Push Analytics and Info


All the metrics are calculated and displayed in the App's Timezone.


Navigation: Engage -> Campaigns -> Click on the row that displays the information about the campaign for which you wish to see the analytics information.

The following sections are available on the screen that opens up:

  1. Campaign Details - contains information about the campaign and its status. For more information, refer to Campaign Details.
  2. Analytics - contains information about the various metrics that are tracked for the campaign and has the following sections:
  3. Info - contains information about the campaign's target segment, channel-specific information, content, preview, and delivery schedule. For more information, refer to Campaign Info.

Campaign Details

This section contains the following information:

  • Campaign type
  • Campaign ID
  • Campaign creation and updation details
  • Team information
  • Approver's list/ Approved by/ Rejected by (if CAF is enabled)
  • Campaign status - A campaign can have the following states: Active, Expired, Not Sent, Paused, Scheduled, Sending, Sent, and Stopped. If Campaign Approval Workflow (CAF) is enabled, two more states are possible for campaign status: Under Review and Rejected.

Actions allowed in the Campaign Details section

Action Description
Refresh This action loads the page afresh with the campaign's details as of the moment.
Edit This action lets you edit the campaign. For more information, refer to Edit Push Campaigns.
Duplicate This action lets you duplicate the campaign and opens the campaign editor page with all the details of the current campaign. 'Duplicate -' is appended to the duplicate campaign's name.


This action lets you approve a campaign under review if CAF is enabled. This action is available only for users who are added to the list of reviewers for the campaign. For more information, refer to Campaign Approval Workflow.


This action lets you reject a campaign under review if CAF is enabled. This action is available only for users who are added to the list of reviewers for the campaign. For more information, refer to Campaign Approval Workflow.


This action is allowed when the campaign is in the 'Sending' state and lets you stop the campaign.


Campaign Analytics

The analytics section contains information about the performance stats and revenue metrics.

Global Analytics Filters

These filters are applied to all the sections in the Analytics tab.

  • Date Range- Select the date range for which you want to view the performance stats.
  • Attribution Type- Select the attribution type (Click through, In-session, and View through) to view the analytics information for the specified attribution type. The default attribution type is View through attribution. Refer to the paragraph below for information on attribution types. For more information, refer to the paragraph below.
  • Platform- Select the platform for which you want to view the performance stats. The default is 'All platforms' in case the campaign is targeting multiple Platforms.


Attribution Types - You can track your conversion via three methods: View through, click-through, and in-session attribution. With conversion tracking, marketers can see which campaigns have led to achieving business goals (conversion goals for the campaign). If a customer clicked your push and converted, it would be termed a click-through conversion, and if a customer saw your push and didn't click it but converted afterward, it would be termed a view-through conversion. In-session conversions are those conversions that were made within 30 minutes after the notification click.

For example, consider the case where three customers, namely Users A, B, and C, received your push message from campaign C1.

  • User A clicked on the message and did the conversion event within 30 minutes (we assume it to be the same session) of clicking.
  • User B clicked on the message and did the conversion event 2-3 hours after clicking.
  • User C saw your message, later launched the app directly, and made the conversion.

When you attribute this conversion to campaign C1, User A is direct attribution, while User B and C are indirect attributions.

Attribution Type Description Example
View through

The view through attribution is an Impression based tracking and is displayed by default when campaign analytics is loaded. View-through attribution is the total number of conversion goals executed by users who received your communication within the configured attribution window from the time of receiving the campaign. This appears as a default filter in your Campaign Performance.

If the user received your push message at 7 am and your Attribution window was 12 hours, the user conversion events till 7 pm will be attributed to this campaign using View-Through Attribution.
Click through

Click-through attribution is click-based tracking. Click-through attribution is the number of conversion goals executed by users who clicked the notification within the configured attribution window from the time of click.

If the user receives your push message at 7 am, clicks it at 8 am, and your Attribution window is 12 hours, the user conversion events till 8 pm are attributed to this campaign in Click-Through Attribution.

The in-session attribution is based on In-session tracking. The in-session attribution is the number of conversion goals executed by users within 30 minutes after clicking your communication.

