MoEngage dashboard enables growth teams to create multiple kinds of segments. MoEngage has the following types of segments:
- Static / File Segments
- Rule / Filter-based Segments
- Custom Segments
Static / File Segment
Static segments are fixed groups of users and are used as a list of users. When a list of users is manually uploaded on MoEngage to create a segment, it is called a file segment or static segment. Learn more about File Segments in this article.
Rule / Filter-Based Segment
Rule-based segments are based on user attributes and user activity. These segments are created using rules and criteria based on user attributes or properties, events or event properties, or a combination of attributes and events. The rules or criteria are executed on the existing data to provide a group of users. Learn more about creating rule-based segments combining other segments here.
Custom Segment
The custom segment is a construct to use multiple segments as one segment and easily use it in the workflows. Custom segments are a combination of static segments, rule-based segments, and other custom segments.
Segment processing for different campaign types
Firstly, all the event processing in MoEngage happens in real time. MoEngage has the most advanced segmentation engine, with querying speed in seconds, supporting segmentation on all event properties and configurable multi-year lookback.
Computation of segments for One-time and Periodic campaigns/flows happens at the scheduled time of campaign execution itself, in seconds.
For Event Triggered campaigns/flows, segment membership can be defined in the Trigger criteria (where you can define multiple events and their properties with action / in-action filters), user properties, and past behavior segmentation and the details of the processing for those are explained below:
Trigger Criteria
This event processing layer qualifies the users in real-time based on their actions/inaction. You can include criteria for use cases like cart abandonment (user added the product to the cart, but didn't purchase in 30 mins), within the trigger criteria itself.
User Properties
User property qualification for segment membership within Event Triggered campaigns, happens in real time.
Past behavior segmentation
Real-Time Segment Evaluation
Past behavior segments that utilize data within the last 30 days are evaluated in real-time. Segments that use the User Attributes, User Events, Event attributes, and Event duration within 30 days are evaluated in real-time.
Real-time segment evaluation is available for Push (Event-triggered), Email (Event-triggered), SMS (Event-triggered), WhatsApp (Event-triggered), In-Apps, OSM (On-Site Messaging), and Flows channels. It will be rolled out soon for the remaining advertising channels.
Real-time segment evaluation within Event Triggered campaigns is an exclusive and proprietary solution developed by MoEngage. MoEngage has also secured a patent for this innovative technology
Precomputed Segments
MoEngage doesn't want to limit you to segmentation use cases only for 30 days. Hence, we offer pre-computed segments.
Past behavior segments are based on historical event data beyond 30 days (like users who have an affinity towards a given category of products based on the last 120 days' purchase data), and certain segmentation filters are pre-computed. Segment membership doesn’t change for these cohorts typically at the time of the event trigger, giving you users a real-time experience.
Any segmentation criteria that need to be evaluated in real time can be added to the Trigger Criteria. Depending on the campaign type, the frequency of pre-computing can vary from 30 minutes to a few hours and is configurable.