Derived Events & Attributes

MoEngage, by default, generates a few of the events and attributes. These are called derived events and derived attributes. These can be used in segmentation and analytics as filters to segment the users.

Know more about List of derived User attributes here.

Events / User Activity

Category-wise list of events - 


Name Description Platform
App/Site Opened Tracked when a user session begins on the app or website. Also, this is tracked only if the time difference between the user's Last Active Time and App/Site Open Time is more than 30 min. Android, iOS, Web, TV
Viewed Web Page Tracked when a user visits a web page. Select page URL as an event attribute to find the number of users visiting a particular page or use it to set up a Drop-off capture" Event Triggered Web Push. Web, TV
App Exit Tracked whenever App goes to background. Android, iOS, TV
User Logout Tracked when a user Logs out of the app/site or user reset. Android, iOS, Web, TV
Push ID Register Android Tracked when the MoEngage system registers the push ID for Android devices. Attribute registered_by has the status.  Android, TV (Android TV only)
User Merged Tracked for a known user whenever a MoEngage user object is merged with it.  User Merging
App Update Tracked when a user updates the App. Android, iOS, TV

Acquisition & Uninstall

Name Description Platform
Device ReInstall Tracked when a reinstall is detected on a device. Android, iOS
Device Uninstall Tracked when a user uninstalls the app on a device. Android, iOS, TV (Android TV only)
User ReInstall Tracked when a reinstall is detected for an identified user in MoEngage. Android, iOS


Name Description Platform
Accepted Web Push Soft-ask Tracked when a user accepts the Push Permission Soft-ask on your website as part of the 2-step Push Opt-in mechanism. Web
Closed Web Push Soft-ask Tracked when a user closes the Push Permission Soft-ask on your website as part of the 2-step Push Opt-in mechanism. Web
Denied Web Push Subscription Tracked when a user denies receiving push notifications on the Web. Web
Dismissed Web Push Subscription Tracked when a user dismisses the push subscription prompt. Web
Overlay clicked in 1-click HTTP subscription Tracked when a user clicks a Subscription Message on your website as part of the HTTP Push Subscription flow. Web
Overlay shown in 1-click HTTP subscription Tracked when a user views a Subscription Message on your website as part of the HTTP Push Subscription flow. Web
Subscribed to Web Push (Deprecated)

Tracked when a user is subscribed to Web Push Notifications. Use it to find the day-wise count of subscribers or set up a "Welcome" Event Triggered Web Push.

Note: This event was used to track when a user subscribes to Web Push notifications. This event will be deprecated by July, 2024. This data can now be tracked using Subscribed to push with Platfrom = Web.

Unsubscribed from Web Push (Deprecated)

Tracked when a user directly unsubscribes from the website/chrome settings or GCM communicates that a push token is invalid.

Note: This event was used to track when a user unsubscribes to Web Push notifications. This event is deprecated by July, 2024. This data can now be tracked using Unsubscribed to push with Platfrom = Web

Viewed Web Push Soft-ask Tracked when a user views the Push Permission Soft-ask on your website as part of the 2-step Push Opt-in mechanism. Web
Subscribed to Push

Tracked when a user subscribes to Push Notifications.

Note: This event will not be generated for devices what when permission is granted by default. Eg. Android 12 and below devices

Android, iOS, Web
Unsubscribed to Push

Tracked when a user changes push permission for a device from Subscribed to Unsubscribed

Note: This event will not be generated for devices where the permission is denied by default.

