This article will help you with the one-time configuration required for Facebook. This configuration establishes a connection between MoEngage and your Facebook account. Before you proceed with the settings, make sure you have the App & Ad account ready as per the required configurations explained in the document Facebook setup for custom audience integration.
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Once you are all set, fetch the following fields as explained below.
To integrate your Facebook account with MoEngage, navigate to Settings -> App marketplace and choose Facebook audience.
1. App ID:
- Go to Select the app you want to sync. App ID is present on the top bar on the left
- Alternatively, you can go to Select the app you want to sync & copy the App ID present below the app name
2. App secret:
- In your FB app dashboard, go to Settings > Basic
- Under App secret, click Show.
- If prompted, enter the password and you will get your App secret.
3. Access token:
- Go to your FB app dashboard and select the app you want to sync with MoEngage.
- Go to Marketing API > Tools > Get Access Token
- Select ads_management & ads_read permissions
- Click Get Token button
- Alternatively, you can obtain access token from the FB's Graph API explorer as explained here.
4. Business ID (Optional):
This field is required only if the user whose access token is used here has access to multiple FB business accounts and wants to sync with only 1 particular business account. To retrieve it, go to FB business info page.
After entering all the fields, click the Connect to Facebook button.
On successful connection, we will fetch the list of all Ad Accounts associated with the logged-in user. You can select one as default.
If you wish to change these settings later because the logged-in user no longer has access to your FB business account or for any other reason, click Disconnect Facebook. Add the fields again and click Connect to FB.
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Once you are connected to Facebook, you can get started with FB Audience campaign creation, as explained in this article. |