Default Android SDK

This article lists all information that MoEngage Android SDK collects by default. 

Default Events

MoEngage Android SDK collects the following events:

Event Name Description
User Logout Tracked when a user logs out of the app or website, or when the user does reset.
Viewed Web Page Tracked when a user visits a web page. Select the page URL as an event attribute to find the number of users visiting a particular page or use it to set up a "Drop-off capture" Event-Triggered Web Push.
Notification Received Android Tracked when a user receives a notification on the Android device.
Notification Clicked Android Tracked when a user clicks the notification on the Android device.
In-App Shown Android Tracked when an In-App message is shown to the user on the Android device.
In-App Clicked Android Tracked when a user clicks an In-App message on an Android device.
In-App Closed Android Tracked when a user dismisses an In-App message by clicking the close button on an Android device.
In-App Rating Done Tracked when a user submits a rating through an In-App campaign.

Default User Attributes

MoEngage SDK provides helper methods or APIs for tracking the commonly used or tracked user attributes. You must use the helper methods for tracking these attributes. The following is the list of attributes for helper methods:

  • User ID
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Full Name
  • Email ID
  • Mobile Number
  • Gender
  • Location

For information on using the helper methods, refer to Track User Attributes.

Device Information 

MoEngage Android SDK collects the following device attributes:

Identifier Optional
OS Version No
API level
Model Name No
Product Name Yes
Google Advertising Identifier (GAID) Yes
GAID tracking status Yes
Carrier Yes
Device Density Yes
Device Width
Device Height Yes
Android Id Yes
Network Type No
Device Timezone No




  • The MoEngage SDK tracks certain device data, some of which are optional. By default, these optional attributes are disabled or 'opted-out'. To enable these optional attributes, call the corresponding methods in the MoEngage SDK.
  • Device information is collected but not available for analysis as of now on the MoEngage Dashboard.

For information about MoEngage-generated events and attributes, refer to Derived Events and Attributes.

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