User Reachability

As the name suggests, Reachability represents the number of users who can be contacted or connected using the respective communication channels or platforms on MoEngage.

This article explains how the reachability of Push, Email, SMS, and WhatsApp channels are derived. For the Push channel, this also explains the reachability of respective platforms. This article also lists the method of calculation for the different pages present on the MoEngage dashboard.


Reachability in different modules across MoEngage:


Queries executed on the segmentation page (Create segment) show reachability for Push, Email, SMS, and WhatsApp channels and reachability across these 4 channels.


The segmentation page also shows the queries executed on the channel's page. You can identify them via the source column.

For reachability calculation on the segmentation page, Email and Mobile Number are taken from Settings -> Email -> General Settings and Settings -> SMS & Connector -> SMS General Settings.

User Profile

The User Profile represents the reachability of a specific user for different channels and platforms.


The green icons on the push reachability card represent the reachability as true for a specific platform. If reachability is true for any of the above platforms, the overall push reachability is true and represented by a green tick mark on the push reachability card. If all platforms are not reachable, it's represented by the red exclamation mark.

Similarly, for Email, SMS, and WhatsApp, if the user is reachable, it is represented by a green icon and a green tick mark on the reachability card. Non-reachable users will have red icons and a red exclamation mark.

For reachability calculation on the User Profile page, Email and Mobile Number are taken from:

  1. Settings -> Email -> General Settings
  2. We've revamped our SMS Settings UI in the MoEngage Dashboard. The Mobile Number is taken from the following navigations in the revamped and old UIs:
    1. Revamped UI: Settings -> SMS -> SMS General Settings
    2. Old UI: Settings -> SMS & Connector -> SMS General Settings


Before sending a campaign, users need to be segmented. A segment can have all users or a desired group of users. All of these segmented users may not be reachable, as the required information or the required permissions are not available for the respective users.
Here is the list of the outbound channels and the respective reachability -


Queries executed on the Push campaign page show push reachability for Android, iOS, and Web reachability across these 3 platforms.


For more information, see Push Reachability.


Queries executed on the Email campaign page show email reachability.
For reachability calculation, the email campaign uses the attribute specified on the campaign page under the 'User attribute with email address' tag.


For more information, see Email Reachability.


Queries executed on the SMS campaign page show SMS reachability.

For reachability calculation, the SMS campaign uses the attribute specified on the campaign page under the 'User attribute that stores user’s mobile number tag.


For more information, see SMS Reachability.


Queries executed on the WhatsApp campaign page show WhatsApp reachability. (Configure WhatsApp)

For reachability calculation, the WhatsApp campaign uses the attribute specified on WhatsApp's integration settings page > General settings. The user should have WhatsApp mobile number and the user’s WhatsApp Opt-In status should be True.


For more information, see WhatsApp Reachability.

Open Analytics

Reachability can be calculated directly using the data present in the MoEngage warehouse. Using Open Analytics, you can derive reachability and get the required data around it. To learn about reachability using open analytics, click here.

Reachability Calculation


Push reachability is derived by the given parameters -

      1. Users should have at least one active device.
        • In the case of iOS, the app should be installed on the device.
        • In the case of Android, the app should be installed on the device, and the device should not be opt-out for push notifications.
        • In the case of the Web, the user should have visited the website once and must Opt-in to the browser permission
      2. Push token for this device should exist.
      3. For reachability on the different iOS & Android, at least one active device for the respective platform should exist, and the device should have the app installed.
      4. MoEngage also updates users' reachability based on feedback from silent Push (run periodically if the setting is ON) or Push notifications.

Based on the above parameters system generates reliability codes for all platforms. The reachability codes are stored in User Attributes 'Reachability Push Android', 'Reachability Push iOS', and 'Reachability Push Web'. The user is considered to be reachable on the respective platform if the attribute value (reachability code) in these attributes is 200.

User Opt-in preferences and Push Reachability

Users are explicitly asked for permission to be sent push notifications during the app's installation on iOS, Android (13 and above), and Web. They can opt in and opt out of receiving push notifications by navigating to the device's app settings and selecting their preference.

The table below showcases the reachability and Opt-in states that are tracked using the following user attributes, as seen in the segmentation section of the MoEngage Dashboard:

  • Reachability Push Android
  • Reachability Push iOS
  • Reachability Push Web
Reachability Push Code (All devices) Legacy Reachability Description New Reachability Description (Recommended)

Reachable but Opted-out.

This is the reachability value for any user who has opted out of receiving push notifications on all of their mobile devices.

These users are considered reachable but will not receive notifications on their devices.

Not reachable due to Opt-out.

This is the reachability value for any user who has opted out of receiving push notifications on all of their devices.

These users are no longer considered reachable and will not be targeted for campaigns. 

To exclude opted-out users and thereby have more accurate delivery reporting, please reach out to your Customer Success Account Manager.


Reachable and opted in
This is the reachability value for any user who has opted in to receive push notifications on at least one of their devices.

These users are considered reachable.


Reachable and opt-in status unknown
This is the reachability value for users whose opt-in or opt-out preferences are not being tracked by MoEngage yet because these users are on the older SDK version. These users are considered reachable and are attempted for sending push notifications, but some of these users may be opted-out and will not be able to see notifications.

Note: Opt-in or opt-out tracking is supported on MoEngage Core SDK version 12.3.01 and above.


No device found

User will not be reachable if the device is not found for the user. The reason for device not found is when just the user creation has happened but any device is not present for that user. Such type of user can be created in following ways:

  • If the user is created using user import using a file
  • If the user is created using S2S API call

Not reachable due to App uninstalled

Any user who is not reachable due to app being uninstalled

Not reachable due to Push ID not found for the app

Any user who is not reachable due to Push ID not found


Not reachable due to invalid push ID

Any user who is not reachable due to invalid push ID


To enable Android push notification opt-in or opt-out tracking, upgrade to MoEngage Core SDK version 12.3.01 and above.


The given parameters derive email reachability - 

    1. User email should exist
    2. User property Hard Bounce should be false
    3. User property Spam should be false
    4. User property Unsubscribe should be false
    5. User email contains '@' 

Email campaign considers all of the above-mentioned parameters for email reachability.
Segmentation and User profile consider the first four parameters to calculate email reachability.

For all users by default  Hard Bounce, Spam, and Unsubscribe are false. If a user unsubscribes from an email or marks any email as spam, then unsubscribe and Unsubscribe and Spam are updated as true, respectively. If the user's email is bounced, then Hard Bounce is updated as true.


The given parameters derive SMS reachability - 

Mobile Number should exist for the user to be reachable. There is no mobile number format validation used for reachability calculation.


 Mobile Number attribute should be stored as a string data type for proper functioning

The system also validates the mobile number, the country code, and the format before sending the actual SMS campaign.


The given parameters derive WhatsApp reachability -

  1. A mobile number should exist in MoEngage for the user to be reachable. 
  2. The mobile number should have a valid account on WhatsApp. 
  3. WhatsApp Opt-In status should be True

 Mobile Number attribute should be stored as a string data type for proper functioning

The system also validates the mobile number, the country code, and the format before sending the actual WhatsApp campaign.


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