The Funnels module within MoEngage Analytics offers comprehensive insights into user conversion across web and mobile applications. This feature enables an in-depth understanding of user interaction at various stages of the customer journey, providing valuable data for optimizing user engagement strategies.
A funnel represents a series of events that lead to a specific goal. For instance, when a user opens an e-commerce mobile app with the intention of purchasing products. Funnel analysis is mainly used to measure conversions based on particular user actions.
You can easily visualize and download tabular reports for in-depth analysis. These reports help in evaluating conversion rates at each stage of the funnel and in assessing the overall performance of your product.
Funnels Overview
Funnels help answer questions like:
How many users searched for a hotel on my travel application and booked one?
How many times did users view a notification, click on them, and then convert?
What percentage of users who visited a particular product on my e-commerce app bought it?
How many times do users are playing a game before moving to the next level?
How much time do users take to purchase a product?
At what stage of the buying process are most users dropping off?
Create Funnel
To create a funnel,
Navigate to MoEngage Dashboard > Analyze > Funnels.
Create funnel steps
Filter users to analyze funnels
Set the funnel options
View the funnels reports
Funnel Steps
- Select the event of the funnel step from the drop-down menu.
Click Add Filters to create filters for the funnel steps. For more information on filters, refer to Funnel Filters.
- Select appropriate filters
- From the Filter By section.
- Select the Case Sensitive checkbox if you want the report to match the exact case of the value you specify.
- Click Add Step to create new funnel steps.
- Use the arrow icons to move a step up or down and order the funnel steps.
- Click Exclude Events to remove events from funnel steps.
Funnel Step Filters
Use filters to narrow down the funnel to specific attributes. The attributes are Event Attributes, User Attributes, Device Attributes, or a combination of them. For more information on attributes, refer to Derived Attributes.
Any step of the funnel can have filters depending on what data you want to segment. Adding multiple filters, you can choose to apply all of the filters or just one of them. Click AND or OR to choose multiple filters.
The funnel step usually has a single event. In a few cases, the funnel step can have multiple different events. When there are multiple paths for the users to achieve the same goal, multiple different events are in one single step.
Funnel OR Events
Funnel steps are A → B → C and A → D → C. The funnel starts at A and ends at C but has two different paths. Using OR event these two paths can be combined into one funnel: A → (B OR D) → C. Users who perform at least one of B or D events will qualify for this funnel.
Users navigate to the home page users and perform a search or open specific category items. Both the paths lead to checkout and then purchase. The funnel analysis is performed using the OR event functionality. The funnel is defined as the Home page → (Search OR Category view) → Checkout → Purchase.
Install → (Login OR Signup) → Category Selected → Subscribed to newsletter.
(Login OR Signup) → (Promotion viewed OR Category Clicked) → Content List Viewed → (Song Played OR Video Played).
Events filters can be added to any of the OR events.
Exclude Events
Exclude events are used to remove the event sequence from the analysis. Exclude event is a negative funnel step when the user moves forward in the funnel even if the user has not performed the selected event.
Exclude events enables users to move to the next step in the funnel only if they do not perform the specified events between the specified steps. If the users perform the excluded event in between the selected steps, the funnel for the user will end there.
You can:
Add exclude events between any two consecutive steps.
Add Multiple exclude events.
For example, the step Not Done is the exclude event:
Search → Category Viewed → Not Done Promotion Clicked → Add to Cart → Purchase.
App Open → Home Page Viewed → Not Done Playlist clicked → Song clicked → Song Played
Payment Initialed → Not Done Coupon applied → Purchased<></>
Filter Users
Click All Users or Filter Users by in Filter Users to sort the set of users for the funnel.
Click Exclude Users to remove users from the funnel.
Custom Segment Analysis
Funnel analysis is performed on all users or a group of users available in your MoEngage system. A Group of users is created using User Properties, User Activity, Custom Segments, or any combination. For more information, refer to creating user segments and custom segments.
Funnel Options
From the Funnel Type drop-down, select one of the following to configure the funnels.
