

An item catalog is a prerequisite for creating and using recommendations. It is a comprehensive list of all your business offerings with their relevant details, such as products, services, flights, articles properties, restaurants, dishes, and social media feeds.


The Catalog feature allows you to create and manage item catalogs. You can connect your item catalog to MoEngage and utilize the item information in your campaigns.

Create Catalog

To create an item catalog, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Content > Catalogs from the left navigation. The Catalogs page is displayed.
  2. Click Create Catalog.
  3. In the Enter catalog name field, enter a name for the catalog.
  4. Click Create.

As you land to the newly created catalog, you'll notice the option to 'add feed' to populate your catalog. These feeds serve as data sources, providing a list of items and assisting in keeping them updated.


Feeds act as the data source for item information in the catalog. Feeds allow you to upload, update, or sync item information. They contain a set of items fetched or uploaded from a source.



Whether you have a single feed for all items or multiple feeds for different purposes, MoEngage offers the flexibility to fulfill your specific requirements.

Types of Feeds

Feeds provide detailed attributes of the items, such as ID, title, link, and image link. The following are the feed options:

  1. Manual Upload: The manual upload option in the Catalog feature allows marketers to upload a CSV file containing item listings. This method is suitable for situations where marketers want to perform a one-time upload of their item information.
  2. URL Upload: Marketers can establish a connection with their external catalog and sync it with MoEngage by defining the catalog source URL. This enables timely synchronization and updates of relevant item attribute information. With options such as daily, weekly, or hourly intervals, marketers can ensure their item information remains up-to-date in MoEngage, making it ideal for almost real-time or frequent updates to the item catalog.

Adding Feeds to Catalogs

To add feeds to catalogs, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Content > Catalogs from the left navigation. The Catalogs page is displayed.
  2. Click the Add feed button for the desired catalog.
  3. Choose one of the following feed upload options:
    1. Manual upload: To manually upload a CSV file, select the Manual upload option. Select the CSV file containing your item listings.

    2. URL upload: To sync your catalog file, define the file source URL of your catalog. MoEngage supports CSV, TSV, and XML files with any HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and SFTP connection URL. You can choose from daily, weekly, or hourly sync options to keep your item information up-to-date in MoEngage.


MoEngage expects the following mandatory attributes with every feed:

  • id
  • title
  • link
  • image_link

Click this sample CSV file for a catalog that supports feeds:

Feed Upload States

After you add a feed to a catalog, the feed upload action can have the following states:

  • Success: The Feed is uploaded successfully and is available for use in the Catalog.
  • Pending: The Feed is currently being processed.
  • Processed with Error: There are some errors with some of the items in the uploaded feed. The feed is uploaded partially.
  • Error: There was an error during the feed upload, and the feed is not uploaded.


Here are the most common reasons for errors or failures that you may want to prevent.

Once the feed has successfully updated, a summary catalog report will be visible at the top of the catalog page. This report includes:

  • Total items:This displays the current total count of items present in the catalog.

  • Total items: The count of data source(s) feeds configured to populate and update the catalog.
  • Last updated on: This information tells you when the catalog was last updated. In cases with multiple feeds, this will reflect the most recent feed update time.
  • Last updated status: This indicates the status of the most recent catalog update. If multiple feeds are in operation, it features the status of the most recent feed processed.
  • Next update on: This indicates when the catalog is scheduled to be updated next. In a situation where multiple feeds are configured for a catalog, the last and next update to catalog can happen from two different feeds.


After successfully uploading the feed(s) to the catalog, navigate to the Items tab to view a comprehensive list of items. The Items tab allows you to view item details for 200 sample items. If you're looking for a particular item from the entire list of items in your catalog, use the search option in the Items tab.

Search Items

The Items tab has a search functionality to assist you in finding a particular item quickly.  Follow these steps to effectively search for items in your catalog:

  1. Locate the search bar under the Item tab.
  2. Enter the search term associated with the unique ID, title, or description of item you are trying to locate in the search field.
  3. Press enter on your keyboard.

The search will immediately filter the list to display only the items that correspond to your search criteria. The search function includes a comprehensive examination of unique item IDs, titles, and descriptions in search results.

After finding the desired item, you can view more details by clicking the item in the list.

Catalog Update Alerts

The alert management system meticulously tracks catalog updates, instantly updating marketers about the status of updates. It issues notifications for completed updates and provides insightful error messages for any failures. These error messages are critical in maintaining data quality and facilitating issue resolution. The catalog update alerts can be triggered for feed processing success or failure:

  • Whenever a feed file is successfully processed, the system sends an email indicating the completion of the process. Importantly, it includes detailed statistics about the processed items, such as the count of newly added, updated, or deleted items. Additionally, in instances where some items could not be processed, the system generates a report with the unprocessed items count and its primary reasons.
  • In case of any failure in processing, the alert management system provides error messages. These messages are important because they explain what went wrong during the file processing, thereby providing insight to help rectify the issue.

You can subscribe for the catalog update alerts from the Manage Alerts option in the catalog page.

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Manage Alerts

  1. Go to Content > Catalogs from the left navigation. 
  2. Click the specific catalog you wish to configure update alerts for.
  3. In the catalog page, click Manage alerts at the top section. The Catalog update alerts pop-up window is displayed.
  4. In the Email address field, set up the desired email addresses to subscribe for the update alerts. Please ensure to press Enter after adding each email address. You can configure a maximum of 50 email addresses.

  5. Under Notify on, mark the checkboxes corresponding to the desired alerts type based on the preference.
  6. Click Save to save the subscription preferences.

Any feed processing undertaken after the 'Save' action will automatically trigger the stipulated email alerts to the subscribed email addresses.



When you create a new catalog, your email address will be automatically subscribed for catalog update alerts. To modify these subscription preferences, visit the 'Manage alerts' section at the top section of the catalog page.


arrow_drop_down What is the maximum number of items, catalogs, and feeds an account can have?

An account can have a maximum of one million items for a monthly tracked user (MTU) of less than one million or an account can have a maximum of five million items for an MTU of less than five million.
An account can have a maximum of 30 catalogs in an account.
A catalog can have a maximum of 200 feeds.

arrow_drop_down Which feed file format types are supported?

We support feeds in CSV, TSV, and XML(RSS 2.0-compliant) formats, with the character encoding required to be utf-8.

arrow_drop_down What is the maximum number of columns a catalog can have?

We support feeds having a maximum of 50 columns.

arrow_drop_down What is the maximum size of a feed that can be imported with Scheduled URL?

You can upload a file size of up to 2.5 GB for each scheduled feed either as a one-time scheduled upload or with a daily or weekly refresh frequency. However, for an hourly refresh, the feed files of up to 200 MB are supported.

arrow_drop_down What is the maximum size of a feed that can be uploaded manually?

We support manual feed upload of file sizes up to 64MB.

arrow_drop_down What happens if my feed URL server is down?

The system makes an attempt every 10 minutes to fetch the feed and stops after five failed attempts.

arrow_drop_down Is there any limitation with respect to column names?

We do not support the period or dot operator in the column names.

arrow_drop_down Which types of feed URLs are supported?

We support feed upload via HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, or SFTP URLs.

arrow_drop_down Can we use Google Sheets to update Feeds?

Yes, we do support the upload of Feeds through Google Sheets.

1. Select Feed update through the Scheduled URL option

2. Keep the URL public in Google sheet sharing settings.

3. Add the Google sheet with the URL params as export?format=csv. For example

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