User Profile

User Profile is a 360° view of a user you are saving with MoEngage. User Profile stores data you collect about your users such as their first name, email address, subscription status, or the pages they visited on your website.

User Profile is created and updated anytime a user opens your app or website that has MoEngage SDK, or you upload user information through the UI or via API.



Although MoEngage can ingest any amount of data, we follow a fair usage policy for data tracking and archiving, to prevent any misuse.

Accessing User Profile

 Two ways to access the User Profile on the MoEngage dashboard.

      1. Navigate to Create Segment in the MoEngage dashboard and search for the users by ID, Email, Mobile Number, or MoEngage Id. This search provides the list of users, matching the search text with the provided fields. Clicking on any of the rows will open the user profile.User_Search_1.gif
      2. Navigate to Create Segment in the MoEngage dashboard. Segment users based on the desired criteria. Query results are shown in the Recent Query section; click on any of the circles in the Sample User section of a query result to open up the user profile for the respective user.User_Search_2.gif


  • Any query in the user profile is performed using the server time, and the query result displays the event time.
  • Event time is displayed in the User Profile and not the server time.

For more information, refer to Event Time and Server Time.

User Identification

The first section shows the introductory information about the user. This section has the First Name, Last Name, Email Id, Mobile Number, MoEngage ID, and ID of the user. It also shows if the user is registered or not.

All of these details of a user are categorized into two primary sections - User Info and User Activity.

User Info

The user info section consists of all the information about the user and user properties.


Basic Info

Basic information about the user derived by MoEngage, is listed first in the User Info section and consists of Lifecycle, Conversion, Acquisition, and Location information.


Reachability shows whether the user can be reached/connected through various channels like push, email, and SMS. The green tick mark on the Push card shows at least one platform or device on which this user is reachable. The red exclamation mark represents the user is not reachable on the respective platform or channel.

Use Test Push, Test Email, and Test SMS buttons to quickly send the test notification to the user. Test Push and Test Email send a preconfigured Push and Email, respectively. Test SMS requires the user to fill in the text message, as laws in a few countries (i.e. India) require whitelisted text to send the SMS.

Know more about reachability here.

User Attributes


All user attributes wrt the user are listed in this section. These attributes are present in the User Properties dropdown while segmenting the users. These user properties are grouped into respective categories. The 'mo' symbol in front of the user attributes represents that the respective user attributes are derived/generated by MoEngage.

To perform a quick search for any user property, hover over a user property & click on the COPY button to copy the attribute value. Click the Download button to download all user attributes in a CSV file.

The list of all user properties and related information can be found here.

User Activity

User activity shows all the events and event attributes performed by the user, sorted by the event execution time. The default view shows the event list sorted in the Latest First order with the event attributes collapsed, which enables the quick view.



User activity can be filtered on various parameters to analyze desired events and sections of the user profile. The filters are:

      1. Date Range Filters
      2. Platform Filters
      3. Event or Campaign Filters

These filters can be combined to have the desired view of the user profile.


Event Filters
User activity can be filtered for up to 5 events. Any event and respective attributes present in the account can be used to filter the user activity. This is very similar to filtering user activity present in segmentation.

Campaign Filters
Campaign activities for a user can be quickly filtered out using the Campaign filters, and respective campaigns such as Email, Push, SMS, etc., or All Campaigns can be viewed. It filters out the respective campaign events performed by the user.

Usability Features

With the user activity page, multiple usability features have been included. These features are explained below - 


      1. The activity timeline can be sorted on Latest First or Oldest First Order. Your preference is saved on your device.
      2. Collapse all for a quick event list view and Expand all for a detailed event attribute view. Your preference is saved on your device.
      3. View the time difference between any two consecutive events.
      4. Just below the event, Event Source, Event Platform, and Event category are displayed.
      5. Perform quick navigation by Goto Top and Goto Bottom buttons.
      6. Easily copy any attribute value using the COPY button by hovering over the attribute.
      7. Open the campaign details page with a single click from the user campaign activity
      8. Dotted lines between two events represent the day change
      9. View Interstitial Events between any filtered events
      10. Download the filtered event and event attribute by clicking on the Download button (available in the top right corner of the User Activity -> Events section, as shown in the image below.Download_Option.png


  1. All actions (events) performed by the user in the last 30/60 days (based on plans and data center) are available under the Activity Info of the User Profile, even though events may be available for segmentation for a longer period.
    Soon, events for the entire retention duration will be available in the user profile for most of our customers.
  2. Device attributes (Device Density DPI, Device Height, Device Manufacturer, Device Model, Device Screen, Dimension, Device Width, Network Type, OS Version) and Source attributes (utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign, utm_id, utm_content, utm_term) are not available in the event in the user profile.
  3. PII (Personally Identifiable Information) marked attributes are shown as Private in the User Profile. Know more.


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