Funnel-Unique Users
Funnel-All Occurrences
Time to Convert-Unique Users
Time to Convert-All Occurrences
Frequency-Unique Users
Frequency-All Occurrences
For more information about funnel configurations, refer to Funnel Types.
- In Funnel Split, from the drop-down, select the step and the attribute to divide the funnel to get specific information.
For more information about the split funnel, refer to Funnel Split. - In Holding Attribute, from the drop-down, select the step and the attribute to
For more information about hold attributes, refer to Hold Attribute. - Click Strict Order to ensure the analysis in the funnel is applicable only when there is an adherence to the sequence or order of the steps followed.
For more information about strict order, refer to Strict Order. -
Select the Funnel Window to define the difference between the first step and last step of the funnel.
For more information about the funnel window, refer to Funnel Window. -
In Duration, select one of the following to define the time to perform the funnel analysis.
This month
Last month
The custom range for last days, weeks, and month format.
Click Apply.
Funnel Split
Funnel split analysis compares the funnel based on the event attribute values. Funnel analysis is compared to the event attribute of any step. The funnel analysis is divided into values of the event attribute and the analysis is represented in tables and charts.
Comparison or funnel split analysis is performed because not all step events are the same and not all attributes in different steps are the same. Three different types of split analysis are available in MoEngage Funnels to perform the analysis. You can compare up to three attributes for all split by analysis. The unique combination of the attribute values is considered one funnel.
Funnel analysis is performed for each value of the attribute and represented in the chart and table.
Following are the funnel split options:
All Steps
In the split analysis for All Steps, an event attribute (name of the attribute) should be part of all step events of the funnel (including OR and exclude events). All funnel events are first filtered for a specific attribute value and then funnel analysis is performed on the steps.
For example:
Analyze and compare a campaign funnel based on the campaign name.
Analyze and compare app events funnel based on the platform.
First N Steps
In the split analysis for First N Steps, an event attribute (name of the attribute) has to be present in the first N step events of the funnel (including OR and exclude events).
Funnel analysis is performed for each value of the attribute up to the Nth step and for the events after the Nth step system does a forward filling and completes funnel analysis. In forward filling, one event may get attributed in multiple funnels.
For example, analyze the campaign to conversion funnel and compare the campaign name till the step where the campaign name is available.
Nth Step
In the split analysis for the Nth Step, event attributes of the selected Nth step are available for analysis. Ensure that the event attribute is present in all OR events of the step.
For Nth step split funnel analysis, the system performs backward filling, forward filling, or both as required (depending on the step selection). In the analysis, you may find a value Not reached Step N, which means the funnel has not reached the Nth step in the funnel analysis.
For example, compare funnel analysis on any one of the step event attributes.
warning |
Compare by or Split by is not available for Predictive Insights (Sherpa) attributes i.e. Best time to send, Most Preferred Channel, and Prediction attributes. |
Hold Attribute
Holding Attribute Constant funnel analysis is performed for each attribute value of an event not on the funnel at the event level. Funnel analysis is performed for each attribute value:
When an attribute is carried through multiple steps of the funnel.
For example, product id in checkout funnel or campaign id in campaign funnel. -
All step events have the same attribute present.
For example, campaign id or product id.
For example, if a user converts two times in a funnel with two different product ids, then
The funnel option Funnel - Unique Users displays only one conversion,
The funnel option Funnel - Unique Users with holding attribute constant on product id displays two conversions, one for each product id.
You can select up to three attributes for all Hold Attribute analyses. The unique combination of three attribute values is considered an entity.
Funnel Window
The funnel window provides the time taken to complete all the steps. By default, the funnel window is set as one day.
For example,
Calculate how many users opened the app (first step) and then made a purchase (last step) within five minutes by setting the funnel window to five minutes.
Use Funnel Window to set the attribution time window for any funnel.
Calculate how many users are converting within 1 day, 1 hour, and so on.
Strict Order
Strict Order considers user events or activities based on the sequence defined in the funnel steps. The strict order funnel provides the number of users who have performed all the steps in the funnel in provided order without performing any of the steps out of order.