If the user receives your push message at 7 am, clicks it at 8 am, and your Attribution window is 12 hours, the user conversion events till 8:30 am (within 30 minutes of starting the session) will be attributed to this campaign in In-Session Attribution.


Attribution Window - Attribution Window is the duration calculated from the time a user receives or clicks the campaign having specific conversion goals. For example, two campaigns with a conversion goal as a purchase are created. Campaign C1 at time H hours and campaign C2 at H+12 hours. The customer achieves the conversion goal for purchase with the campaigns C1 and C2 at time H+15 hours. The conversion of customers is attributed both to C1 and C2.

In MoEngage campaigns, the maximum attribution window is 36 hours. When you send more than one campaign with a difference of less than 36 hours, then set the attribution window:

  • Lesser than 36 hours
  • With the duration difference in sending the campaigns.

For example, if you are sending campaigns at the difference of 12 hours, then set the attribution window as 12 hours.

Campaign Performance Stats

Campaign performance provides the impact of the push campaigns. Some campaigns contain the impact of Push Amplification (Push Amp+ or Push Amp) on these metrics. For more details, please check these articles for Push Amp or Push Amp+.
withoiut rectanghle campaign perfom stst.png
Actions that can be performed in the stats section

  1. Choose the number view or the percentage view to see the stats as numbers or percentage values.
  2. View the unique or total occurrences of stats by selecting Unique or Total in the dropdown at the top of the section.
  3. Pin metrics - you can pin the metrics you want to see using the Pin metrics dropdown at the top right corner. You can pin up to five metrics. The selected metric pins are available in the Pinned metrics section. Click Show all metrics to see all the metrics being tracked for the campaign and Hide unpinned metrics to see only the pinned metrics for the campaign.


The following campaign performance stats are available:

  1. Conversion Metrics - These metrics pertain to the conversion goals set for the campaign. The higher these metrics, the more effective your campaign! The conversion metrics tracked for your push campaigns are shown in the table below.
    Metric Description
    Converted Users

    This metric shows the number of unique users who have completed the primary conversion. Converted Users were previously called Conversions. This metric displays the number of times users converted from each campaign notification. For campaigns having only one recurrence, conversion represents unique users who have accomplished the primary conversion goal event at least once within the attribution window. For active campaigns, conversions represent the number of unique users converted per instance of an active campaign. Higher conversions indicate higher effectiveness of your campaign in driving the business goals. 


    1. If a user receives one Campaign Instance on Day X and another on Day Y and converts once on both days, the conversions are counted as two (instead of being counted as one in the previous version.)
    2. If a user receives one campaign instance on Day X and converts twice from the same campaign, conversions will be counted as 1.
    3. If a user receives two campaign instances of the same campaign on Day X and converts for both of them, conversions will be counted as 2. 
    Event (Primary)

    This metric shows the total number of primary conversion goal events within the attribution window (configurable) from the time user received the notification.

    You can also view the uplift percentage in the event primary card. For more information, refer to Uplift in Campaigns.

    Event (Primary) for Event-Triggered, Location-Triggered, and User-Level Transaction PushThe conversions for active campaigns are several conversion events from all campaign notifications. The metric is the cumulative primary conversion events after the start of the first campaign.


    Suppose a user receives a notification for a purchased campaign. If the user made two purchases, then the conversion events are two.

    Conversion Rate(CVR)

    This metric shows the percentage ratio of users who have performed the conversion event. The conversion count is tracked as Unique. Higher conversion events indicate higher effectiveness of your campaign in driving the business goals.

    CVR for the various attribution types are listed below:

    • View through attribution CVR = ((Unique conversions) / (Total impressions)) * 100
    • Click through attribution CVR = ((Unique conversions) / (Total clicks)) * 100
    • In-session attribution CVR = ((Unique conversions) / (Total clicks)) * 100
    Revenue Metrics

    There are three revenue metrics for your campaign if they are enabled for the primary goal.

    • Total Campaign Revenue is the sum of the total order value across conversion events attributed to the campaign.
    • Average Order value = (Total Revenue/ Number of conversion events)
    • Average Revenue per user = (Total Revenue/ Number of unique conversions)

    These revenue metrics are tracked for all attribution types- View through, Click Through, and In-session attribution.

