Alert Analytics

Alert Analytics comprises 2 sections: Request Performance and Channel Performance.

The Request Performance section of the dashboard gives you information about the number of requests received, their statuses, error stats for the requests, and trends.

Filter Requests

You can filter the statistics available by specifying the period for which you want to analyze the performance using the Date Range option.

The following options are available in the Date Range filter:

    • Today
    • Yesterday
    • Last 7 Days
    • This Week
    • Last Week
    • Last 30 Days
    • This Month
    • Last Month
    • Custom Range
    • Last ‘X’ Days/Weeks/Months

Request Performance

This section helps you understand the API level metrics and performance as illustrated below.


Stats available

This section shows the number of requests received by the Alert API for a given Alert ID and has the following metrics:

    1. Total requests received
    2. Count and Percentage of requests processed successfully by MoEngage (sent to your chosen Email / SMS service provider)
    3. Count and Percentage of requests that failed to be processed and sent by MoEngage

Error Table

The Request (API level) errors are shown in a table as illustrated below.

The error table contains the following information:

    1. Error code
      This field contains the error code returned by the API for the request.
    2. Error
      This field contains information about the type of error encountered while processing the request.
    3. Description
      This field contains a description of the error returned by the API for the request.
    4. Count(%)
      This field contains the number & percentage of errors (as a total of total errors) encountered for each error type.

For example, if there is an invalid alert ID in the request (when the Alert ID of a stopped Alert is used in the request), the error table is as follows.


List of Possible Errors

Here is a list of possible errors that may occur at the API level.

Error Code Error Description


Bad Request

This response  is returned in the following cases:

  1. When the payload is empty or contains extra values (when Email is configured and SMS is sent) or when an unknown channel name is added to the payload)
  2. When an invalid Alert ID (inform_id) is being sent or when a test Alert is sent to the Live endpoint and vice-versa
  3. When the channel information in the payload is incorrect (when the Payload contains information about channels that are not configured in the Alert).
  4. When the transaction id exceeds the allowed character limit.
  5. When the Alert ID of a paused or stopped or archived Alert is used in the request.


Authorization Failed

This response is returned when the authorization fails due to incorrect values for the APPKEY and HTTP Auth Header.


Duplicate Request

This response is returned when a request is sent with the same transaction id as a previously successful or in-progress request within a 5-minute interval.


Rate Limit Reached

This response is returned when the number of requests per minute has exceeded 10k.


Internal Server error

This response is returned when the system runs into an unexpected error.

Time Trends

The Trends section showcases the performance of the Alerts based on the following granularities:

  • Hours
  • Days
  • Weeks
  • Months

For example, in the images shown below, the number of requests received and the number of requests that were sent for an Alert are shown in weekly time intervals.


The channel performance is available for all the channels configured in the Alert.

Stats available

This section varies according to the channel. The channel-level metrics and error details are available here.

SMS Stats Email Stats Push Stats WhatsApp Stats


The following stats are available for the SMS channel:

  1. Total Requests Received
    This is the total number of requests received for a given Alert with SMS channel details as part of the payload. In the case of Alerts with multiple channels, this number denotes the number of requests with SMS as part of it.
  2. Requests Processed Successfully (Sent)
    This is the total number of SMS requests processed successfully or sent to the vendor successfully.
  3. Delivered
    This is the total number of requests that have been delivered to the user. This is only available for Alerts employing native SMS connectors in MoEngage.
  4. Clicks
    This is the total number of clicks by all the users (who have received the messages) for the links in the message. In cases where multiple links are present in the message, this will show the aggregate of total clicks across all links.
  5. Delivery Failed
    This is the total number of requests for which the SMS notification has not been delivered. This information is passed on to the SMS vendor and can represent various reasons like the Recipient is unreachable, the Inbox full, and so on. For more information, refer to Common SMS Errors.

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