The MoEngage Card campaign enables you to send out personalized Cards to your target audience. The campaign aims to create a personal connection with users and promote a specific product, service, or message that appears on the user's App Inbox or News Feed. For example, you can create a Card campaign to promote a new line of eco-friendly clothing, or gift Cards or coupons to users purchasing an item on your application.
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Prerequisites Ensure you have a fundamental understanding of MoEngage Cards before learning how to create one by reading the article Overview - Cards. |
Steps to Create a Card Campaign
Creating a Card campaign is a three-step process:
Step 1: Segmentation
Step 2: Create view
Step 3: Scheduling
You can segment users to define your target audience for the Card campaign as follows:
- Navigate to the MoEngage Dashboard sidebar > click + Create new > Campaign > Inbound > click Cards.
Navigate to the MoEngage Dashboard sidebar and select Engage > Campaigns > click + Create campaign > Inbound > click Cards. - Enter the Campaign Name to manage and identify the campaign. The campaign name must have at least five characters, and the limit is 256.
- Select campaign tags from the dropdown. You can select a maximum of five tags. For more information, refer to Campaign Tags.
- Check the boxes of the platform that you want to target:
- Android
- iOS
- Web
TV (Early Access)
Early Access
- You can only create Self Handled Cards for TV.
- You cannot select TV as a platform along with Android, iOS, or Web. You must only select TV to proceed further.
- Based on how you want the campaign to be triggered, you can select one of the following criteria:
A One Time Card Campaign enables you to send the Card to a specific user segment only once as soon as possible or at a scheduled date and time.
You can check the Allow Future Qualifiers box if you want users to access the Cards after the scheduled time. For example, if the Card was scheduled to go live at 10 am on a particular day, users who visit your application at 11 am or anytime after the scheduled time will also be eligible for the Card. For more information, see Allow Future Qualifiers.An Event Triggered Campaign enables you to send the Card to a specific user segment when the specified trigger condition is met. For example, you can send a Card to users who updated your application using any platform. In this case, the condition would be set as App Update which when triggered would deliver the Card to the user.
info Information
With Event Triggered Cards, the latest triggered card overwrites the existing card from the previous trigger from the same campaign (if any). Thus, only the latest card from that campaign would be visible to the user.
Follow the steps below to define the trigger condition under Select Trigger Condition:
- In the IF section,
- In the Select an event drop-down list, select the user action that needs to be performed to trigger the campaign. This is the primary filter condition.
- Click + Attribute to add attributes to the filter. (This is optional)
- Click + ADD FILTER to add another filter with the primary filter. (This is optional)
- In the THEN section,
- Select Immediately to send the campaign within the next 30 to 60 seconds.
- Select With Delay and provide the following details to define the timeframe and the event criteria to be fulfilled to send the campaign:
- Enter the number and select the minutes, hours, or days.
- Select Before or After the time.
- Select the action to be performed by the user in the drop-down list for the if condition. The user must perform the actions added within the time specified in the delay criteria after performing the first action.
Periodic Campaigns help you target a specific user segment recurrently. For example, you can send a Card to encourage users to update your application once every month.
Allow Future Qualifiers (recommended)
Allow Future Qualifiers checkbox in One-time campaigns, allows the campaign to include users who qualify the segment criteria at any time in the future.
The differences between a one-time campaign with and without the Allow Future Qualifiers are displayed in the following table:Without Allow Future Qualifiers With Allow Future Qualifiers Use case For campaigns that have a non-changing set of recipients who already have a device (app/website) at the time of sending.
If you need to display cards to new or anonymous users who may enter the segment after launch or may add a device after launch
Cards are sent only to those users who have an active device tracked in MoEngage and are part of the segment at the time of sending the campaign. If a user who qualifies for the segment adds a device later, they will not see the Card. Cards are sent to users who qualify for the segment condition at the time it is sent or who qualify for the segment condition at any time in the future.
- For "All users" campaigns, the Cards are sent even to anonymous users in their first session.
- For segmented campaigns, future users who qualify the segment criteria—even though they were not part of the segment at the time of sending the campaign—will see the Card from the second session onwards.
Note: For such campaigns, if a user receives a Card as an anonymous user, but is part of the exclusion criteria after logging in to the app, the user will still see the Card that was shown when they were anonymous.
MoEngage considers the sent count based on the number of users with active devices targeted at the time of sending the campaign. MoEngage considers the sent count based on the number of unique users receiving the Card campaign when it is delivered to them. Response time Because there is no evaluation at the time of delivery, these campaigns are delivered to the app quickly on app open/fetch. Because there is an eligibility evaluation at the time of delivery, it may take an additional 1 second to fetch Cards if the user has any Card with the Allow Future Qualifiers flag set to True. Campaign expiry The campaign expiry time starts from the time the campaign is delivered to the logged-in user. If a user receives the Card anonymously, the campaign expiry time starts from the anonymous delivery time.