  2. Delivery Metrics - Three delivery metrics are tracked for your push campaigns. They are:
      • Attempted - This metric shows the number of users who qualified for the campaign and for whom MoEngage tried sending the message. Attempted users count is derived from ‘Active Device Tokens’.
      • Sent - This metric represents the Sent rate and shows the percentage of campaigns that were sent out of the campaigns that were attempted to be sent by MoEngage. Sent rate is calculated as (Sent/Attempted)*100.
      • Failed To Send - This metric represents the Failed rate and shows the percentage of campaigns that failed out of the campaigns that were attempted to be sent by MoEngage. Failed rate is calculated as (Failed To Send/Attempted)*100.
  3. Engagement Metrics - Two engagement metrics are tracked for your push campaigns, and they are shown below.
    Metric Description

    Impressions represent the number of user devices that have received the notification sent by the marketer. The impressions are counted based on the devices the user has got the notifications set on the devices. For example, the impressions are counted as two in both of the following examples:

    1. User with two Android devices and receives notifications on both the devices
    2. User with one Android Device and one iOS device

    The impressions are counted as two in both examples. Higher impressions represent a higher reach of your notifications.



    • For iOS campaigns, the impressions are counted differently based on the 'Show iOS Impressions Toggle'. When the toggle is turned off, the Sent number equals Impressions in Campaign stats. When the toggle is turned on, the Impressions will show the impression count, which is based on the Notification Received iOS event.
    • MoEngage captures Impressions as an event (Notification Received iOS) and is available in Segmentation or Analytics.

    Clicks represent the total number of notifications clicked by the users after the notification delivery. The clicks are counted based on the devices the user has got the notifications set on the devices. For example, if a user has two Android devices:

    • Receives notifications on both devices
    • Clicks these notifications on both devices

    Then the clicks are counted as two. Higher click numbers suggest that the users who received your notification message found it interesting and ended up clicking it. It might be because of the appeal of your message, timing, or relevance to the end user. Lower numbers represent the opposite.

    Click through Rate

    The percentage ratio of total clicks for push notifications successfully sent.

    Note: This metric is available only when Total occurrences are chosen in the dropdown at the beginning of the Campaign Performance Stats section.

    Click through rate = ((Total clicks) / (Total Impressions)) * 100

Time Trends

The campaign performance stats are represented graphically (chart view) or in a tabular view in this section. You can:

  • View the information in the following granularities:
      • Hours
      • Days
      • Weeks
      • Months
  • Export Chart
  • Switch between table and chart view

For periodic campaigns and business-event campaigns, you can view the aggregated stats based on the granularity chosen in a chart/table first. The stats for the child campaigns are shown below the aggregated stats as shown below.




The attributes used in the trigger for business event campaigns are available in the tabular view (as a separate column) and in the graphical view (listed as a metric that can be seen on hovering over the respective child campaign).

Locale and Variation Performance

You can see the breakdown of performance metrics (Impressions, Clicks, Conversions, Conversion goals) across each locale (including the default locale) and variation, allowing you to assess and compare the effectiveness of the various locale and variation combinations. You can view the uplift percentage on the tabular view of Locale/Variation performance. For more information, refer to Uplift in Campaigns.

You can choose the metrics for which you wish to see the comparison in the metrics dropdown and filter using the following mechanisms:

  1. Group by locale - Lists performance of the metrics selected for each variation grouped by the locale. Hover over the bar graph to understand how each variation has performed for the specified metric in a locale.


  2. Group by variation - Lists performance of each metric in all locales grouped by the variation. Hover over the bar chart to understand how each locale has performed for the specific metric in a variation.  GroupByVariation.png

Conversion Goals Performance

You will be able to see this section when you have set more than one conversion goal for your campaigns. The section compares the performance of goals set by the marketer for the campaign.

Total Conversions: Will show all goal events for the respective goals i.e. if a user made a purchase twice, it will be shown twice. It is the equivalent of conversion events covered in the sections above.

Unique Conversions: Goals are unique across the users converted per campaign instance. It is the equivalent of the Conversions metric covered in the sections above.

