When you want to send WhatsApp Messages using MoEngage, use the templates that are already approved or whitelisted (directly or by the WhatsApp Service Provider or BSP) by WhatsApp in the MoEngage Platform.
Add Templates to MoEngage
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Note Ensure that you have access to all the approved WhatsApp templates before adding templates to MoEngage. You can access the templates from the BSP Dashboards. |
To add your already approved/whitelisted WhatsApp templates in MoEngage, go to MoEngage Dashboard -> Settings -> WhatsApp -> Approved Templates. Click + Template in the UI.
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Note MoEngage does not validate your templates when you save them. Hence please make sure that they are matching exactly to your whitelisted templates else your campaign may fail because of template mismatch. |
Template Settings
- Name (mandatory) - Enter the template name exactly similar to what you have on the BSP side. The name can be up to 100 characters
- Service Provider (mandatory) - Choose the service provider from the dropdown (or your BSP) with which you want to send this templated message. Please know that WhatsApp templates are approved on the WABA level which can belong to only 1 BSP. So select the BSP to which the template is approved with
- Sender Profile (mandatory) - Choose the sender profile to which this template is approved with. You can select multiple sender profiles if they are from the same BSP and are under the same WABA
- Language (mandatory) - It is the language of your template. Should be similar to what you have on the BSP/WSP side
Category (mandatory) - Category of the template. WhatsApp allows sending messages that belong to one of the following categories:
- Marketing
- Utility
- Authentication
Template Content
Message templates can be of 3 types
- Text
- Media (Image, Video, Document, Location) and
- Interactive (Quick Reply and Call to Action).
They are largely formed from 4 key components viz.
- Header,
- Body,
- Footer and
- Buttons.
As supported by WhatsApp, selective fields can be configured as:
Static - Static fields are fixed on the Template level. For example, static images can be used to send the same image in all messages to target users across all campaigns where this template is used.
Dynamic - Dynamic fields are flexible and can be configured during campaign creation. A dynamic image can be used to personalize for each campaign or each user in that campaign.
Dynamic Link Tracking - Dynamic link tracking allows you to track clicks on buttons with Navigation as an action. This is available only for Navigation buttons and for Gupshup as a provider.
Headers are optional and can be of the following types:
- Text (up to 60 characters, can include 1 placeholder)
The non-text header can be static or dynamic. They can use a fixed image or document link or personalized image/document for every user. Dynamic fields will be available for configuration at the time of campaign creation.
Here are supported media types, media formats, and file sizes that MoEngage supports:
Content-Type | Supported Format and file size |
Image |
The supported image types are |
Document |
The supported document type is |
Video |
The supported file types are |
Body content is required and is a text field only. Bodies can contain up to 1024 characters and can be registered as plain text, or text with placeholders
For Example:
Hi {{1}},
We've received a payment of {{2}}.
Please reply here if you need any help.
The variables {{1}} or {{2}} can be replaced by using the personalization details to personalize the message for your audience
Footers are optional and are a text field only. Footers can contain up to 60 characters.
Buttons are optional and templates can only contain one or the other button type. Button text can be up to 25 characters. The following button types are available:
- Quick replies - You can have up to three quick reply buttons per message. Predefined replies which are set during template approval
Call-to-action - You can have up to two call-to-action buttons per message one for each action. Supported actions are Call a number and Visit a website.
Template Management
To manage all your WhatsApp Templates, go to MoEngage Dashboard -> Settings -> WhatsApp -> Approved Templates. Once a template is added, you can manage your templates depending on if they are in use or not by a campaign.
Template Usage | Allowed Template Actions |
Template not being used inside any campaign | View, Edit, Duplicate, Delete |
Template being used inside any campaign |
View, Duplicate |
Sync Templates from Vendors to MoEngage
MoEngage enables you to sync templates from configured partners to the MoEngage platform. Syncing templates will automatically retrieve all updated templates from the partner portals since the last updated time.
To sync templates:
- Go to MoEngage Dashboard > Settings > WhatsApp > Approved templates.
- Click Sync Template in the top right of the Approved templates tab.
After the sync is complete, one of the following messages is displayed:
- Sync successful: All templates from connectors are synced to MoEngage successfully. You can see the summary of successful changes and also view the templates based on last updated time.
- Sync failure: Templates sync from connectors to MoEngage failed. You can see the reasons for unsuccessful sync.
- Mixed sync results: Templates sync from connectors to MoEngage is partially successful. For templates that are synced successfully, you can see the summary of successful changes; for templates that failed to sync, you can see the reasons for failures.
The following is the list of statuses after template sync:
Status | Description | Next Possible Actions |
Created | The template you created on the vendor portal is submitted for approval, but Meta is yet to approve it. Meta can approve or reject the template. | You can create WhatsApp campaigns using this template. |
Approved | The template you created on the vendor portal is approved by Meta. | You can use the approved template to create WhatsApp campaigns. |
Rejected | The template you created on the vendor portal is rejected by Meta. |
You cannot use the rejected template to create WhatsApp campaigns. When you edit a rejected template in MoEngage and save it, it will move to the Manually approved state. If the template is not exactly the same as the template on the vendor portal and you create WhatsApp campaigns using this template, the campaign creation will fail because of template mismatch. You must:
Suspended |
After the initial sync of templates from the vendor portal to MoEngage, during subsequent sync:
Click the ellipses icon and select View usage. The Active campaigns pop-up is displayed showing the campaigns created using this template.
Manually approved |
When you edit a template in MoEngage and save it, it will move to the Manually approved state. If the template is not exactly the same as the template on the vendor portal and you create WhatsApp campaigns using this template, the campaign creation will fail because of template mismatch. |
You must update the template in MoEngage to ensure that the content matches the content in the template in the vendor portal exactly. |
info |
Common Errors
Error Message | Description | Resolution |
Invalid Authorization | The sender details you added do not have a valid user name and password, authorization key, or account key. |
Correct these details on the sender profile and sync templates again. |
Internal Server Error | This error occurs when MoEngage cannot resolve the API request. | Please raise a support ticket for resolution. |