Campaign Attribution Settings

Configuring Attribution Settings



  1. The Last Interaction model is a Beta feature. If the Last Interaction model is not enabled for you, refer to Campaign Attribution Settings to configure attribution settings for your campaigns. To enable the Last Interaction model for your account, get in touch with your CSM.
  2. We've revamped our dashboard settings UI. Conversion and Attribution settings are available in Settings -> Advanced settings -> Conversion and attribution. For more information, refer to Summary of Changes - Settings UI Revamp.

To configure the attribution settings:

  1. If you are on the revamped settings UI, navigate to Settings -> Advanced settings -> Conversion and attribution. If you are on the old settings UI, navigate to Settings -> App -> General -> General Settings -> Attribution Settings.
  2. The following fields are available:
    Field name in Old UI Field name in Revamped UI Description
    Attribution model Default Attribution Model

    Choose the attribution model for your campaigns and flows by selecting one of the following:

    • All Interactions
    • Last Interaction

    For more information about how each of these models works, refer to All Interactions model and Last Interaction model.

    Default Attribution Type Conversion view

    Each attribution model has certain attribution types associated with it. Based on the attribution model chosen, you get the following options in this dropdown list:

    • The All Interactions model has the following options: View Through Attribution, Click Through Attribution, and In Session Attribution.
    • The Last Interaction model has the following options: Click Through Conversion and Total Conversions.
  3. Click Save. You are prompted for confirmation about changing the attribution model or type. Click Done.

    You get a success message, as shown in the following image.

    SuccessMessage (1).png

Switching Between Attribution Models

When you switch between attribution models, the campaign statistics pertaining to conversion are recalculated based on the model chosen.

Revamped UI Old UI


For example, if the current setting is the All Interactions Model and there are campaigns with the same conversion goals and overlapping attribution windows, more than one campaign could get the attribution for the conversion. For more information, refer to All Interactions Model.

However, if the setting is changed to the Last Interaction Model, only the campaign with the deepest and latest attribution gets the attribution for conversion. Thus, some campaigns may experience a dip in conversion and revenue metrics when there is a switch from the All Interactions Model to the Last Interaction Model. Similarly, when there is a switch from the Last Interaction Model to the All Interactions Model, some campaigns may experience inflation in the conversion and revenue metrics. 

Switching Between Conversion Views

When you switch between conversion views, the metrics are shown for the attribution type selected in the Default Attribution Type in the Campaign Analytics and Info page changes based on the attribution type chosen.

Revamped UI Old UI


For example, when the attribution model is All Interactions, and the default attribution type is View through attribution, the Campaign Analytics page shows calculated based on view through attribution. When you change the default to click-through, the statistics shown are for click-through attribution.

You can, however, change the attribution type in the Attribution Type filter in the Analytics section to see the metrics for other attribution types, as shown in the image below.


Adding Conversion Goals to Campaigns

You can define the conversion goals during the third step of campaign creation for all channels. To add a conversion goal to a campaign:

  1. Click CG_NewGoal.png in the Conversion Goals section.
  2. In the Goal name field, add a name to the goal.
  3. In the Event Name dropdown list, select an event to be associated with the goal.
  4. In the Track goals for section, add the attribution window (the duration from the time user received/clicked the campaign, for which a conversion goal will be tracked.)for the campaign. For more information, refer to Attribution Window.
  5. You can add multiple conversion goals to a campaign. You can track a maximum of five conversion goals for a campaign.
  6. Use the Primary goal option to specify any of the goals added as the primary goal for the campaign.

For example, you want to track the number of customers who have purchased an iPhone after you send the campaign. (Event - purchase event, Product - iPhone). Your conversion goal setup might look to the goal in the following image:


With multiple conversion goals, you can track more than one business metric or visualize a funnel for your user actions. For example, you can check the following with multiple conversion goals:

  • How many users have viewed the product page?
  • How many of them added that product to the cart?
  • How many of them made a successful order?

Tracking Revenue Metrics

You can track revenue metrics for the primary conversion goal of a campaign. Enable the Revenue performance toggle for the primary goal.

Attribution Window

The attribution window is the duration for which the conversion goal is tracked for users from the time they receive or click a communication from a campaign or Flow.

For example, there is an end-of-season sale campaign offering discounts to customers with a conversion goal of purchasing a product (Product Purchase event) and an attribution window of 36 hours. John is a user who receives the campaign at 7 PM today. If John purchases a pair of jeans tomorrow at 10 PM, he is said to have converted. This conversion is attributed to the end-of-season sale campaign because John has achieved the conversion goal within the attribution window specified for the campaign. If John purchases the pair of jeans at 7:30 AM the day after tomorrow, the conversion is not attributed to the campaign.

The attribution windows for various channels and Flows are specified below:

Channel Name Maximum Attribution Window
Push 36 hrs
SMS 10 days
Email 10 days
WhatsApp 10 days
InApp 36 hrs
OSM 36 hrs
Cards 36 hrs
Connectors 36 hrs
Flows 10 days

The minimum value for the attribution window is 1 hour for all channels and Flows.

Now that you have configured your attribution model and type, go to our Campaigns and Channels Section to create campaigns on various channels.

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