The funnel option, Funnel - Unique Users, provides the number of users who have performed all the steps in the funnel in the defined sequence. A user is counted in the funnel, if the funnel steps sequence matches with the user event or activity order, regardless of the event or activity order performed.
Funnel with steps as A → B → C will count users who have performed steps in the following order:
A → B → C or
A → Z → B → C or
A → X → B → Y→ Z → C
X, Y, and Z are other events or activities not specified in funnel steps and do not affect funnel calculation, even if they are performed in between steps.
A user performing A → C → B → C is removed from the strict funnel after step 1 (A) as the user has performed step 3 (C) before step 2 (B).
Example for the strict funnel
Remove users from analysis when the user clicks on the second campaign before completing the first campaign funnel.
Remove users searching for different products after viewing a product.
The strict order is also applicable to all other funnel types.
Funnel Reports and Visualization
Funnel Types
Funnel Option contains six different funnel configuration settings.
Funnel - Unique Users
The funnel type Funnel-Unique Users provide a count of users who have completed the funnel steps. The funnel type counts each user only once even if the user performs the funnel steps many times. If any user performs funnel steps multiple times, the funnel in which the user has performed the most number of steps, that is the best conversion for the user, is considered for analysis.
The graphical representation provides the number of unique users counted according to the selected granularity. The bar chart has a unique user for the entire selected time duration. The daily line chart has a unique user for the selected day, similarly for Hourly, Weekly, and Monthly line charts.
For example -
Count of unique users who converted the funnel.
Count unique users at each step.
Funnel - All Occurrences
The funnel type Funnel-All Occurrences counts all of the funnels performed by all of the users. In this funnel type, each occurrence of the funnel step is counted as a funnel. For example, the Step 1 event starts a funnel. If a user has performed multiple funnels, all of the funnels with the respective completion steps are counted in the analysis.
The funnel type counts all the first step events and funnel completion for each event. The uniqueness of the event is only looked at in the first step. From the second step onwards each event is counted in multiple funnels.
Strict order can be used with Funnel - All Occurrences to count the funnel till the funnel reaches completion.
The conversion count of Step 2 and the following steps, can be higher than the event count in the selected duration. As one single event of a higher step is part of multiple funnels even if all the lower step events are performed before step 2.
For example,
Analyze View-through and Click-through attributions of any campaigns or from any event.
Time to convert - Unique Users
The funnel type Time to convert-Unique Users provides the distribution of time taken by users to complete the selected funnel steps.
In the case of a single user, the system considers the least time taken between the selected steps even though the user has completed these steps multiple times.
Time to convert analysis can be performed between Step 1 to any step in the funnel that is Step 1 to Step 2, Step 1 to Step 3, Step 1 to Step n, or any consecutive steps such as Step 2 to Step 3, Step 3 to Step 4, Step n to Step n+1.
Two different types of distributions are available:
Auto Distribution
Provides time taken for each percentile of users who have completed the selected steps.
For example, how much time is taken for 50% of the user conversion? Here the X-axis provides the user percentile (1 to 100) and Y-axis provides the respective time to convert. -
Custom Distribution
Customizes the time buckets and provides the number of users converted for the selected step within the time bucket. A maximum of 25 buckets can be analyzed in a single analysis. Distribution buckets include the lower boundary point and exclude the upper boundary point.
For example,
How much time do users take to complete the funnel?
How much time do users take to reach a specific step?
Identify how much time it takes for the top 1, 5, 10, or n % of the users or conversions to complete the funnel or complete any step.
Time to convert - All Occurrences
The funnel type Time to convert-All Occurrences provides the distribution of time taken by all occurrences of the conversion for the selected steps.
In the case of a single user, the system considers the conversion time of all the conversions between the selected steps even though the user has completed these steps multiple times.
Time to convert analysis can be performed between Step 1 to any step in the funnel that is Step 1 to Step 2, Step 1 to Step 3, Step 1 to Step N, or any consecutive steps such as Step 2 to Step 3, Step 3 to Step 4, Step n to Step n+1.
Two different types of distributions are available:
Auto Distribution
Provides time taken for each percentile of users who have completed the selected steps.