Android, iOS, Web

Campaign Activity

Name Description Channel / Platform
Allowed Web Push Subscription Tracked when a user allows receiving push notifications on the Web. Web
Displayed Web Push Subscription  When hard ask is shown to the user. Web
Onsite Message Template clicked
On clicking the Onsite Messaging template. Web
Onsite Message Template shown
On a load of Onsite Messaging template. Web
Onsite Message Template closed
On closing the Onsite Messaging template. Web
Onsite Message Template auto dismiss
When the Onsite Messaging template closes by itself after the time duration given while creating the campaign. Web
Card Clicked Tracked when the user clicks the Card in the App Inbox. Android, iOS
Card Delivered  Tracked when a Card is delivered to the App Inbox after the user has opened the Inbox. Android, iOS
Card Sent Tracked when a Card notification is sent to the user, doesn't indicate if the notification is delivered to the App Inbox. Android, iOS
Card Viewed Tracked when the user views a Card or scrolls down to it in the App Inbox. Android, iOS
Connector Sent Tracked when a connector was sent successfully. Connector
Email Bounced Tracked when our system finds an email is hard bounced. Typically happens when an email address doesn't exist. This is tracked uniquely for every user based on the user ID.  Email
Email Clicked Tracked when a user clicks on any link in the email. Email
Email Complained Tracked when a user marks the email as spam. Email
Email Dropped Tracked when an email is dropped. Email is dropped, when it's part of the bounce list, the unsubscribe list, or the spam report list. Email
Email Opened Tracked when a user opens an email. Email
Email Sent Tracked when our system sends an email to a user. Email
Email Soft Bounced Tracked when our system finds an email is soft-bounced. Typically happens when there is a temporary delivery issue. This is tracked uniquely for every user based on the user ID.  Email
Email Unsubscribed Tracked when a user unsubscribes from receiving emails. Email
Email Unsubscribe Drop Tracked when an email is dropped because the user is part of an unsubscribe list. This is tracked at SendGrid. This event is currently under BETA Email
Email Viewed in Browser Tracked when a user clicks on the view in the browser link present in the email. Email
Facebook Audience Synced Tracked when Facebook API returns 2xx response for add or delete request to an audience. Facebook
Google Ads Audience Synced Tracked when the Google Ads API returns a 2xx response for an add or delete request to an audience. Google Ads Audience
In-App Clicked Android Tracked when a user clicks In-App message on an Android device. Android
In-App Clicked iOS Tracked when a user clicks In-App message on an iOS device. iOS
In-App Clicked Windows Tracked when a user clicks In-App message on a Windows device. Windows
In-App Clicked TV Tracked when a user clicks In-App message on a TV device. TV
In-App Closed Android Tracked when a user dismisses an In-App message by clicking on the close button on an Android device. Android
In-App Closed iOS Tracked when a user dismisses an In-App message by clicking on the close button on an iOS device. iOS
In-App Closed Windows Tracked when a user dismisses an In-App message by clicking on the close button on a Windows device. Windows
In-App Closed TV Tracked when a user dismisses the In-App message by clicking on the close button on a TV device. TV
In-App Shown Android Tracked when an In-App message is shown to the user on an Android device. Android
In-App Shown iOS Tracked when an In-App message is shown to the user on an iOS device. iOS
In-App Shown Windows Tracked when an In-App message is shown to the user on a Windows device. Windows
In-App Shown TV Tracked when an In-App message is shown to the user on a TV device. TV
Notification Clicked Android Tracked when a user clicks a notification on an Android device. Android
Notification Clicked iOS Tracked when a user clicks a notification on an iOS device. iOS
Notification Clicked Web Tracked when a user clicks a notification on the browser. Web
Notification Clicked Windows Tracked when a user clicks a notification on a Windows device. Windows
Notification Dismissed iOS Tracked when the user dismisses the notification on an iOS device. iOS
Notification Received Android Tracked when a user receives a notification on an Android device. Android
Notification Received iOS App Active Tracked when the App is in the foreground and the user receives the notification on iOS. iOS
Notification Received iOS Tracked when a user receives a notification on an iOS device. iOS
Notification Received Web Tracked when a user receives a notification on a browser. Web
Notification Sent iOS Tracked when the Notification sending service accepts to send the notification on an iOS device. iOS
Notification Sent Android Tracked when the Notification sending service accepts to send the notification on an Android device. Android
Notification Sent Web Tracked when the Notification sending service accepts to send the notification on a web device. Web
Notification Dropped

Tracked when a notification is dropped. Notifications are dropped when they are not meant to be attempted due to a variety of reasons such as, the user is not opted-in, frequency capping, minimum delay, campaign control group, global control group etc.

