Campaign stats is a single dashboard view of all the campaigns in all the channels. Key features are:
- Provides an overview of all of your campaigns.
- Displays analysis data across all channels and also for specific channels.
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Information All the metrics are calculated and displayed in the App Time zone, With the exception of Flows Channel, which is in the UTC Time zone. |
The analysis for all campaigns created and run on MoEngage is displayed on the campaign stats page. For example, the total number of communication sent across all channels, the total number of notification clicks across all platforms, or the total conversion from a specific channel.
Campaign stats provides all of your team engagement and retention efforts in definitive numbers.
MoEngage Campaign Stats displays the following:
- Total count of communication Sent, Total Impressions, Total Clicks, Overall CVR, Overall CTR, and Total conversions.
- Overall trend analysis of metrics such as Send, Impression, Clicks, and so on, across all channels.
- Analysis of individual channels across all campaigns
- View Top performing campaigns for CTR and CVR for each channel.
Access Campaign Stats
MoEngage campaign stats take all of your campaign data points to create this overall report. To access campaign stats, Click on Dashboards in the sidebar and then click on Campaign Stats.
The header section has controls explained below
- Click on the icon next to campaign stats to change the dashboard.
- Change the team, using the team selector. You will see this selector only if you have the Teams feature enabled. In the above screenshot, the selected team is AnalyticsSanity.
- You can select different attribution types for your analysis. By default, the dashboard will show data for View-Through attribution.
- View-through Attribution - View-through Attribution is available for all channels.
- Click-through Attribution - Click-through Attribution is available only for Push, Email, In-App, On-Site Messaging, Web Personalization, and Cards channels.
- In-session Attribution - In-session Attribution is available only for Push, Email, In-App, On-Site Messaging, and Web Personalization. For the Cards channel, the default attribution type that you see on campaign pages is Click-through Attribution on the All Campaigns page.
- Using the date selector, select the desired date for the analysis.
- Click on the Apply button to get the analysis if you change any of the Teams, Attribution Type, and Date range.
Note - All the analysis shown on this page is controlled by the selected team, attribution type, and time duration. Campaign stats present outside of the selected time duration are not taken into account and are not shown here.
KPIs or Key Performance indicators are the overall counts of the primary metrics that growth teams look into. KPIs on the Campaign stats are explained below -
- Total sent - Total Sent is aggregated sent count across channels for the selected time period. This includes the sent count of Push, Emails, SMS, and Cards.
- Total impression - Total Impression is aggregated impression count across channels for the selected time period. This includes Email opens, SMS delivered, and impressions for Push, In-apps, Onsite, Web Personalization, & Cards channel.
- Total click - Total Click is aggregated click count across channels for the selected time period. This includes clicks of Push, Email, SMS, In-apps, Onsite, Web Personalization, & Cards channel.
- CTR - The Click-through rate is the total click count as a percentage of the total impressions (Total click/Total impression)
- Total conversion - Total Conversion is aggregated conversion event count across campaigns. Conversion events are the conversion goal defined in the campaigns with the attribution window. This is not the conversion event defined in the app settings.
This may be higher than the actual conversions as one conversion may be attributed to multiple campaigns. - CVR - Conversion is the total conversion count as a percentage of the total impressions (Total conversion/Total impression)
The secondary number shows the percentage change in the sent count with respect to the previous period. The previous period is the same length of time immediately before the selected time range.
Overall Performance
You can compare all the active channels in a line chart on Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly granularity. You can compare overall numbers for the channel by clicking on the Bar chart icon. You can click on the download chart to download this chart in png format.
Channel Performance
Campaign stats show one card for each channel. All campaigns are aggregated and the respective metrics counts for the selected time period are represented in the chart.
All channel cards show All Metrics by default. All metrics contain Sent, Click, conversion, impression, etc with respect to the channel. All Metrics doesn't show revenue metric.
You can click on the individual metrics and analyze them independently.
All Rations show all the ratios CTR, CVR, Open Rate, Impression Rate, etc platted in. one chart.
All these metrics for specific channels can be analyzed in a line chart on Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly granularity. You can view overall numbers for the channel by clicking on the Bar chart icon.
Analysis for Day Vs Time can be viewed for any metrics, except for All metrics & All ratio, by clicking on the Table icon toggle present below the All metrics label. For metrics, this shows the total count, and for ratios its shows the average ratios. This table also provides the Hour, the Day, and the Hour-Day on which the metrics were the highest.
Using the Download Chart & Download table buttons the data shown in the dashboard can be downloaded in CSV or PNG format.
Metrics shown for each channel are listed in the table below.
Channel | Metrics |
Push | All metrics (Contains Sent, Impression, Click, & Conversion), Sent, Impression, Click, Conversion, Revenue, All ratios (Contains CTR, CVR, & Impression Rate), CTR, CVR, & Impression rate |
All metrics (Contains Sent, Open, Click, & Conversion), Sent, Opens, Click, Conversion, Revenue, All ratios (Contains CTR, CVR, & Open Rate), CTR, CVR, & Open rate | |
SMS | All metrics (Contains Sent, Delivered, Click, & Conversion), Sent, Delivered, Click, Conversion, Revenue, All ratios (Contains CTR, CVR, & Delivery Rate), CTR, CVR, & Delivery rate |
Cards | All metrics (Contains Sent, Impression, Delivered, Click, & Conversion), Sent, Impression, Click, Conversion, Revenue, All ratios (Contains CTR, CVR, Impression Rate, & Delivery Rate), CTR, CVR, Impression rate, & Delivery Rate |
Flows | All metrics (Contains Total trips, Engaged Trips, & Converted Trips), Total trips, Engaged Trips, Converted Trips, & CVR |
In-Apps | All metrics (Contains Impression, Click, & Conversion), Impression, Click, Conversion, Revenue, All ratios (Contains CTR, & CVR), CTR, & CVR |
OnSite | All metrics (Contains Impression, Click, & Conversion), Impression, Click, Conversion, Revenue, All ratios (Contains CTR, & CVR), CTR, & CVR |
Web Personalization | All metrics (Contains Impression, Click, & Conversion), Impression, Click, Conversion, Revenue, All ratios (Contains CTR, & CVR), CTR, & CVR |
FB audience | All metrics (Contains Eligible, Attempted, Synced, & Conversion), Eligible, Attempted, Synced, Conversion All ratios (Contains User attempted, & User synced), User attempted, & User synced |
Connector | All metrics (Contains Attempted, Sent & Conversion), Attempted, Sent, Conversion, Revenue, All ratios (Contains CVR, & success rate), CVR, & success rate |
Note - SMS channel shows Delivered and Delivery rate only if delivery tracking is enabled.
Campaign Summary
The campaign summary on the right section of the channel cards shows the following information:
- The total number of campaigns for the channel in the selected time period.
- Metrics Performance for the selected time period -
- For Push, Email, SMS, Cards, In-Apps, On-Site, & Web Personalization - Average CTR & CVR, Campaigns with highest & lowest CTR & CVR.
- For Flows - Average CVR, Campaigns with highest & lowest CVR.
- For Connector - Average CVR & Success rate. Campaigns with the highest & lowest CVR & Success rate.
- For Facebook audience - Average User Attempted & User Synced. Campaigns with highest & lowest User Attempted & User Synced.
- Click on the campaign name to open the respective campaign in the next tab.
Show all button opens up the list of all campaigns for the respective channel for the selected time period. Click on the Download all campaign button to download this list in the CSV.
Click on any of the metrics to sort the list by that metrics. Click on any of the campaign rows to open the respective campaign in the next tab.
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