For example, how much time is taken for 50% of the user conversion? Here the X-axis provides the user percentile (1 to 100) and Y-axis provides the respective time to convert. -
Custom Distribution
Customizes the time buckets and provides the number of users converted for the selected step within the time bucket. A maximum of 25 buckets can be analyzed in a single analysis. Distribution buckets include the lower boundary point and exclude the upper boundary point.
For example, identify steps that take more time to complete and optimize them.
Frequency - Unique Users
The funnel type Frequency-Unique Users provides the distribution of the number of times (frequency) a step is performed before the next step.
In the case of a single user, the system considers the least frequency for the analysis.
Frequency analysis can only be performed between two consecutive steps that are Step 1 to Step 2, Step 2 to Step 3, and Step n to Step n+1.
Two different types of distributions are available:
Auto Distribution
Provides frequency of performing a step before the next step for each percentile of users.
For example, how many times users have viewed the product before purchasing it for 50% of the users. Here the X-axis provides the user percentile (1 to 100) and Y-axis provides the respective frequency count. -
Custom Distribution
Customizes the frequency buckets. Provides the number of users for the selected frequency bucket. A maximum of 25 frequency buckets can be analyzed in a single analysis. Distribution buckets include the lower boundary point and exclude the upper boundary point.
Frequency - All Occurrences
The funnel type Frequency-All Occurrences provides the distribution of the number of times (frequency) a step has been performed before the next step.
In the case of a single user, the system considers all the transitions (all the frequencies) for the analysis.
Frequency analysis can only be performed between two consecutive steps i.e. Step 1 to Step 2, Step 2 to Step 3, Step n to Step n+1.
There are 2 different types of distributions available:
Auto Distribution
Provides frequency of performing a step before the next step for each percentile of users.
For example, how many times users have viewed the product before purchasing it for 50% of the users. Here the X-axis provides the user percentile (1 to 100) and Y-axis provides the respective frequency count. -
Custom Distribution
Customizes the frequency buckets. Provides the number of users for the selected frequency bucket. A maximum of 25 frequency buckets can be analyzed in a single analysis. Distribution buckets include the lower boundary point and exclude the upper boundary point.
Changing the Visualization
Chart Types
Switch the chart view for better visualization depending on the type of data. You can choose between a Line Chart, Area Chart, or Bar Chart to view progress, compare volumes over a time period, or compare absolute numbers respectively.
Charts show a maximum of 20 different entities. The remaining entities are available in tabular format. By default, Funnels is shown in a bar chart for the selected time period. To view the funnel with different granularity, select Line/Area Chart and select the granularity.
You can also break down the report into the granularity of Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly for easy visualization. Funnel users will be displayed based on the granularity you select.
Add to Custom Dashboard
All the analyses performed on the Behavior, Funnels, Retention, and Session & Source sections of MoEngage Analytics can be added to the custom dashboard as reports & charts by selecting Save chart to the dashboard or Save table to the dashboard from the Save dropdown.
For more information, refer to Custom Dashboards.
Downloading Reports
Download the report after viewing the report. The charts are downloaded in PNG format and the table is exported in CSV format.
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Note Sorting is available for the following funnel types for column charts:
You can organize and analyze the data in the funnel table without relying on external tools. To sort the data, click the column header in the table. The data in that column will be sorted in ascending or descending order.
Transpose Table
You can transpose the table, that is, view and download the table in your preferred format by shifting its vertical and horizontal orientation.
Actionable Analytics
Funnel analysis is transformed from just informative to actionable through actionable analytics. The insights provided by Funnels can be saved as custom segments, and you can take the following actions on custom segments:
- Create Campaign
- Analyze Segments
Click on any column to engage the respective users. On the Create Segment popup, select Dynamic segments to have the relative date range, or select Static segment to have a fixed date range for your segment. Provide the Segment name to save the insights (thus users) as a custom segment.
Click on Create a campaign for this segment to use this segment in the desired campaigns.
Click on Analyze this segment to directly use this segment in the desired analysis types.
Actionable insights are not available for hourly granularity at this point.
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