Android, iOS, Web
Notification Failed iOS Tracked when a user fails to receive a notification on an iOS device. These notifications may fail because of content error, or personalization error, or they may also fail because of rejection from sending services like APNS. iOS
Notification Failed Android Tracked when a user fails to receive a notification on an Android device. These notifications may fail because of content error, or personalization error, or they may also fail because of rejection from sending services like FCM. Android
Notification Failed Web Tracked when a user fails to receive a notification on a web device. These notifications may fail because of content error, or personalization error, or they may also fail because of rejection from sending services. Web
On-site Message Shown Tracked when an on-site messaging campaign is shown to a user. Web, TV
On-site Message Clicked Tracked when an on-site messaging campaign is clicked by a user. Web, TV
On-site Message Closed Tracked when an on-site messaging campaign is closed by a user. Web, TV
Push Preference Changed iOS

Tracked when iOS device push preference is changed. It has a modified status.

Note: This event is deprecated. It was used to track when a user unsubscribes to Push notifications.

  • Subscribed to push event with platform attribute as iOS
  • Unsubscribed to push event with platform attribute as iOS
Web Personalization Message Shown Tracked when a web personalization campaign is shown to a user. Web
Web Personalization Message Clicked Tracked when a web personalization campaign is clicked by a user.  Web
Web Personalization Message Closed Tracked when a web personalization campaign is closed by a user. Web
SMS Delivered Tracked when our system receives a delivery receipt for the SMS sent to a user. SMS
SMS Sent Tracked when our system sends SMS to a user.


SMS Clicked

Tracked when a user clicks on any of the links in the SMS message body. SMS

User Entered Flow

Tracked when a user falls in the target audience and has qualified for the entry in the Flow. Flows
User Exited Flow Tracked when a user exits from a Stop Cell of the Flow. Flows
User removed from campaign due to control group Generated while sending a campaign out with the control group defined. Flows/Campaign Channels
User added to control group Generated while creating a global control group. Flows/Campaign Channels
User removed from control group Generated when the global control group is updated.  Specifically when the global control group % is reduced or the global control group is refreshed. Flows/Campaign Channels
WhatsApp Message Clicked Tracked when a WhatsApp Message is read by the user. It will only be available for users who have read receipts enabled. Flows/Campaign Channels
WhatsApp Message Delivered Tracked when a WhatsApp Message is delivered to a user. Flows/Campaign Channels
WhatsApp Message Delivery Failed Tracked when provider failed to send/deliver a WhatsApp Message for a user. Flows/Campaign Channels
WhatsApp Message Read Tracked when a WhatsApp Message is read by the user. It will only be available for users who have read receipts enabled. Flows/Campaign Channels
WhatsApp Message Sent Tracked when a WhatsApp message is sent to a user. Flows/Campaign Channels




Notification Dropped, Notification Sent, and Notification Failed are events that are not tracked for all customers. 


Event Attributes

Source-wise list of event attributes - 

For SDK Events

Name Description
App Version Mobile Application version on which this event was tracked. App Version is tracked with all events.
SDK Version MoEngage SDK version on which this event was tracked. SDK Version is tracked with all events.
Platform OS name on which this event was tracked, for example -Android, iOS, Web, and TV. The platform is tracked with all events.
OS Type The type of the OS this event was tracked on. For example Android, iOS, Roku, WebOS, AndroidTV, tvOS, Tizen, FireOS, VizioTV, and Xbox.
utm_source Source of a campaign e.g. search engine, newsletter, MoEngage
utm_medium Medium of a campaign e.g. CPC, email, push
utm_campaign UTM Campaign name e.g. Summer sale
utm_id UTM campaign ID e.g. 12DSW55
utm_content Content information of the campaign e.g. logoclick
utm_term Term used for paid search e.g. red+shirt
Device Density DPI Resolution of the device display (in dots per inch)
Device Height Width of the screen (in pixels)
Device Manufacturer Manufacturer of the device e.g. Apple
Device Model Model Name of the device e.g. Dell Inspiron
Device Screen Dimension Dimension of the screen in Width*Height format
Device Width Height of the screen (in pixels)
Network Type Type of the network. For example, Wifi, 4G
OS Version Version of the operating system e.g. iOS 11
timestamp User time while performing the event. This is in epoch time.
First Session Generated for all the events tracked with MoEngage web SDK. Value is True for the first session of the user only.
Logged In Status Generated for all the events tracked with MoEngage web SDK. Value is True if the user has logged in on the device.

