IP Addresses and Domains

IP Addresses

The IP address of your business is essential in email marketing.

Importance of IP Address in Email Marketing

Email service providers assign an "IP reputation" to anyone sending large numbers of emails. IP Reputation (good or bad) is built over time depending on the marketers’ actions using this IP. If an email marketer has a good IP reputation with email service providers, they are more likely to deliver your emails to the inboxes of your list recipients. If you have a poor IP reputation, your marketing emails can end up in the spam folder or be blocked entirely from delivery.

Dedicated and Shared IPs

Dedicated IPs Shared IPs
Are reserved only for a particular sender. The benefit of using such IPs is that you have full control over that IP's reputation. Are common between multiple senders. Because the IPs are shared, the performance of each of the senders has an impact on the IP's reputation.
Require warm-up and ramp-up, and a consistent sending pattern to maintain the IP reputation. Do not require IP warm-up, but domain warm-up will be required if you want to send emails from a new domain.
Are suited for senders with high volumes and consistent sending patterns. Are suited for senders with lower volumes and infrequent sending patterns.

Number of IPs Required

The number of IPs required largely depends on the peak volume per day, sending frequency, audience quality, and target region. If you do not know your peak sending volume or do not have any sending patterns in place, you can query the number of email-subscribed users in your account. That can be your peak volume. The following is our recommendation:

Daily Email Volume Number of IPs
1M 1
1M - 3M 2
> 3 M a tailored solution from MoEngage

Allocation of IPs by MoEngage

MoEngage allocates dedicated IPs to our customers using MoEngage Email Delivery services. Your MoEngage email deliverability consultant (EDC) will analyze your volume, sending pattern, and audience distribution and allocate the IPs as required. If you are using your own email connector, you will need to check with your vendor.

MoEngage does not provide pre-warmed IPs. We ramp up each sender from scratch using their own emails. The only exception to this is if you have a dedicated SendGrid IP that is already warmed up. In such cases, the same can be migrated to your MoEngage account, and you can start your campaigns.


An email domain is the unique identifier that appears after the “@” symbol in an email address. It represents the online location where an organization’s email is hosted. For example, in the email address “example@moengage.com,” the email domain is “moengage.com.” The email domain plays an important role in routing emails to the correct mail servers.

Importance of Domains in Email Marketing

  • Branding: Using a custom email domain can enhance your brand identity and present a more professional image to recipients. It can add credibility and trustworthiness to your email communications.
  • Email deliverability: Having your own email domain can improve email deliverability. Some email service providers prioritize emails from custom domains, increasing the chances of your emails landing in inbox.
  • Enhanced security: With a custom email domain, you have better control over security measures, such as implementing advanced spam filters, encryption protocols, and multi-factor authentication. This helps protect your email communications and sensitive information from unauthorized access.
  • Customization and flexibility: An email domain gives you the flexibility to create multiple email addresses for different purposes or departments within your organization. For instance, you can have info@business.com for general inquiries and support@business.com for customer support. This customization improves organizational efficiency and helps manage email correspondence effectively.

Difference Between a Domain, Subdomain, and From Address

Example 1

If your website is: https://www.moengage.com/

  • Domain: moengage.com
  • Sub-domain: anything.moengage.com
  • From address: anything@anything.moengage.com

Example 2

If the emails are sent from: MoEngage Inc <support@moengage.com>

  • Sender Name: MoEngage Inc
  • From address: support@moengage.com
  • From domain: moengage.com

Example 3

If the emails are sent from: MoEngage <info@alerts.moengage.com>

  • Sender Name: MoEngage
  • From address: info@alerts.moengage.com
  • From domain: alerts.moengage.com
  • "alerts.moengage.com" is a sub-domain of "moengage.com"

Using Sub-Domain for Email Campaigns

You can use your root domain to send transactional emails. However, it is a good practice to use a sub-domain for all other types of emails. Promotional emails have a higher potential to impact the reputation of the domain from which they are sent. This has a direct correlation with deliverability and inbox placement of the emails sent from that domain. If you send both transactional and promotional emails from the same domain, poor performance of your promotional campaign can impact the performance of your transactional emails.

Number of Domains Required

The number of domains required largely depends on the peak volume per day, sending frequency, and use cases. However, we recommend a minimum of two sub-domains: one for the transactional emails and one for all other mailing needs.

Sender Frequency of Sending Email Volume Domain Recommendation
A NA < 10K/day
  • One sub-domain for one-time, periodic, event-triggered ,and Flow campaigns
  • One sub-domain for transactional campaigns
B 1/month or less NA
  • One sub-domain for one-time, periodic, event-triggered, and Flow campaigns
  • One sub-domain for transactional campaigns
C 4/month or more > 100K/day
  • One sub-domain for one-time and periodic campaigns
  • One sub-domain for event-triggered and Flow campaigns
  • One sub-domain for transactional campaigns

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