You can view the uplift percentage in the tabular view of Conversion Goals performance. For more information, refer to Uplift in Campaigns.
Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 4.46.14 PM.png

Campaign Delivery

The metrics can be viewed as numbers with the percentages shown above them:


Funnel Stage What it represents
Reachable Users in Segment

Represents the total number of users that satisfy the campaign segmentation criteria and have at least one active push token (against any of the mobile devices or web devices)

For triggered campaigns (Event/Device/Location triggered), this represents the total number of triggers such reachable users have received and not unique reachable users.

After FC Removal Represents the number of users who meet the reachable users in segment condition and do not breach Frequency Capping (FC) criteria.
Active Device Tokens

Represent the number of active tokens available across all eligible users (users who satisfy these conditions - No breaching of FC, Are reachable, and so on). The active device tokens can exceed 100% as multiple devices could be associated with the user.

Sent Represents the number of devices for which notification was sent successfully to GCM or APNS. Please note that this number does not guarantee that GCM/APNS can deliver to these many devices.
Impressions Represents the number of user devices that have received the notification sent by the marketer.

Error breakdown

This section details the number of campaign delivery failures and their reasons. For more information, refer to Troubleshooting Common Push errors.


Personalization Errors

You can see personalization errors in the Failed to send error category in the Error Breakdown Table. Click See breakdown in the Name column for Personalization errors to get a detailed view of the number of users for whom personalization has failed and their reasons.

Personalization Failed.png

Personalization errors can be classified into the following categories:

Error Category Description

User Attribute

This denotes the unavailability of the user attribute used in personalization either because it is not available in the system (for example, copy-paste errors) or it is not available for the specific user. For example, if the first_name user attribute is used in personalization and it is not available for a user, this will result in a User Attribute error.

Event Attribute

This denotes the unavailability of the user attribute used in personalization either because it is not available in the system (for example, copy-paste errors) or it is not available for the specific user. For example, if the product_name event attribute is used in personalization and it is not available for a user, this will result in an Event Attribute error.

Campaign Attribute

This denotes an unavailability of campaign-specific information used in personalization. For example, if campaign tags have been used for personalization and the campaign tag attribute is missing, this will result in a Campaign Attribute error.


This denotes errors that happen when MoEngage is unable to fetch the value for the attribute used in personalization. For example, if the image attribute is unavailable for a specific product in a product set, this will result in an Undefined error.


This denotes any error that does not fall into any of the categories mentioned above.




The number of failures listed in the Personalization Failed category under Failed to Send denotes the unique number of users for whom personalization has failed. In some cases. this might differ from the count shown in the Personalization failure analysis UI as multiple failures can happen for the same user and they might be counted under each of the failure categories shown in the UI. For example, if a user were to have a user attribute and event attribute failure, they would be counted for the number of failures in both these sections in the analysis screen while they would be counted as one in the Personalization Failed section.

Personalization Failure Analysis.png

Content API Analysis

In the case of a response other than 2xx, you will see the error code or the response of your Content API in the Content API analysis section below the error breakdown table, as shown below.

Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 2.00.50 PM.png



If the Content API being used in the campaign does not provide a 2xx/successful response, campaigns might still be delivered if the empty response has been handled in your JINJA code added in Step 2 of Campaign Creation (the content/message creation step).

Best Time to Send

BTS campaigns use MoEngage's AI SHERPA to estimate the best time to deliver a push campaign to a specific user based on their past engagement trends. For more information, refer to BTS.

This section showcases the stats for users for whom the campaign was delivered at the following times:

  • BTS
  • Default time
  • App's most active time


Time Zone Based Delivery

This section showcases information about the timezone in which the campaign was sent to the users. The following information is available:

  • The number of users for whom the campaign was sent in their app's timezone
  • The number of users for whom the campaign's default time zone due to time lapse


Campaign Info

You can view the information about the campaign sent using the Campaign Info tab.

