List-Unsubscribe Email

While seeing your subscribers go is difficult, it is often for the best!

So, making the process easier is always beneficial for an organization like yours. While, as a mandate, all promotional emails have a link to unsubscribe within the body of the email, the easiest way to help your users find this is to use List-Unsubscribe, which is a compliance requirement as of 2024.

What Is List-Unsubscribe?

List-unsubscribe is essentially an ISP-provided way to unsubscribe with just one click. It goes into your email header, and your mailbox providers decide whether to show it to the recipients depending on the reputation, volume, and engagement with the sender.

Clicking the ISP-provided native unsubscribe option can unsubscribe your users broadly in two manners:

  • One-Click Unsubscribe (RFC 8058)
    This unsubscribes the user automatically because this will invoke the URI, the purpose of which is to do the same.
  • Mail-to Unsubscribe
    This initiates an email on behalf of the user to the email mentioned within the email header. You are supposed to parse the emails and unsubscribe the users within 48 hours of the request.

How Does This Look in My User's Inbox?

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Screenshot 2024-09-09 at 10.49.18 AM.png




While bulk senders are mandated to add this to their promotional emails, displaying the Unsubscribe button is under the mailbox’s purview, and no one can influence it. Click here to learn more.

Why Should I Do This?

While this was a deliverability best practice earlier, since June 2024, Gmail and Yahoo have made this a mandate to be followed by all of the bulk senders in their deliverability practices.

Though this is a mandatory process, following this not only helps you be compliant with the rule but also helps in the following ways:

  • Minimize your spam complaint rate
  • Optimize engagement and performance by sending emails only to interested subscribers
  • Potentially reduce email marketing costs by routinely cleaning list size
  • End subscriber relationships on a positive note

MoEngage Managed vs Self-Managed

MoEngage helps you adhere to these practices in two ways:

MoEngage Managed - Using this option allows you to seamlessly use MoEngage capabilities to capture and update a user's subscription on MoEngage. If you have other systems (3rd Party tools or in-house systems), you can forward this information from MoEngage to those systems.

Brand or Self Managed - Using this option allows you to invoke your brand's handling of user un-subscription; Generally used when brands want to manage user preferences on their side. In such cases, brands would need to capture users' un-subscriptions and update both their systems as well as MoEngage.

How Can I Configure This in MoEngage

You can use either of the two options based on your requirements:

Configure via MoEngage-Managed Approach Configure via Self-Managed Approach

MoEngage Managed

MoEngage adds its unsubscribe URL and an email ID in the email header under the HTTPS URL section and mail-to section, respectively. While the former helps users unsubscribe with a click, the latter unsubscribes the user via the mail-to method of list-unsubscribe, as explained above. Also, MoEngage processes all requests and updates the preferences of the users in your workspace (formerly known as DB or dashboard).


To configure the list-unsubscribe via the MoEngage-managed approach:

  1. Log in to your MoEngage dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Channels > Email settings > Sender Configuration tab.
  3. Click the email connector.
  4. Click the vertical ellipsis icon and click Edit.
  5. Under One-click unsubscribe, click MoEngage Managed.
    email sendgrid.gif

How Does This Work?

As mentioned above, MoEngage adds its unsubscribe URL and email ID to the email headers when sending any promotional emails. When a user clicks Unsubscribe shown in the Inbox, one of the following will happen:

  • One-click approach:
    When the user clicks Unsubscribe and confirms, the request is directly sent to MoEngage API, which processes it immediately and updates the user's preferences in the profile.
  • Mail-to approach:
    When the user clicks Unsubscribe and confirms, an email from the ISP will be sent to one of our inboxes. MoEngage will process it within 48 hours and update the user's preference in the profile.

How to pass this to your systems?

If you'd want to pass the change in the preference of your users to any in-house system or third party systems, you can do the following:

  1. Setup an event-triggered connector campaign that is triggered when Email Unsubscribed event is triggered to hit the APIs of yours or the third-party system and update the value. Refer here to know more.
  2. Setup Streams to pass the Email Unsubscribed event to your endpoint. This can be further processed by you or passed to other systems. Refer here to know more.

Self Managed

How to find users who unsubscribed via this

MoEngage will raise Email Unsubscribed event with the attribute source as List Unsubscribe whenever we receive the request from a user to unsubscribe themselves. This applies for both MoEngage and Self-Managed approaches. However, for the Self-Managed Approach, ensure the outlined steps have been followed correctly.

Frequently Asked Questions

arrow_drop_down How do I know if my emails sent as of date are compliant with this mandate?

To check if you are compliant, do the following in your Gmail inbox within the email you sent:

  1. Select Show Original in the email. This opens a new tab with the raw version of the email and its headers.
  2. Search for “List-Unsubscribe”. 
  3. You are compliant, if you are able to find this keyword in the raw version of the email within the headers. 

Additionally, the emails if looks similar to the following images, you are compliant as well:

Screenshot 2024-09-05 at 3.25.54 PM.png


Screenshot 2024-09-09 at 10.49.18 AM.png

Note that not finding the “Unsubscribe” in the inbox does not necessarily mean you are not complying with this because displaying it is under the ISP’s control.

arrow_drop_down Should the URL I enter in the one-click unsubscribe input be HTTPS type?

Yes, it must be the HTTPS type.

arrow_drop_down Can the URL entered be the URL to my landing page from where the user can unsubscribe?

No, the entered URL must unsubscribe the user automatically within a click and should not redirect the user to a new place for further inputs or confirmation in any manner.

arrow_drop_down Does being compliant make us eligible to remove the unsubscribe link from the body of the email?

No, it doesn’t. Adding list-unsubscribe isn’t a replacement for your unsubscribe link in the email.

arrow_drop_down How long can I take to process the received unsubscribe request in the inbox?

You can take less than 48 hours to process the same.

arrow_drop_down How can I find users who have unsubscribed via list-unsubscribe?

MoEngage triggers a user event Email Unsubscribed with the attribute Unsubscribe Source as List Unsubscribe against every profile when processing an unsubscribe request, either directly from the user or when you forward it to MoEngage.

So, you can use a segmentation query like shown below to find such users:


arrow_drop_down Can I customize the landing page that the user lands on after clicking the unsubscribe link?

Yes, it is possible to customize the landing page the user lands on after clicking the unsubscribe link. This option is available in Sender Configuration. When a user clicks the unsubscribe link, they are unsubscribed and then taken to this landing page to learn the reason for their unsubscription. 

arrow_drop_down How do a sender and MoEngage interact with each other to understand which email ID is associated with a custom ID that enables you to unsubscribe and email, especially if you have PII tokenization enabled?

This interaction includes the following steps:

  • MoEngage invokes a content API to pass the token saved in MoEngage in place of the email ID
  • As a response, the client system returns the email ID
  • MoEngage generates a payload and sends the request to the sender
  • To log this request, the email ID is encrypted and stored. Note that raw email ID is never stored in MoEngage.

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