Although MoEngage can ingest any amount of data that is being sent to us, we enforce certain limits on how you are tracking this data to ensure that the changes you make in data integration do not hamper the sanity of your data in MoEngage and for you to have a seamless experience while using this data to create and analyze your campaigns and user trends.
Limits on Events and Attributes Tracked in MoEngage
The below limits apply when you track data in MoEngage:
Type | Limit | Handling for overage |
Unique Events | 512 | Events not tracked in the last 60 days will be removed first, and then new events will be blacklisted if the limit is still breached. |
Unique User Attributes | 256 | New User Attributes will be rejected if limit breaches |
Unique Event Attributes | 100 per event | Only the first 100 event attributes will be ingested. |
These limits don't represent any volume limits for Events / User attributes, these only represent the unique number of custom events / attributes that can be tracked, from a fair usage policy standpoint. If you need to exceed the above limits, do reach out to your Customer Success Manager or write to us at In case you are already breaching these limits, we will not blacklist existing events and attributes automatically, but if you send new events and attributes, these will get blacklisted based on the logic mentioned in the above table. Do reach out to us in case of any issues here.
Limits on Event & Attribute Names and Values
The following table lists the limit values on events, attribute names.
Key | Character Limit | Limit Breach Handling |
Event name length | 200 | Store the first 200 characters only. |
User attribute name length | 200 | Store the first 200 characters only. |
User attribute value length | 512 | Store the first 512 characters only |
Event attribute name length | 200 | Store the first 200 characters only. |
Event attribute value length | 512 | Store the first 512 characters only. |
Supported Datatypes
MoEngage will accept the below datatypes for attributes:
Key | Allowed Data Types | Other Datatypes |
User Attribute Value | Integer, Float, Double, Long, Boolean, String, Datetime, Array<Long>, Array<Int>, Array<Double>, Array<Short>, Array<Float>, Array<String>, Object, Array of Objects | Ignore |
Event Attribute Value | Integer, Float, Double, Long, Boolean, String, Datetime, Array<Long>, Array<Int>, Array<Double>, Array<Short>, Array<Float>, Array<String>, Objects, Array of Objects | Ignore |
Additional Information for Data Tracking in MoEngage:
- For lists, each element can be a maximum of 512 characters and a maximum of 50 elements per list.
- For sending an attribute of datatype - datetime, please use the ISO 8601 date format (e.g. 2020-05-31T16:33:35Z) while sending data from our Data APIs and use our SDK date functions when sending data from the SDK directly. Please check with your Customer success team in case you are not able to send a certain ISO 8601 supported formats, the most commonly accepted formats are %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ; %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ
- If your attribute value is a URL and this exceeds the allowed character limit of 512 characters, we will reject the value completely. This is done to ensure that your image and URL personalization do not break.
For Arrays, the Array datatype should be homogenous (all the values in an array should be of the same datatype), and data typecasting is supported at an array level. For more information about typecasting, refer to Data Typecasting.