Create an Event-Triggered Campaign


Do you want to remind your users about their booked flight 2 hours before the flight time? Do you want to remind users about the item they added to the cart but have not purchased in the last 1 hour? Do you want them to recharge their mobile data pack 2 days before it expires?

You can achieve such scenarios using event-triggered campaigns. They allow you to send personalized messages/notifications triggered by different user action events tracked on the app or server. Using event-triggered campaigns, you can target users at the right moment and in the right context, increasing the chances of their engagement.

Use Cases

The following are some use cases you can achieve with event-triggered campaigns:

  • Send an order confirmation message after the users complete a purchase
  • Re-engage Funnel drop-offs (cart drop-offs, subscription drop-offs, payment drop-offs, and so on)
  • Send reminders (with discounts) to your subscribers before the subscription expiry
  • Send an SMS when the user opens the app and does not make a purchase within two hours of opening the app
  • Remind users about the expiry of their subscription that they bought last month 1 day before the expiry date
  • Send communication minutes before a flash sale to shoppers who have registered for it
  • Send a message to users who booked a flight ticket to a particular city to cross-sell hotels, experiences, local transport, restaurant bookings
  • Remind users who buy medicines to reorder them before they end


This article provides instructions only for setting the trigger criteria for event-triggered campaigns. For complete information on creating campaigns, refer to the following articles:

Set the Trigger Criteria

This section contains the event criteria that (when satisfied) will trigger the campaign notification. To define the trigger condition, perform the following steps:

  1. On the left navigation menu in the MoEngage dashboard, click Engage, and then click Campaigns.
  2. On the All campaigns page, in the upper-right corner, click + Create campaign.
  3. Click one of the following channels and click Event Triggered.
    • Push
    • Email
    • SMS
    • WhatsApp
    • Facebook (under User Qualification Criteria, select Based on trigger event)
    • Google Ads (under User Qualification Criteria, select Based on trigger event)
    • Connector
  4. In the IF user section:
    1. In the Has Executed list, click a user action event or derived event that must be performed to trigger the campaign. This is the primary filter condition.
    2. Click + Attributes to add attributes to the filter. (This is optional)
    3. Click + Filter to add another filter with the primary filter. (This is optional)
  5. In the THEN trigger the message section,
    1. Select Immediately to send the campaign within the next 30 to 60 seconds.
    2. Select With Delay and provide the following details to define the timeframe and the event criteria to be fulfilled to send the campaign:
      1. Enter the number and select the minutes, hours, or days.
      2. Select Before or After the time.
      3. Select the action to be performed by the user in the list for the if condition. After performing the first action, the user must perform the additional actions within the time specified in the delay criteria.


        Select the Use intelligent delay optimization check box to optimize the delay in real-time for the campaign to be sent after the user event conditions are satisfied. This option is available only in the Push campaign. For more information, refer to Trigger Delay Optimization.

        Screenshot 2025-01-22 at 7.25.15 AM.png

Campaign with Only the Primary Condition

MoEngage allows you to execute time-sensitive messages. You can immediately send campaigns with only "if" conditions. These campaigns can send the message based on a single trigger event within a few minutes of the defined trigger action.

For example, send a confirmation email immediately after a purchase is done.

Screenshot 2025-01-22 at 7.21.59 AM.png

Campaign with Primary and Secondary Conditions

MoEngage allows you to configure event triggers based on multiple conditions. You can define a primary "if" condition and a secondary "AND" condition. For example, you can send a message if the user adds a product to the cart but does not purchase it within a specific period of time. An example condition to trigger the event looks as follows:

If the user has executed the Added to Cart event AND has not executed the Product Purchased event in the past 30 days from the Added to Cart event, then trigger the message.

Screenshot 2025-01-22 at 7.23.42 AM.png

Configure Triggers with a Trigger Event Property

With event triggers, you can trigger the message for specified values of the event attribute in your IF event. For instance, you want to remind users who have booked a flight 2 hours before the flight time. You must create a trigger on the Flight Booked event using the event property flight_time and set the notification to be sent 2 hours before the flight time.

To create a trigger:

In the IF user section, in the Has Executed list, click the flight booked event as shown below:

event trigger.png

In the THEN trigger the message section, set the result for a message to be sent 2 hours before the flight time as shown below:




Event-triggered campaigns are sent only when:

  • The event property or attribute, which is used to create these types of triggers (such as flight_time in the previous example), is in a valid date-time format. Here are the supported formats. If the selected attributes do not contain data in any of these formats, the campaigns are not sent to the users.
  • The date or time value from the attribute is greater than the time at which the trigger condition is fulfilled.
  • The date or time value from the attribute is less than 30 Days + the time at which the trigger condition is fulfilled. For example, if your trigger condition is fulfilled at date D, the notification is sent only when the attribute value is less than D+30.
  • The intelligent delay optimization (only for Push campaigns under With Delay) does not work for campaigns sent on relative timing.

Supported Formats

The following formats are supported for Date/Time attributes:

  • Date/Time format sent through the MoEngage SDK
  • Date/Time values sent in string formats as follows:

“EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss Z yyyy”,
“EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss yyyy zzz”,
“EEE, MMM dd HH:mm:ss yyyy zzz”,
“EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz”,
“EEE,dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz”,
“EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:sszzz”,
“EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss”,
“EEE, dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss zzz”,
“yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS zzz”,
“yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS”,
“yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss zzz”,
“yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss”,
“yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm”,
“MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss. zzz”,
“MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz”,
“dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz”,
“dd MM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz”,
“dd.MM.yyyy; HH:mm:ss”,
“dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss”,
“dd.MM.yyyy zzz”


  • ZZZ: Represents the reported timezone
  • EEE: Represents the day of the week, for example, Tue
  • MMM: Represents the month of the year, for example, Jun
  • HH:MM:SS: Represents the hour of the day, minutes of the hour, and seconds of the minute
  • DD:MM:yyyy and DD:MM:YY: Date formats most commonly used


We do not support MM/DD/YYYY formats. If the time zone is not mentioned in your event property, the UTC is considered, and a notification is sent accordingly.

Linked Conditions

You can also add dynamic and linked checks based on an individual user's properties or past actions. For example, with linked triggers, you can verify if a user added a product to the cart but did not purchase it or if they purchased a product from a brand they previously browsed without manually entering specifics. For more information, refer to Linked Conditions.

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