation is passed in the trigger request for the business event.
  • The Intelligent Delay Optimization does not work for campaigns sent on the relative timing.



Conversion Goals

You can add conversion goals to track the business metrics for your campaigns. You can track up to five conversion goals. You can choose any app event as a conversion goal activity and set more than one conversion goal. The first goal will be treated as a primary goal.

For example, if you want to track the number of customers who've purchased an iPhone after your campaign was sent. (Event - purchase event, Product - iPhone). Your conversion goal set-up might look similar to the image shown below with the following details:

      • Goal Name - iPhonePurchase 
      • App Event you wish to track- Made Purchase
      • Event Attribute/Property - product is event attribute/property 
      • Value of Event Attribute/Property - iPhone


With multiple conversion goals, you can track more than one business metric or visualize a funnel for your user actions. For example, if you want to check the following, you can do so with multiple conversion goals.

      • How many users have viewed the product page?
      • How many of them added that product to the cart?
      • How many of them made a successful order?
arrow_drop_down Tracking Revenue Performance (Optional)

With MoEngage, you can track the revenue generated by your campaigns. For example, you can track the revenue generated by your product after sending a communication. To track revenue performance, enable the Revenue Performance toggle for the conversion goal for which you want to track the revenue.

In the example here, to track revenue for orderSuccessfulevents, the Revenue performance toggle needs to be enabled. After choosing the goal, you can select the numeric attribute that captures the order's total monetary value. In the example below, cartValue contains the total order value. You can also choose the currency in which your monetary value is being reported. TrackingRevenuePerformance.png
After you choose the goal, you can choose the numeric attribute which captures the total monetary value of the order. In the example, cartValue contains the total order value. You can also choose the currency in which your monetary value is being reported. RevenuePerformance.png
Set Attribution window - You can set an attribution window ( a time period or window that is calculated from the time at which the user has received the campaign, for which you want to attribute the conversion goals to a specific campaign.) As a default, it is set for 36 hours. Say, for the example above, we set it to 5 hrs. AttributionWindow.png

Delivery Controls

Delivery Controls for All Campaigns Delivery Controls for Triggered Campaigns

This section contains the following options:

  • Ignore frequency capping - Enable this toggle to ignore the frequency capping settings. For more information, refer to Frequency Capping.
  • Ignore global minimum delay - Enable this toggle to ignore the settings for the minimum delay set for Push notifications.
  • Request Limit - We support a maximum throughput of 250K requests per minute. If multiple campaigns are running in parallel, then we might not be able to support throughput for all the campaigns and campaigns might be delayed



Advanced Settings

The following options are available in this section:

Expiration Settings - let you specify an expiry value for the push notification. To set the push expiry value, enter a value in the Expire notifications after field. 



Your campaign is now ready to be sent. Click Publish and confirm in the dialog box that opens up to create the campaign.

Once the campaign has been created successfully, the Campaign Info page will be displayed.



If you want to learn more about how to analyze the data for your Web Push campaign, go through this page: Push Analytics and Info 




Next Steps

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