Connector Analytics and Info


  1. All the metrics are calculated and displayed in the App's Timezone.
  2. Connector Campaigns created in the older UI will have the analytics and info sections shown as per the older campaign analytics and info UI. For more information on the older UI, refer to Connector Campaign Analytics.


Navigation: Engage -> Campaigns -> Choose Connector in the Select Channel dropdown. Click on the connector campaign for which you wish to see the analytics information.

The following sections are available on the screen that opens up:

  1. Campaign Details - contains information about the campaign and its status. For more information, refer to Campaign Details.
  2. Analytics - contains information about the various metrics that are tracked for the campaign and has the following sections:
  3. Info - contains information about the campaign's target segment, content, preview, and delivery schedule. For more information, refer to Campaign Info.

Campaign Details

This section contains the following information:

  • Campaign type
  • Campaign ID
  • Campaign creation and updation details
  • Team information
  • Approver's list/ Approved by/ Rejected by (if Campaign Approval Flow - CAF is enabled)
  • Campaign status - A campaign can have the following states: Active, Expired, Not Sent, Paused, Scheduled, Sending, Sent, and Stopped. If CAF is enabled, two more states are possible for campaign status: Under Review and Rejected.

Actions allowed in the Campaign Details section

Action Description
Refresh This action loads the page afresh with the campaign's details as of the moment.
Edit This action lets you edit the campaign.
Duplicate This action lets you duplicate the campaign and opens the campaign editor page with all the details of the current campaign. 'Duplicate -' is appended to the duplicate campaign's name.


This action lets you approve a campaign under review if CAF is enabled. This action is available only for users who are added to the list of reviewers for the campaign. For more information, refer to Campaign Approval Workflow.


This action lets you reject a campaign under review if CAF is enabled. This action is available only for users who are added to the list of reviewers for the campaign. For more information, refer to Campaign Approval Workflow.


This action is allowed when the campaign is in the 'Sending' state and lets you stop the campaign.


Campaign Analytics

The analytics section contains information about the performance stats and revenue metrics.

Campaign Performance Stats

Campaign performance provides the impact of your connector campaigns.

Actions that can be performed in the stats section

  1. Choose the number view or the percentage view to see the stats as numbers or percentage values.
  2. View the unique or total occurrences of stats by selecting Unique or Total in the dropdown at the top of the section.
  3. Pin metrics - you can pin the metrics you want to see using the Pin metrics dropdown at the top right corner. You can pin up to five metrics. The selected metric pins are available in the Pinned Metrics section. Click Show all metrics to see all the metrics being tracked for the campaign and Hide unpinned metrics to see only the pinned metrics for the campaign.
    withoiut rectanghle campaign perfom stst.png

The following campaign performance stats are available:

  1. Conversion Metrics - These metrics pertain to the conversion goals set for the campaign. The higher these metrics, the more effective your campaign! The conversion metrics tracked for your connector campaigns are shown in the table below.
    Metric Description
    Converted Users

    This metric shows the number of unique users who have completed the primary conversion. Converted Users were previously called Conversions. This metric displays the number of times users converted from each campaign. For campaigns having only one recurrence, converted users represent unique users who have accomplished the primary conversion goal event at least once within the attribution window. For active campaigns, converted users represent the number of unique users converted per instance of an active campaign. A high number of converted users indicate that your campaign is effective in driving the business goals. 


    1. If a user receives one Campaign Instance on Day X and another on Day Y and converts once on both days, the converted users are counted as two (instead of being counted as one in the previous version.)
    2. If a user receives one campaign instance on Day X and converts twice from the same campaign, converted users will be counted as 1.
    3. If a user receives two campaign instances of the same campaign on Day X and converts for both of them, converted users will be counted as 2. 
    Event (Primary)

    This metric shows the total number of primary conversion goal events within the attribution window (configurable) from the time user received the notification.

    You can also view the uplift percentage in the event primary card. For more information, refer to Uplift in Campaigns.

    Event (Primary) - The conversions for active campaigns are several conversion events from all campaign notifications. The metric is the cumulative primary conversion events after the start of the first campaign.


    Suppose a user receives a connector campaign for a product purchase. If the user made two purchases, then the conversion events are two.

    Conversion Rate(CVR)

    This metric shows the percentage ratio of users who have performed the conversion event. The conversion count is tracked as Unique. Higher conversion events indicate higher effectiveness of your campaign in driving the business goals.

    CVR = ((Unique conversions) / (Total sent)) * 100

    Revenue Metrics

    Your campaign has three revenue metrics if they are enabled for the primary goal.

    • Total Campaign Revenue is the sum of the total order value across conversion events attributed to the campaign.
    • Average Order value = (Total Revenue/ Number of conversion events)
    • Average Revenue per user = (Total Revenue/ Number of unique conversions)ConnectorInfo_PerformanceStats.png
  2. Delivery Metrics - The delivery metrics tracked for your connector campaigns are described in the table below.
    Metric Description

    This metric shows the number of users who qualified for the campaign (after the removal of the users for whom Frequency capping was breached) and for whom MoEngage tried making the connector requests.


