To make sure that you extract maximum benefit for your app/website from MoEngage, we list some of the essential building blocks to be used during integrations that can enable a world of features for you to use and enrich the experience of your customers through the right engagement campaigns. You can read more about SDK integration in our docs here.
Track all User Attributes, Events and Event Attributes
It is recommended to track all the user attributes, events & event attributes exhaustively so that all your use-cases get covered and you can make effective use of our powerful segmentation features.
Also, track Conversion goals and Attributes
Conversion goal help in attributing the success of a campaign to a particular goal such as Purchasing an item, booking a ticket etc. As part of tracking events and their attributes, it is recommended to consider and track such events as potential conversion goals for monitoring campaign performance. Along with conversion goal events, their attributes can help in quantifying the goal achievement such as total revenue earned, total bookings done etc. You can then understand which campaigns are doing better in terms of conversion goal events and understand consumer behaviour better.
Enable Deep-linking and define Screen Names
You should also enable deep-linking and define all the activities or screen names at the time of integration. This would help you take the users to specific screens when a user clicks on the notification.
Enable Transaction APIs
You should integrate Transactional APIs to enable push for server events from your server. Read more about Transactional APIs in our docs here.
Enable Data APIs
In case you want to pass additional data about your users to MoEngage, you should get Server Server Communication integration implemented. Read more about Data APIs in our docs here.
Create a Notification centre in your app/website
To let your customer view the history of any promotions and notifications, it is recommended to get the notification Centre implemented, which acts as an inbox for all your notifications.
Configure your email connector
You must get your email connector integrated along with SMTP settings to enable you to send email campaigns
Implement Nudge in-app notification
Nudges are tiny embedded units which do not block the user’s flow. They have advanced segmentation capabilities and can be useful to show messages in a non-intrusive way to the users. Great for showing recommendations and announcements. You can use nudges only when App open is used as a Trigger condition for InApp campaigns.
You are now fully set up to access the MoEngage Dashboard to create powerful segments and target these segments with smart engagement campaigns.