If a user receives the Card after logging in to the app, the campaign expiry time starts from the time the campaign is delivered to the logged-in user.
Global Control Group Optional Users in the Global control group are not excluded from campaigns with Allow future qualifiers. - In the IF section,
- Select All users in the Select Audience section to send the campaign to all the app users.
If you want to send the campaign to selected users, you can choose the Filter users by option. This option provides you with four different methods to segment the target audience for the particular campaign as follows:
This filter option allows you to target the users based on user properties such as first seen, last seen, city, and so on.
Follow the steps below to use the User Property filter:
1. Click the User property tab and then select the desired attribute in the drop-down list.
For example, numeric attributes can have filter conditions such as 'is equal to', 'is not equal to', 'is between', and so on, while string attributes have different filters.
To learn more, see Filters in Segmentation.
2. Enter the filter value(s) to create the desired user segment.
You can add more than one filter to the user segment by clicking the + Nested Filter and using either AND or OR conditions.
This filter option allows you to target the users based on user action, such as app/site opened, viewed product, and so on.
Follow the steps below to use the User Behavior filter:
1. Click the User behavior tab.
2. Select the execution condition and the desired user activity (event).
3. Enter the event frequency and time duration for the event execution.
4. Click + Attributes and add an event attribute with a filter condition.
5. Enter the filter value(s) to create a rule.
6. Click the + Aggregation button to add the aggregation functionality. For more information, refer to Aggregation Operations.
You can add more than one filter to the user segment by clicking the + Nested Filter and using either AND or OR conditions.
This filter option allows you to target groups of users created based on their app journey, personalities, lifestyles, beliefs, and choices (as displayed within your app). For more information, refer to Affinity Segments.
Follow the steps below to use the User Affinity filter:
1. Click the User affinity and then select the desired user event or attribute.
2. Select the user affinity parameter from the following:
- Predominantly: Select affinity attribute with a filter condition and provide the affinity values.
- For a minimum of: Select affinity attribute with a filter condition and provide the affinity values.
- Most no. of times: Enter a value or use the arrows to provide the top percentage of users.
- Least no. of times: Enter a value or use the arrows to provide the bottom percentage of users.
3. Enter or use the arrows to provide the time duration for the event execution.
You can click + Attribute to add more attributes to the filter.
You can add more than one filter to the user segment by clicking the + Nested Filter and using either AND or OR conditions.
This filter option allows you to select a custom segment as the target audience.
Follow the steps below to use the Custom segment filter:
1. Click the Custom segment tab and then select the desired custom segment from the dropdown.
Additionally, you can also perform the following actions:
Create Multiple Filters: You can create and combine multiple user property rules, user activity rules, and custom segment rules to create a complex user segment using this option.
- Click + Filter.
- Click AND or OR.
- Select the attribute or event and define the filter conditions.
Exclude Users: Select this checkbox to exclude users from the Card campaign based on different conditions.
info Note
When the Allow Future Qualifiers checkbox is selected for the one-time Card campaign, an anonymous user who is part of the Exclude users segment will still be able to view the Card on the application.
- Reset Filters: Click this option to reset the segmentation filters.
- Show Count: Click this button to display the total number of users present in the configured segment.
Global control group: The Global control group toggle is enabled by default to exclude the control group users from the campaign's target segment so that the campaign is accessible to the selected target audience.
For one-time Card campaigns, the Global control group remains disabled when the Allow Future Qualifiers functionality is selected, allowing end users who are not part of any control group to access the Cards even after the scheduled time. For more information, see Control Groups.
Click Next.
Create view
Once you've decided your target users, you can define the content of the Card campaign to be sent by following the steps below:
- Click the dropdown and select your Card category.
- The dropdown will display the Card categories that you've configured for the Inbox during the SDK integration process. MoEngage currently supports a maximum of five tabs, including the All tab. For example, Announcements, Promotions, Updates, Others. and All.
- The All category will by default display all your cards set up in the All page in an aggregated format. This is not a required selection in the Category dropdown.
- Click the dropdown and select the required template.
MoEngage provides two types of Card templates as follows:- Basic Card - You can use the basic template to send a simple message that focuses primarily on text, such as informing customers about an offer that ends next weekend and includes information like "50% off on summer apparel" along with your logo for easy brand memory.
- Illustration Card - You can use the illustration template if you want your message to be richer and more focused on an image or gif that provides further information about the upcoming deal coupled with concise text.
- Manage the look and feel of your Card by configuring the various components of the Card as follows:
Select background color
To make your message more appealing, you might want to add a background color to your notification. You can either choose a color from the color picker or add a hex code.
The Header represents the title or heading of the Card that you want to communicate with your users.
The text limit for the Header is 30 characters.
- You can also use emojis in all the text fields.
The Message represents a brief description of the Card that you want to deliver to your users.
