Personalize Push Campaigns

Personalization can add that differentiation to your marketing campaign and re-create that missing connection in message broadcasts for the customer. Personalized messages are read and received well.

This article describes personalization for Push Campaigns (One-time, Periodic, Event Triggered, Business Event Triggered, Device Triggered, and Location Triggered).

Push Personalization

One can personalize one or multiple attributes in the same message. To insert personalization in any field value, enter "@" and select the user attribute. We are support personalization in:

      1. Message fields- message title, body, summary,
      2. Rich content - Images & Coupon Codes
      3. Click Actions - Deep-link URI & value items for Key-Value pairs for both platforms - Android and iOS.


  1. Before running this, please check how you save names/other attribute values with MoEngage. Validate your saved data before using personalization. Also, note that personalized push notifications are not sent to iOS Inbox as of now.
  2. Ensure that custom attributes do not have the same names as MoEngage's standard attributes. If a custom attribute and a standard attribute having the same name are used for personalization, it could result in incorrect personalization.


Name Personalization

To address users by their first name, remind them of their last activity (viewed product, purchased product)
first name person push new.gif

Image Personalization

To send a personalized Image to the user for products viewed but not bought by the customer.


Coupon Code Personalization

To send a unique coupon code to every user. You need to save the User Level Coupon as a custom attribute and use it here. In the example, we have saved User-specific unique coupon code in an attribute named: Promo Code
coupon personalisation push.gif

Key-Value Pair Personalization

When you want to pass Unique User Attribute to the app and make a decision on basis of that. It can be used to pre-fill feedback forms or user surveys etc.
keyvalue person push.gif




The examples have referred to sample attribute names. These names are not standard and depend on how you have saved them with MoEngage.

Personalization using Content APIs

Type '@' in the Message section and add the call to the Content API. The Push Personalization screen opens up when you type @. Choose the relevant Content API as shown below.
Screenshot 2024-08-26 at 12.29.23 PM.png

Consider the following example: The brand wishes to target users who have items in their cart but haven't made a purchase yet. Content APIs can be used to send personalized notifications to such users and nudge them to purchase as shown below.



The following screenshot illustrates how the notification might look on the user's mobile device.


For more information on Content APIs, click here.

Personalize Content Using Auxiliary Data

You can personalize your Push content using auxiliary data by selecting the auxiliary data attributes in the personalization editor.

To personalize content using Auxiliary Data attributes:

  1. Enter @ in the fields such as Message title, Message, Message summary (wherever personalization is supported) to invoke the personalization editor.
  2. Select the Aux Data tab.
  3. In the Aux data drop-down list, select the Auxiliary Data file whose attribute you wish to use for personalization.
  4. In the Lookup value drop-down list, select the primary key specified for the Auxiliary Data during import. This will identify the user for whom the Auxiliary Data is being fetched.
  5. In the Attribute drop-down list, specify the attribute to be personalized using Auxiliary Data.
  6. Click Done. The Auxiliary Data JINJA will get added to the field or the editor.

For more information, refer to Personalize Campaign Content Using Auxiliary Data.

Personalization Using Content Blocks

Content Blocks are reusable content that can be used across various campaigns. These are particularly useful for headers, footers, signature blocks, terms and conditions, and so on.

Adding a Content Block

To add a content block, type @ in the message section and navigate to the content blocks tab in the personalization screen that pops up.
Push_ContentBlocks with aux.png


Click on 'Done' to insert the chosen content block. View the added content block in the preview controls section.

Preview of a message that contains a Content Block


You can also add only the content from the content blocks using the 'Insert only the content of the content block' Toggle as shown below.


This will insert only the content, and any updates to the content block that happen later won't get reflected in this campaign. For more information on Content Blocks, click here.

Fallback Messaging

There may be cases where personalization may fail due to untimely resolution of user attributes or other reasons. You can create an alternate (Fallback) to the personalization when there are failures.

  • No Fallback
    Choose the option for personalized content. The option results in no alternates when the personalization does not work.
  • Do not send Push
    Choose the option where if the personalization does not work, In-App messages are not sent.
  • Replace Text
    Type or paste the text used when the personalization does not work.

When a push message Personalization fails and No Fallback message is set then the notification will not be sent to the user. MoEngage in turn generates an error called, Personalization Failed.

Personalization Successful Fallback Message Set Message


No No message will be sent. Error: Personalization Failed
Yes Yes A personalized message will be sent
No Yes The fallback message will be sent

Triggered Push Campaigns

Event and Device Triggers Business Event Triggers

In Event Triggered and Device Triggered Push Notification, for personalization, you can additionally use the event attribute for the event the "IF" trigger is set upon. Other things remain similar to things mentioned in the Push Personalization section.

Personalization can create a valuable differentiation for your marketing campaigns and promotional content. For any issues or any support requirements, raise a support ticket.

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