The Campaign Analytics page can be used to visualize the performance of your campaign.
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Information All the metrics are calculated and displayed in the App's Timezone. |
Accessing the Web Personalization Analytics Page
Follow the steps below to access the Experience Analytics page:
- Navigate to the MoEngage dashboard and click Engage in the left panel.
- Click Campaigns to view all the campaigns you've created.
Click the row that displays the Web Personalization campaign for which you wish to see the analytics information.
The following sections are available on the new screen:
Campaign Details
This section gives you an overview of the Web Personalization campaign details as follows:
- Campaign name and type
- Campaign ID
- The date and time when the campaign was created
- The user who created the campaign
- Status of the Campaign
- Option to edit/duplicate/pause/play the campaign
The following metrics are displayed to show how the campaign has performed:
- Date Range - The period for which the campaign will be tracked.
Attribution Type - Displays the campaign statistics based on the attribute selected from the dropdown. To attribute conversions to this campaign, MoEngage supports three different models as described below:
- View Through - Conversion event performed after viewing the message.
- Click Through - Conversion event performed after clicking the message.
- In Session - Conversion event performed within 30 minutes of viewing the message.
Web Personalization campaign analytics consists of the following components:
Aggregate Campaign Statistics
The aggregated campaign metrics for the selected date range, attribution type, and platform are described as follows:
- Impressions - Number of times a message from this campaign was shown.
Clicks - Number of times a message from this campaign was clicked.
- CTR - Click-through rate, calculated as CTR = Clicks / Impressions
- Close - Number of times a message from this campaign was closed.
- Conversion Events - Total Number of times the primary conversion goal was performed after an impression/click of this campaign's message. The number will vary as per the attribution type selected.
Conversions - Total Number of times the primary conversion goal was performed after an impression/click of this campaign's message. The number will vary as per the attribution type selected.
- CVR - Conversion Rate, calculate as CVR = Conversions / Impressions.
Campaign Revenue
You can now define a revenue attribute along with your primary conversion goal while creating an on-site messaging campaign as shown below -
Once defined, you will be able to see the below metrics on the campaign analytics page which will tell you the exact revenue that your campaign is driving.
- Total Campaign Revenue - This represents the total revenue generated through this campaign.
- Average Order Value - Average order value represents the average value of conversions through this campaign. Average Order Value = Total Campaign Revenue / Total Conversion Events.
- Average Revenue Per Converted User - This represents the total revenue generated by each user who performed the conversion event. ARPCU = Total Campaign Revenue / Total Conversion
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Information You need to set the revenue attribute in your Conversion Events to be able to see this revenue information in campaign analytics. |
Campaign Performance
This section provides a graphical representation of the time series data of how the campaign metrics have varied in performance (Impressions, Clicks, Conversions, and Conversion Events) over a specific period.
The time scale is represented as per your app timezone.
To examine more concise data, you can select a certain Time Scale (in Hours, Days, Weeks, and Months) within the chosen period.
You can also switch to a tabular view of the campaign statistics by selecting the table radio button.
Conversion Goals Statistics
This section highlights the number of Total Conversions and Unique Conversions of the Primary conversion goal, as well as the performance of each conversion goal.
In your Web Personalization campaigns, you can now add up to 5 conversion goals and view the performance of each conversion goal in this section.
Here, the conversion goal marked as (Primary) is the primary conversion goal that you had configured while creating the campaign.
You can switch between the Aggregate and Time Series view for different display styles of the data.
A summary of the Web Personalization campaign is shown in this section to help you understand the users you segmented, the message you included in the campaign, the start and end time of your campaign display, the platforms you chose to deliver your campaign, campaign tags, and campaign goals.
It also allows you to check the message preview(in JSON format) on the chosen platforms.