For Campaign Events

Name Description
Campaign Id ID of the campaign associated with this event.
Campaign Name Represents the name of the campaign, the message was part of.
Campaign Type Represents the type of campaign, the message was part of.
Readable Campaign Id Represents the ID of the campaign, the message was part of.
Parent Campaign id Tracked when a periodic campaign is run. Represents the campaign ID of the parent periodic campaign, child instances of which are re-run on a recurring basis.
Parent Flow Id Tracked when the journey campaign is run. Represents the Flow ID of the parent journey campaign.
Parent Flow Name Tracked when the journey campaign is run. Represents the flow name of the parent journey campaign.
Locale Id Tracked when the campaign is sent using Localization. Represents the ID of the message locale.
Locale Name Tracked when the campaign is sent using Localization. Represents the name of the message locale.
Variation Id Tracked when a campaign is sent using A/B Testing. Represents the ID of message variation.
URL Tracked when display filter is selected in the in-app campaign.
Exit Reason Tracked when a user exits the flow. This is tracked as an attribute of the 'User Exited Flow' event.

Device Attributes

Following are the device attributes collected by MoEngage SDKs - 


Identifier Information Optional
ADVERTISING_IDENTIFIER An alphanumeric string unique to each device used only for serving advertisements) - IDFA
iOS version 14.5 and above Advertisement identifier will be tracked only if the developer asked permission for it. Below iOS 14.5 it is tracked automatically.
IDFV An alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies a device to the app’s vendor - IDFV (identifierForVendor) Yes
os_ver Current iOS version of the device No
device_tz Device Timezone No
model Device model type eg:iPhone"/"iPad" No
model_name Specific Device Model Name eg:iPhone 7",iPhone X" etc No


Identifier Information Optional
OS Version  Current Android version of the device Yes

API level

-- No

Model Name

Device Model Name e.g. S22


Product Name

Device Product Name e.g. Galaxy Yes


Device Manufacturer e.g. Samsung Yes

Google Advertising Identifier (GAID)

GAID of the device Yes

GAID tracking status

GAID tracking status Yes


Device Carrier e.g. Airtel, T-Mobile Yes

Device Density

Device screen density in PPI Yes

Device Width

Device width in pixel Yes

Device Height

Device height in pixel Yes

Android Id

-- Yes

Network Type

Device Network Type e.g. 3G, 5G No

Device Timezone

Device Time Zone e.g. PST, IST, GMT No


Identifier Information Optional


Web / MWeb No


User Agent. Information about the browser. No


Browser Name No


Browser Name No


Device Timestamp No


Device Timezone No


Push token generated by SDK No


Identifier Information Optional


The platform will be set to TV for all TV devices. No


The operating system of the TV device. No


-- No


Only present for Android TV and Amazon Fire TV Yes


Calculated based on re-install, uninstalls, and more. Default value: 1 No


The OS version that is installed on the TV. No


The model name of the TV device.  No


The app version of the app where the event was tracked. No





  • Only ADVERTISING IDENTIFIER is available on the dashboard for segmentation and analytics usage as of now. IDFA and IDFV will not be collected if data tracking is opted out with GDPR opt-out methods.
  • Device information is collected but not available for analysis as of now on the MoEngage dashboard.

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