Analyze WhatsApp Campaign

Campaign Performance



MoEngage provides the following metrics related to the delivery of the WhatsApp campaign:

Statistics Description

The total number of users who received the WhatsApp campaign message.

If a user is becoming eligible twice for an event triggered/periodic campaign and a message is sent twice, the user would be counted twice.


Unique users to whom the WhatsApp campaign message was delivered.

If a user is becoming eligible twice for an event triggered/periodic campaign and gets the message, the user would be counted twice.


The number of users who read the WhatsApp campaign message.

If a user is becoming eligible twice for an event triggered/periodic campaign and reads the message, the user would be counted twice.



The Read metric is captured only for users who have Read Receipt ON in their WhatsApp Settings.

Delivery rate

The delivery rate is calculated as the percentage of users for whom the message was delivered and Delivery Receipt was received by MoEngage, out of Total Sent

Read rate

The read rate is the percentage of users who read the delivered WhatsApp campaign message.

Calculated as Unique Users who Read or saw the WhatsApp campaign message/Users to whom the WhatsApp message was delivered

Total Clicks

Displays the number of times any button/link was clicked by a user on a WhatsApp message. For example, if a message has 2 links and user 1 clicks on both links and user 2 clicks on 1 link two times, the Total Clicks count would be 4.

If a user is becoming eligible twice for an event triggered/periodic campaign and gets the message and clicks, the user's clicks are counted twice.

Unique Clicks

Displays unique buttons/links clicked by unique users on WhatsApp messages For example, if a message has 2 links and user 1 clicks on both links and user 2 clicks on 1 link, then the Unique Click count would be 3.

If a user becomes eligible twice for an event triggered/periodic campaign and gets the message and clicks, the user's clicks are counted twice.

Click Through Rate

CTR or Click through rate is calculated as the percentage of Unique clicks out of unique delivered; Calculated as Unique Clicks/Delivered

Click through open rate

Click through open rate is calculated as the percentage of unique clicks over unique messages open/read by users; Calculated as Unique Clicks/Read


The following statistics are provided for the conversions based on the goals set in the WhatsApp campaign:


Statistics Description
Conversions Unique users who have executed primary conversion goal events within the attribution window from the time user received the WhatsApp message. 

Conversion Events

Conversion events are the total number of primary conversion goal events within the attribution window (configurable) from the time user received the WhatsApp message. 

Conversion Rate

Conversion rate or CVR is calculated as Conversions/ Delivered

Total Campaign Revenue

The aggregated Order value for the conversions attributed to the campaign

Average Order Value

Calculated as Total Campaign Revenue/Number of Conversion Events

Average Revenue per converter User

Indicates ARPU; Calculated as Total Campaign Revenue/Conversion

Campaign Delivery Statistics


Funnel Stage What it represents
Reachable Users in Segment Represents the total number of users that satisfy the campaign segmentation criteria (and Triggering criteria for Event-Triggered campaigns) 
After FC Removal Represents the number of users who meet the reachable users in segment condition and do not breach Frequency Capping (FC) criteria.
Users after duplication removal Represents the number of unique users who remained after the removal of users with duplicate mobile numbers
Sent Represents the number of users to whom the WhatsApp message was sent.
Delivered Represents the number of users to whom the WhatsApp message was delivered.


If users block/report the business account from their app, neither MoEngage nor WhatsApp Service provider has any way to know this. In some cases, the messages might not be delivered to users because they have blocked your brand to send them WhatsApp Messages.

Error breakdown

Displays the errors that occurred during the delivery of the WhatsApp campaign message. For more information, refer to Common errors for WhatsApp.

Personalization Errors

You can see personalization errors in the Failed to send error category in the Error Breakdown Table. Click See breakdown in the Name column for Personalization errors to get a detailed view of the number of users for whom personalization has failed and their reasons. For more information, refer to Common Personalization Errors and FAQs.

Personalization Failed.png

Content API Analysis

In the case of a response other than 2xx, you will see the error code or the response of your Content API in the Content API analysis section below the error breakdown table, as shown below.

Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 2.00.50 PM.png



If the Content API being used in the campaign does not provide a 2xx/successful response, campaigns might still be delivered if the empty response has been handled in your JINJA code added in Step 2 of Campaign Creation (the content/message creation step).

Campaign Info

The campaign info page provides a quick snapshot of the campaign that is created and sent to users.


Message Preview

A preview of the message is provided.


Displays the segmentation criteria used to send the WhatsApp campaign. 

Qualification Criteria 

One-time and Periodic Event triggered
Displays the users who will receive the WhatsApp campaign. 


Displays the goals and revenue tracking of the primary goal set in the campaign.


Displays the schedule for the WhatsApp campaign.

For more information, refer to the Schedule and Goals of a WhatsApp campaign.

Delivery Control

The frequency capping, do not disturb and the throttling of messages that is the number of requests sent is displayed.

For more information, refer to Delivery Controls.

WhatsApp Message Details

Provides the following details:

Field Description
Service Provider Displays the name of the service provider used to send the WhatsApp campaign.
Service name Displays the name of the sender used to send the WhatsApp campaign.
WhatsApp Number Displays the WhatsApp business number that is used to send the WhatsApp campaign.
Template Displays the name of the template used in the WhatsApp campaign.
Header Displays the headers used in the template.
Body Displays the customizable body details of the template.
Buttons Displays the buttons used in the WhatsApp campaign.



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