Uplift in Campaigns


Uplift in campaign analytics refers to the increase in the desired metric (such as conversion rate, revenue, or customer engagement) that can be attributed to a specific campaign or action.

It is a way to measure the effectiveness or impact of a campaign by comparing the conversion goal performance for users who received your campaigns (Test group) to that of users who were not sent the message (Control Group). 

Uplift can help you in the following ways:

  • Analyze campaign performance (from impressions to conversions) with multiple attribution models like View-through attribution (x hours from impressions), Click attribution (x hours from clicks), and In-session attribution
  • Create and validate experiments using Multi-variate testing
  • Measure true uplift on business metric against a Control Group

Control Group Uplift

Control group uplift refers to the increase or decrease in the desired metric observed within the control group when comparing it with the target group. In campaign analytics, a control group is a group of individuals who do not receive the campaign or action being analyzed, while the target group refers to those who are exposed to the campaign. By comparing the results of both groups, you can determine the incremental impact of the campaign on the desired metric. The control group uplift helps evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign by considering the difference between the target and control groups

Global Control Group Uplift

Global control group uplift refers to the uplift observed when analyzing the results of the entire customer base or a large sample of customers who were not exposed to the campaign. In this case, the entire customer base or a significant portion of it acts as the control group, while the target group consists of customers who were targeted with the campaign. The global control group uplift provides a broader measure of the campaign's impact across a larger audience, helping to assess the overall effectiveness of the campaign.

Positive and Negative Uplift

An uplift (Control group uplift or Global control group uplift) can be positive or negative, A positive uplift indicates that the campaign or action had a positive impact and led to better results compared to not running the campaign or taking that action. On the other hand, Negative uplift indicates that the campaign or action had a negative impact and led to worse results compared to not running the campaign or taking that action.
Both positive and negative uplift provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of campaigns and help you optimize your strategies.

Calculate Uplift Percentage

  • To calculate the uplift percentage of the target group for a particular conversion goal, use the following formula:
    Target Uplift = (Conversion rate of the target group - Conversion rate of the control group)x 100
                                                    Conversion rate of the control group
  • To calculate the uplift percentage of a variation for a particular conversion goal, use the following formula:
    Variation Uplift = (Conversion rate of variation - Conversion rate of the control group)x 100
                                                 Conversion rate of the control group
    • Where, Conversion rate (CVR) for target group = Unique conversion of target group
                                                                                           Total users in the target group
    • Conversion rate (CVR) for the control group = Unique conversion of the control group

                                                                                           Total users in the control group
    • Conversion rate (CVR) for variation = Unique conversion of the variation

                                                                           Total users in the variation


  • For Push campaigns,
    The conversion rate (CVR) is calculated using the following formulae: 
    • (Unique Conversions)/ (Total Impression)
    • (Unique Conversions)/ (Total Clicks)
  • For SMS campaigns,
    The conversion rate (CVR) is calculated using the following formulae:
    • (Unique Conversion/Total Sent)*100
    • If delivery is enabled, (Unique Conversion/Total Delivered)*100
  • For Email campaigns,
    The conversion rate (CVR) is calculated using the following formulae: 
    • (Converted Users/Total Unique Open)*100
    • (Converted Users/Total Click)*100


View the Uplift in Campaign Analytics

On your campaign analytics page, you can view Uplift under the following analytics of each campaign:

  • Campaign performance stats - The uplift percentage in performance stats indicates the primary conversion goal and the uplift of that primary conversion goal against the Control group.
    campaign performancr stat.png
  • Locale/Variation performance - The uplift percentage in Locale/Variation performance indicates the uplift of each conversion goal for each variation or locale against the Control group.
    Screenshot 2024-08-28 at 2.35.32 PM.png
  • Conversion goal performance - The uplift percentage in performance stats indicates the uplift of each conversion goal against the Control group.
    Screenshot 2024-08-28 at 2.35.47 PM.png

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