Why Does an Error Appear in the Preview File for Import?


When you try to preview the file while importing it through Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), an error occurs.



The error occurs due to an incorrect or invalid file path or permission issues.

In this example, file permission issues cause the error.

file permission.png


Perform the following steps:

  1. Verify the file location to ensure it is accessible through SFTP <sftp host>.
    sftp stsftpcec.blob.core.windows.net
    -- You need to enter the credentials further.
  2. Ensure the SFTP user has read access to the file. In the following permissions:
    • The owner has read and write access.
    • The group has read access.
    • All other users have no access.
    ls -ltr
    -rw-r----- 65534 0 2051666 Tue, 23 Apr 2024 16:40:15 GMT registered_user_data_20240423113949.csv
  3. MoEngage requires read access for all users. Hence, the necessary permission has to be provided.
  4. Ensure the folder path does not have a trailing slash.
    Folder URL = The full SFTP path to your folder without trailing slash.
    Eg: sftp://[host-name]/my_folder or sftp://[host-name]/my_folder/sub_folder

For more information, read What is File Permission.


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