Overview - Data Management

The Data Management feature provides a comprehensive insight into the data you track in MoEngage. The data encompasses various crucial elements, including events and user attributes. You can access this feature from Settings > Analytics and Data > Data Management.

Following are the key information available from the Data Management dashboard:

  • Clear visibility of unique events and unique user attributes tracked for your MoEngage account out of the total allowed quota of events and user attributes.
  • Displays the count of auto-blocked events and user attributes automatically blocked due to limit breach.
  • Displays the volume of users and events processed through MoEngage.
  • Displays the top 10 events based on volume.

data management 1.png

Overview Tab

The Overview tab of data management gives you high-level information about the number of unique events and user attributes currently tracked for your MoEngage account. 


Provides information about the usage of events and user attributes in MoEngage.


  • Unique events used
    This denotes the number of unique events tracked for your MoEngage account out of the total available events that can be tracked. Clicking the Unique events used card takes you to the Event tab.
  • Auto-blocked events
    This denotes the number of unique events that were blocked in your MoEngage account automatically when the unique events reached 100% of your workspace quota.
    events data mngmnt.png
    Perform the following steps to view the list of auto-blocked events:
    1. On the Overview tab, click the Auto-blocked events card 
    2. You can view the list of all auto-blocked events on the Event tab
      auto-blocked events.gif

User attributes

  • Unique user attributes used
    This denotes the number of unique user attributes tracked for your MoEngage account out of the total available events that can be tracked. Clicking the Unique user attributes used card takes you to the User attributes tab.
  • Auto-blocked user attributes 
    This denotes the number of unique user attributes that were blocked in your MoEngage account automatically when the unique user attributes reached 100% of your workspace quota. 
    user attributes data mngnmnt.png
    Perform the following steps to view the list of auto-blocked user attributes:
    1. On the Overview tab, click the Auto-blocked user attributes card 
    2. You can view the list of all auto-blocked user attributes on the User attributes tab
      auto-blocked user attributes.gif

Limits on Events and Attributes Tracked in MoEngage

The below limits apply when you track data in MoEngage:

Type Default Limit Handling for overage
Unique Events 512 Events not tracked in the last 60 days are auto-blocked first, and then new events are blacklisted if the limit is still breached.
Unique User Attributes 256 User attributes not tracked in the last 60 days are auto-blocked first, and then new user attributes are blacklisted if the limit is still breached.
Unique Event Attributes 100 per event Only the first 100 event attributes will be ingested.

For more information, refer to Data Tracking Policies.


Provides information about the volume of users and events processed through MoEngage. Changing the date range filter affects the Event Volume (All Events) and Event Volume (Custom Events) charts. The system generates charts based on the date range defined by the user.

  • Event volume (All events) 
    This denotes the total count of all events ingested into MoEngage from various sources. The total event includes both system and custom events. Clicking the Event volume card directs you to the analytics chart, allowing you to filter events based on day-level granularity.
    Screenshot 2024-11-06 at 5.35.43 PM.png
  • Event volume (Custom events)
    This denotes the total count of custom events ingested into MoEngage from various sources.  Clicking the Event volume card directs you to the analytics chart, allowing you to filter events based on day-level granularity.
    Screenshot 2024-11-06 at 5.37.44 PM.png
  • Web user volume (30-Day)
    This denotes the count of users who have executed the event App/Site opened using the Web platform. Note that a user who opens an app/site at least once a month is considered an active user. Clicking the Web user volume card directs you to the analytics chart, allowing you to filter users based on month-level granularity.
    Screenshot 2024-11-06 at 5.39.34 PM.png
  • Mobile user volume (30-Day)
    This denotes the count of users who have executed the event App/Site opened using the Mobile platform. Note that a user who opens an app/site at least once a month is considered an active user. Clicking the Mobile user volume card directs you to the analytics chart, allowing you to filter users based on month-level granularity.
    Screenshot 2024-11-06 at 5.40.18 PM.png
  • Top events by volume
    This displays the top 10 events with the maximum volume. Based on your requirements, you can filter for the top events from All events or Custom events.

Event Tab

The Event tab lists all the events tracked for your MoEngage account and enables you to take action on your events. You can click the following event cards to view the associated list of events.
Screenshot 2024-11-06 at 11.57.53 AM.png

  • Unique events used
    This denotes the number of unique events tracked for your MoEngage account out of the total available events that can be tracked.
  • Auto-blocked events
    This denotes the number of unique events that were blocked in your MoEngage account automatically when the unique events reached 100% of your workspace quota.
  • Events not tracked
    This denotes the number of events that have received no data since the chosen time duration. After reaching 100% of your workspace quota, these events can be blocked to create new events.

You can perform the following action on your events:

  • Click dwnld.png to download the event list in CSV format.
  • Click filter icon.png to filter events based on Visibility, Category, Platform, Last seen, First seen and click Apply.
  • Click  Screenshot 2024-11-06 at 12.35.57 PM.png and select the columns you want to view in the events table. 

User Attributes Tab

The User attribute tab lists all the user attributes tracked for your MoEngage account and enables you to take action on your user attributes. You can click Unique user attributes used, Auto-blocked user attributes cards to view the list of user attributes associated with it.
Screenshot 2024-11-06 at 1.11.19 PM.png

You can perform the following actions on your user attributes:

  • Click dwnld.png to download the event list in CSV format.
  • Click filter icon.png to filter events based on Visibility, Category, Platform, Last seen, First seen,Tracked Data type, Allowed Data type, PII Masking and click Apply.
    filter-user attribute.png
  • Click  Screenshot 2024-11-06 at 12.35.57 PM.png and select the columns you want to view in the user attributes table. 




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