Manage Members


We've revamped our Dashboard Settings. This article describes the steps to access Members on the MoEngage Dashboard in both the revamped and old UIs.

Invite a Member

To invite a member to a workspace:

  1. Navigation on the MoEngage Dashboard:
    1. Revamped UI: Settings -> Account -> Team management -> Members.
    2. Old UI: Settings -> Account -> Members
  2. Click on the “Invite Member” button.
    Revamped UI Old UI


  3. Enter the email addresses of the users (separated by comma) you want to invite to the workspace.
  4. Click on Next.
  5. Edit the name and select the relevant team you want the user to be a part of, along with the relevant role you want the user to have.
  6. Click on Invite.

Things to Note

  • In case a user is already a part of an workspace, its role and team cannot be changed from here.
  • Team and role can be assigned in bulk to the users with the help of bulk action buttons on the top. This won’t affect the already existing users.
  • Users need to be added separately to test and live environments by switching between the two.
  • Users who have been assigned the "Create & Manage" permission under the permission set "Team Members" can invite other users to the workspace.

Edit a Member’s Role / Team

To edit a member’s role:

  1. Navigate to MoEngage Dashboard:
    1. Revamped UI: Settings -> Account -> Team management -> Members.
    2. Old UI: Settings -> Account -> Members.
  2. Click on the “three-dot” button next to the user whose role you want to change.EditMember_RevampedUI.png
  3. Click on “Edit role”.
  4. Click on the “Select Role” dropdown and select the desired role.
  5. Click on Done.

To edit a member’s team:

  1. Navigate:
    1. Revamped UI: Settings -> Account -> Team management -> Members.
    2. Old UI: Settings -> Account -> Members.
  2. Click on the “three-dot” button next to the user you want to change the team of.EditMember_RevampedUI.png
  3. Click on “Edit team”.
  4. Click on the “Select Team” dropdown and select the desired teams you wish the user to be a part of.
  5. Click Done.

Revoke / Grant Access to a Member

To revoke a member’s access to a workspace,

  1. Navigate:
    1. Revamped UI: Settings -> Account -> Team management -> Members.
    2. Old UI: Settings -> Account -> Members.
  2. Click on the “three-dot” button next to the user whose access you want to revoke.EditMember_RevampedUI.png
  3. Click on “Revoke access”.
  4. Click Revoke on the confirm pop-up window.

The revoke access feature can only be used on members’ whose status is Pending or Joined.

To grant a member access to a workspace:

  1. Navigate:
    1. Revamped UI: Settings -> Account -> Team management -> Members.
    2. Old UI: Settings -> Account -> Members.
  2. Click on the “three-dot” button next to the user you want to grant access to.GrantAccess_RevampedUI (1).png
  3. Click Grant access.

The grant access feature can only be used on members’ whose status is “Access revoked”.

Bulk operations to edit roles and teams can be performed by selecting multiple users and clicking on the Edit button within the three-dot button next to the “Show selected” toggle on top.

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