You can create alerts from the Alert Management Dashboard in MoEngage. However, you cannot create System alerts. MoEngage offers role-based access control for account admins to enable different levels of access permissions (to dashboard components) for your team members. Only those roles that have permission to create custom alerts can do so. For more information, refer to Access Permissions.
info |
Note We've revamped our Dashboard Settings. This article describes the steps to access Alert management on the MoEngage Dashboard in both the revamped and old UIs. |
Create an Alert
To create an Alert:
- Navigate to:
- Revamped UI: Settings -> Reports and Alerts -> Alert management.
- Old UI: Settings -> App -> Alert management.
- On the Alert management page, click + Create alert at the top right corner.
- Enter the following details:
Field Description Alert name This field specifies the unique name with which the Alert will be identified on the Dashboard. For example, if you wish to set up an alert for campaign expiry, you could name the alert Campaign Expiry Alert.
You can look up the Alert in the Dashboard using its name.
Create Alerts On This field specifies the type of the Alert. Alerts can be one of the following types:
- APNS Token Expiry - an alert to inform you that the APNS token's validity is about to expire.
- Campaign Expiry - an alert to inform you when the campaign is about to expire.
- Campaign Stats - an alert to inform you when the Campaign stats increase or decrease by a specified percentage or number within a specified timeframe.
- Flow Stats - an alert to inform you when the Flow stats increase or decrease by a specified percentage or number within a specified timeframe.
- Facebook Token Expiry - an alert to inform you that it is time to regenerate your Facebook token.
- Events and User Attribute Usage- an alert to inform you when the event or user attribute usage increases by a specified number.
- Events Volume- an alert to inform you when the event volume increases or decreases by a specified percentage or number within a specified timeframe.
- Active Users Volume- an alert to inform you when the active users volume increases by a specified number within a specified timeframe.
Send Alert On This field specifies how the Alert will be delivered to you. Email is the supported delivery channel. Once an alert is set up, you will receive an email when the alert condition is met. For example, if the alert has been set up to send an email when the campaign is about to expire in two days, you will receive the email alert two days before your campaign's expiry. Alert condition This field specifies when the alert should be sent. For more information, refer to Alert Conditions.
Filter by (Option available for Campaign Expiry Alert, Campaign Stats Alert, and Flow Stats Alert only) This field specifies the filter conditions for a campaign expiry alert and is used to filter campaigns expiring in 'x' days (specified in the Alert condition) on the following criteria:
- Campaigns - You can select all the campaigns or specify individual campaigns for which the alert needs to be set up. This field is available only for the Campaign Expiry and Campaign Stats Alert.
- Flows - You can select all the flows or specify individual flows for which the alert needs to be set up. This field is available only for the Flow Stats Alert.
- Channels - You can select All Channels or specify individual channels for which the expiry alert needs to be set up. This field is available only for the Campaign Expiry and Campaign Stats Alert.
- Delivery Types - You can select All Delivery Types or specify them individually.
- Tags - You can select All Tags (Campaign/Flow tags) or specify them individually.
If no filter is specified, you will receive alerts for the chosen alert types for campaigns in all channels (Campaign Expiry and Campaign Stats Alerts) or all flows based (Flow Stats Alert).
Members This field lists the email IDs of the members who will be alerted. When left unspecified, all the members will be alerted via email.
- Click Create.
After the alert is created, you will see a success message (as shown below). You will be redirected to the Alert Management Dashboard, where the newly created alert is available.
Alert Conditions
You can specify conditions for the alert being created in the Alert condition field.
Alert Type | Alert condition | Description |
Expiry Alerts | Alert the user when the token or campaign expiry is in the next 'x' days. | You can set up alerts to receive notifications on the expiration of your campaigns, APNS tokens, or Facebook tokens. |
Campaign Stats |
Alert the user when a specified metric is less than, greater than, decreases by, or increases by a specified percentage in a day or hour. |
You can set up alerts to receive notifications when there is an increase or drop in the chosen metric in a given day or hour by a specified amount. For instance, you might wish to:
Note: The stats for point channel campaigns in Flows will be available in the campaign stats alert type. |
Flow Stats |
Alert the user when a specified metric is less than, greater than, decreases by, or increases by a specified percentage in a day or hour. |
You can set up alerts to receive notifications when there is an increase or drop in the chosen metric in a given day or hour by a specified amount. For instance, you might wish to:
Events and User Attribute Usage |
Alert the user when the event or user attribute usage increases by a specified number. |
You can set up alerts to receive notifications when the chosen metric increases by a specified amount daily. |
Events Volume |
Alert the user when the event volume increases or decreases by a specified percentage or number within a specified timeframe. |
You can set up alerts to receive notifications when the event volume increases or decreases by a specified percentage or number within a specified month, week, or day. |
Active Users Volume |
Alert the user when the event volume increases by a specified number within a specified timeframe. |
You can set up alerts to receive notifications when the active user's volume increases by a specified number within a specified month. |
Supported operators
Operator | Description |
is less than | Allows you to check if the chosen metric is less than a specified number of hours or days. |
is greater than | Allows you to check if the chosen metric is greater than a specified number of hours or days. |
decreases by more than | Allows you to check if the chosen metric has decreased by a specified percentage within an hour or a day. You can also check if the specified metric has decreased by the specified percentage with respect to the moving average of the last 'x' hours or days. |
increases by more than | Allows you to check if the chosen metric has increased by a specified percentage within an hour or a day. You can also check if the specified metric has increased by the specified percentage with respect to the moving average of the last 'x' hours or days. |
Supported frequency
Option | Description |
Hour | You can check if the chosen metric is less than, greater than, increased by, or decreased by a specified number of hours. |
Day |
You can check if the chosen metric is less than, greater than, increased by, or decreased by a specified number of days. When you select this option, a message is displayed indicating when the alert will be evaluated. Note:
in a calendar month |
You can check if the chosen metric is less than, greater than, increased by, or decreased by a timeframe specified within a calendar month. For example, if you create an alert on December 9 with a greater than condition, the system checks from December 1 to December 9 to see if the chosen metric is greater than the specified value. Starting the next day (Dec 10), the system checks again from December 1 to December 10 to see if the chosen metric is greater than the specified value. This continues till December 31, and an alert is sent whenever the chosen metric is greater than the specified value. If the condition is met before the end of the calendar month, alerts will be sent daily for the remaining days of the month. This frequency is only available for Events and User Attribute Usage, Events Volume and Active Users Volume alerts. |
in a calendar week (Sun-Sat) |
You can check if the chosen metric is less than, greater than, increased by, or decreased by a timeframe specified within a calendar week. This frequency is only available for Events and User Attribute Usage, Events Volume and Active Users Volume alerts. |
The following example illustrates how you can set up an alert when the failure rate for your campaign decreases by more than 10% in an hour.
- Choose the metric for which you want to set up the alert in the Send alert when drop-down list.
- Select the operator as Decreases by more than.
- Select the percentage in the textbox and choose Hour in the Hour/Day dropdown list.
- You can choose to compare this rate with respect to the moving average of the last 'x' hours or days.
Now that you've created an alert, you can view and manage it from the Alert Manager. For more information, refer to Manage Alerts.