    This metric represents the total number of connector requests sent successfully. When a connector request is sent, the receiving server will return a response code indicating what happened with the connector request. Sent is the number of users for whom the request sent to the URL returned a 200 OK status.

    The Sent rate is calculated as (Sent/Attempted)*100.


    This metric represents the sum of the number of users for whom the response from the request URL returned a status other than 200 and the number of users for whom MoEngage did not find any value against the user/event attributes used in the Connector request.

    The Failure rate is calculated as (Failed/Attempted)*100.

  3. The table shown below summarizes how delivery metrics are marked according to the response from the request URL. Requests are not re-tried for connector campaigns.
    Response code Marked as sent Marked as failed
    200 Yes No
    Others No Yes

Conversion Goals Performance

You will be able to see this section when you have set more than one conversion goal for your campaigns. The section compares the performance of goals set by the marketer for the campaign.

Total Conversions: Shows all goal events for the respective goals, i.e., if a user made a purchase twice, it will be shown twice. It is the equivalent of conversion events covered in the sections above.

Unique Conversions: Goals are unique across the users converted per campaign instance. It is the equivalent of the Conversions metric covered in the sections above.

You can view the uplift percentage in the tabular view of Conversion Goals performance. For more information, refer to Uplift in Campaigns.


Campaign Delivery

The campaign delivery stats section helps you understand the delivery funnel and the number of users that were removed in each funnel stage. The various delivery funnel stages are explained in the table below:

Funnel Stage What it represents
Users in segment Represents the total number of users in the segment who have qualified for the campaign
Users after FC Removal Represents the number of users obtained after removing requests that have crossed Frequency Capping as defined in the FC Settings for Connectors.
After Personalization Removal Represents the number of users obtained after removing requests for which there were personalization failures.
Sent Represents the number the count of the number of connector requests that have a 200 response from the request URL.

Error breakdown

This section describes the various campaign delivery failures and their reasons. Errors are categorized under the following heads:

  • Failed to Send errors - these errors happen when the request has not been sent, and they could happen due to one of these reasons:
      • users who have been removed as they were part of the campaign's control group
      • users who were removed from the campaign owing to a Frequency Capping limit breach
      • users for whom the request URL returned a response other than 200
      • users for whom personalization attributes were not available and thus were dropped from the campaign. Click See breakdown in the Name column for Personalization errors to get a detailed view of the number of users for whom personalization has failed and their reasons.

        Personalization Failed.png

        Personalization errors can be classified into the following categories:

        Error Category Description

        User Attribute

        This denotes the unavailability of the user attribute used in personalization either because it is not available in the system (for example, copy-paste errors) or it is not available for the specific user. For example, if the first_name user attribute is used in personalization and it is not available for a user, this will result in a User Attribute error.

        Event Attribute

        This denotes the unavailability of the user attribute used in personalization either because it is not available in the system (for example, copy-paste errors) or it is not available for the specific user. For example, if the product_name event attribute is used in personalization and it is not available for a user, this will result in an Event Attribute error.

        Campaign Attribute

        This denotes an unavailability of campaign-specific information used in personalization. For example, if campaign tags have been used for personalization and the campaign tag attribute is missing, this will result in a Campaign Attribute error.


        This denotes errors that happen when MoEngage is unable to fetch the value for the attribute used in personalization. For example, if the image attribute is unavailable for a specific product in a product set, this will result in an Undefined error.


        This denotes any error that does not fall into any of the categories mentioned above.

        Note: The number of failures listed in the Personalization Failed category under Failed to Send denotes the unique number of users for whom personalization has failed. In some cases. this might differ from the count shown in the Personalization failure analysis UI as multiple failures can happen for the same user and they might be counted under each of the failure categories shown in the UI. For example, if a user were to have a user attribute and event attribute failure, they would be counted for the number of failures in both these sections in the analysis screen while they would be counted as one in the Personalization Failed section.

        Personalization Failure Analysis.png

Campaign Info

You can view the information about the campaign sent using the Campaign Info tab.

Timeline Audience Trigger criteria Scheduling Conversion Goals

Timeline indicates the time taken for various stages in publishing the campaign and gives a view of the current state of the campaign. This section is available for One Time and Periodic campaigns and contains information about the following:

  • Segmentation Query - contains information about when the segmentation query was started and when it was completed.
  • Campaign ready - contains information about when the campaign was ready to be sent out from MoEngage post the required internal processing. For ASAP campaigns, this time will represent the campaign sending time.
  • First sent - contains information about when the first batch of connector requests was sent from MoEngage and when the first connector request was sent.
  • Last sent - contains information about when the last message was sent for the campaign.



You can preview the information added in the content step of campaign creation in this section.


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