Derived User Attributes

MoEngage, by default, generates a few of the user attributes. These are called derived user attributes. These can be used in segmentation and analytics as filters to segment the users.

Know more about the list of derived events and event attributes here

User Attributes

Category-wise list of user attributes:


Name Description
First Seen First seen time of the user. The time when the user is created in MoEngage systems.
LTV Life Time Value of the user. This is the total sum of revenue attributes present in the App Conversion Goal event performed by a user. LTV is updated every time the app conversion goal event is executed by the user.
Last Seen The time of the most recent App/Site Open event for the user.
No. of Conversions No. of conversion events done by the user, Conversion Goal can be modified on the settings page.
No. of Sessions No.of sessions done by the user. This is the number of times a user has performed the App/Site Open event.

Acquisition & Uninstall

Name Description Category
Campaign Name Name of the campaign advertisement through which the user installed the app. Acquisition
Publisher Name Name of the Publisher through which the user installed the app. Acquisition
Install Status

Current install status of the user. If the user has the app installed on one of their devices or has been active on the web device then the value will be 'True'.

This derived attribute gives the overall install status at a user level. It differs from the device level 'Install' event which is tracked through MoEngage SDKs.

Uninstall Time The time when our system found a user has uninstalled the app. Uninstall
Device ReInstall Tracked when a reinstall is detected on a device. Uninstall
User ReInstall Tracked when an identified user has reinstalled the app. Uninstall

Reachability & Localization

Name Description Category
Push Opt In Status (iOS)

Push permission status of a user on an iOS device.

Note: This attribute was used to track the subscription status of a user. This attribute is deprecated by March 12, 2024. This data can now be tracked using the Reachability Push iOS user attribute.

Web Push Subscription Page URL Page URL of the web page on which a user subscribed to web push. Use it to find where the subscriptions are happening on your website or categorize your subscribers to send targeted notifications. Reachability
Web Push Subscription Status (Deprecated)

Denotes the web push subscription status of a user - True / False. Use it to find your aggregate subscribers and users who unsubscribed after subscribing once.

Note: This attribute was used to track the subscription status of a user. This attribute is deprecated by March 12, 2024. This data can now be tracked using the Reachability Push Web user attribute.

Reachability Push Android

Reachability Push Android is True (200) when the user is reachable on at least one android device.

Reachability Push iOS

Reachability Push iOS is True (200) when the user is reachable on at least one iOS device.

Reachability Push Web

Reachability Push Web is True (200) when the user is reachable on at least one web device.

Last Known City This attribute is based on the user's last known probable location, which is derived using reverse IP lookup. Localization
Last Known Country Localization
Last Known Pincode/Zipcode Localization
Last Known State Localization
User TimeZone Offset (Mins) Difference of the user time zone with respect to GMT in minutes. Localization


The Location details consisting of the last known city, country, pin-code/zipcode, and state acquired through an IP address, are updated at 30-minute intervals during every user session. It's essential to note that the location details may vary if the person is traveling. The accuracy of the location details based on IP addresses falls within the range of 70-80%.

In case you require an accurate and persistent location, we suggest creating a custom attribute and tracking/updating the location details yourself using MoEngage data API or SDKs.

Device Data & Email Suppression Type

Name Description Category
Hard Bounce Denotes if emails to the user have hard bounced. Email Suppression Type
Spam Denotes if the user has reported an email as spam. Email Suppression Type
Unsubscribe Denotes if the user has unsubscribed from an email. Email Suppression Type
Advertising Identifier Advertising Identifier of the device on which the app is installed. This is only available for iOS & Windows. Device Data
Browser Details Browser details of web users include - Platform, Browser, and Manufacturer. Device Data
Google Advertising ID Advertising Identifier of the device on which the app is installed. This is only available for Android. Device Data
Mobile User Denotes if the user accessed the website on mobile. Device Data

Tracked Standard Attribute

Tracked Standard Attribute  - These attributes are tracked by clients in the standard Keys provided by MoEngage. These standard keys can be found in the integration docs.

Name Description
Birthday Birth date of the user. This is a standard attribute where the name is provided by MoEngage and the value is provided by the client.
Consent for ad user data Used to track consent for sending user data for advertising purposes.
Consent for ad personalization Used to track consent for personalized advertising.
Creation Source Denotes the source through which a user was created. This is a standard attribute where the name is provided by MoEngage and the value is provided by the client.
Email (Standard) Email address of the user. This is a standard attribute where the name is provided by MoEngage, and the value is provided by the client
First Name First Name of the user. This is a standard attribute where the name is provided by MoEngage, and the value is provided by the client.
Gender Gender of the user. This is a standard attribute where the name is provided by MoEngage, and the value is provided by the client.
ID Unique Id that the app has set for a user. This is a standard attribute where the name is provided by MoEngage, and the value is provided by the client.
Last Name Last Name of the user. This is a standard attribute where the name is provided by MoEngage, and the value is provided by the client.
Locale Country Country of the user derived from the device locale settings, for example, The United States. This is a standard attribute where the name is provided by MoEngage, and the value is provided by the client.
Locale Language Language of the user derived from device locale settings, for example, English. This is a standard attribute where the name is provided by MoEngage, and the value is provided by the client.
Location Latitude and Longitude of the user. This is a standard attribute where the name is provided by MoEngage, and the value is provided by the client.
Mobile Number (Standard) Mobile Number of the user. This is a standard attribute where the name is provided by MoEngage, and the value is provided by the client.
Name Full Name of the user. This is a standard attribute where the name is provided by MoEngage and the value is provided by the client.
SMS Subscription Status SMS Subscription Status of the user. This is a standard attribute where the SMS Subscription Status is tracked based on the user's subscription preferences.

Mobile Number should be tracked as a string data type to work well in MoEngage systems.

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