Timeline Geofences Audience Trigger criteria Scheduling Conversion Goals

Timeline indicates the time taken for various stages in publishing the campaign and gives a view of the current state of the campaign. This section is available for One Time and Periodic campaigns and contains information about the following:

  • Segmentation Query - contains information about when the segmentation query was started and when it was completed.
  • Campaign ready - contains information about when the campaign was ready to be sent out from MoEngage post the required internal processing. For ASAP campaigns, this time will represent the campaign sending time. For scheduled campaigns with Pre-compute selected, this will differ from the campaign scheduled campaigns.
  • First sent - contains information about when the first batch of notifications was sent from MoEngage and when the first message or notification was sent.
  • Last sent - contains information about when the last message or notification was sent for the campaign.


Preview and Content

This section contains information about the message template, click actions, and content defined for the notification content during the second step of campaign creation. You can also preview the notification as it would be rendered on the user’s devices for the chosen platforms.


This section has the following information for each platform:

  • Locale - You can preview the notification for the various locales added.
  • Variation - You can preview the notification for the variations added. Basic details include template type, message title, message, summary, click action, redirect URL, and so on.
  • Advanced details such as whether auto dismiss or timers are included in the message, badge count, badge image, and so on.

You can see a preview of the message with the following options:

  • Collapsed Mode
  • Expanded Mode
  • Dark Mode
  • Light Mode

Campaign Events



Campaign events may not match with the campaign stats because of the different methods with which they are calculated.


Name Description Channel / Platform
Notification Dropped* Tracked when a notification is dropped. Notifications are dropped when they are not meant to be attempted due to a variety of reasons such as, the user is not opted-in, frequency capping, minimum delay, campaign control group, global control group etc.

This event will also contain additional attributes to further bifurcate between reasons to drop
Android, iOS, Web
Notification Failed Android* Tracked when a user fails to receive a notification on an Android device. These notifications may fail because of content error, or personalization error, or they may also fail because of rejection from sending services like FCM. Android
Notification Failed iOS* Tracked when a user fails to receive a notification on an iOS device. These notifications may fail because of content error, or personalization error, or they may also fail because of rejection from sending services like APNS. iOS
Notification Failed Web* Tracked when a user fails to receive a notification on a web device. These notifications may fail because of content error, or personalization error, or they may also fail because of rejection from sending services. Web
Notification Sent Android* Tracked when the Notification sending service accepts to send the notification on an Android device. Android
Notification Sent iOS Tracked when the Notification sending service accepts to send the notification on an iOS device. iOS
Notification Sent Web* Tracked when the Notification sending service accepts to send the notification on a web device. Web
Notification Received Android Tracked when a user receives a notification on an Android device. Android
Notification Received iOS Tracked when a user receives a notification on an iOS device. iOS
Notification Received Web Tracked when a user receives a notification on a web browser. Web
Notification Clicked Android Tracked when a user clicks a notification on an Android device. Android
Notification Clicked iOS Tracked when a user clicks a notification on an iOS device. iOS
Notification Clicked Web Tracked when a user clicks a notification on a web browser. Web

* These events are enabled only on request. To request enablement of these events, raise a support ticket.

The events Notification Dropped, Notification Failed Android, Notification Failed iOS and Notification Failed Web contain additional attributes to help identify the reason why a notification was dropped or failed as seen below:

  • Reason group - Defines the category of the reason why this notification was dropped or failed.
  • Reason - Describes the specific reason why this notification was dropped or failed as seen in the failure breakdown table on the Campaign Info page.
  • Code - Gives a specific non-changing code for the reason.
Reason Group Reason Reason Code
Reachability Users removed as No Device was found 101
Reachability Users removed as No Active Device Token was found 102
Campaign Controls Users removed due to Frequency Capping 201
Campaign Controls Users removed due to DND 202
Campaign Controls Users removed due to Global Control Group 203
Campaign Controls Users removed due to Campaign Control Group 204
Campaign Controls Users removed due to Minimum Delay 205
Campaign Controls Users removed due to Campaign Level Minimum Delay 206
Campaign Controls Users removed due to Atmost Notification 207
Campaign Controls Users removed due to Deduplication 208
Content Errors Grouped code for Personalization failure errors 301
Content Errors Grouped code for errors related to Timer and Timer with Progress bar templates 302
Sending Errors Grouped code for all errors when a notification attempt is rejected by the sending service such as FCM, APNS, Huawei or Web push 501

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