- The text limit for the Message is 115 characters. Depending on the width of the device, you can add up to three lines of text. On larger devices, more text will be visible, while on smaller ones, less text.
You can apply some basic formatting to your Message by changing it's style and color.
- You can also use emojis in all the message fields. Use websites like Getemoji to copy and directly paste the emoji, anywhere in your header or message.
- The text limit for the Message is 115 characters. Depending on the width of the device, you can add up to three lines of text. On larger devices, more text will be visible, while on smaller ones, less text.
Images enable visual effects on the Cards. Images can be uploaded to your Card with the following methods:
Basic Card Illustration Card You can upload an image as an icon or thumbnail.
- Enter icon URL - You can enter the URL of the image stored in a third-party application.
- Upload Image - You can upload an image from your local system.
You can upload an image or gif in landscape mode.
- Enter media URL - You can enter the URL of the image stored in a third-party application.
- Upload - You can upload an image from your local system.
Supported image formats are JPEG, PNG, and GIF.
The maximum allowed size is 10 MB for both images and animated images.
Card Action (Tap on Card would)
This feature examines if any part of the Card has been tapped excluding the CTA text and then performs the following actions depending on the platform the Card is configured to display on:
Platform Actions Android - Navigate to a screen - This option redirects the user to a specified screen (selected from the drop-down). Optionally, multiple Key-Value pairs can be added to take the user to specific parts of the page with relevant results.
For instance, if you wish to offer discounts on Apple iPhone 11 Yellow, you need to specify the screen name as <product purchase screen> and send the key-value pairs (brand, Apple), (Model, iPhone 11), (Color, Yellow) so that you can display results relevant to the Card campaign. - Deep-link - This option takes the user to a deep-linked URL inside the app.
Rich landing - This option takes the user to a mobile-optimized rich landing page (Web or Mobile Web)
info Note
You can use key-value pairs to add additional information to the deep linking or Rich landing URLs.
iOS Web Redirect URL - This option takes the user to the URL when they tap on the car
- Navigate to a screen - This option redirects the user to a specified screen (selected from the drop-down). Optionally, multiple Key-Value pairs can be added to take the user to specific parts of the page with relevant results.
You can also include calls to action (CTA) text on your Cards, which, when clicked, will direct the users to a particular website or link.
To add a CTA,
1. Enable the CTA Text toggle.
2. Add the CTA text in the input field which, when clicked, will redirect the user to the specific page linked to the CTA text.
3. Select one of the following actions depending on the platform the Card is configured to display on and then enter the respective links in the input field:
Platform Actions Android - Navigate to a screen - This option redirects the user to a specified screen (selected from the drop-down). Optionally, multiple Key-Value pairs can be added to take the user to specific parts of the page with relevant results.
For instance, if you wish to offer discounts on Apple iPhone 11 Yellow, you need to specify the screen name as <product purchase screen> and send the key-value pairs (brand, Apple), (Model, iPhone 11), (Color, Yellow) so that you can display results relevant to the Card campaign. - Deep-link - This option takes the user to a deep-linked URL inside the app.
Rich landing - This option takes the user to a mobile-optimized rich landing page (Web or Mobile Web)
info Note
You can use key-value pairs to add additional information to the deep linking or Rich landing URLs.
iOS Web Redirect URL - This option takes the user to the URL when they tap on the car
arrow_drop_down Test campaign (Optional)You can test the output of your newly created Card campaign by selecting a custom attribute and its value for a test user as follows:
- Unique ID
- Email ID
- Mobile Number
- Google Advertising identifier
- iOS Identifier for advertising
- Device Push Token
- Custom Segment
The Test Campaign button enables you to check the campaign on a test device and ensure that your intended message is being conveyed to users in the expected way.
For business event-triggered campaigns, you will be asked to enter the attributes with which the event should be triggered, as shown below. If you have mapped any business event attribute(s) to user attribute(s) or event attribute(s) in segmentation, these values have to be passed while testing the campaign. If they are not passed, the test campaign will fail
arrow_drop_down Preview of Cards in Different PlatformsBasic Card Template
Illustration Card Template
You can also Click the See in web browser to preview the Card in the browser window as shown below:
Expected Result:
- Navigate to a screen - This option redirects the user to a specified screen (selected from the drop-down). Optionally, multiple Key-Value pairs can be added to take the user to specific parts of the page with relevant results.
Select background color
- Click Next.
Define the Card campaign's delivery schedule and goals as follows:
- Under the Send Campaign section, select one of the following options to deliver the Card to your users:
- As soon as possible
At a specific date and time
The delivery process behaves differently for different trigger criteria implied on the Card as follows:
arrow_drop_down One TimeChoose this option to send the campaign immediately to the target users and end it on a specific date and time.
The following fields are available in this section only if you have selected the Allow Future Qualifiers checkbox:
- Campaign time zone: the timezone in which the campaign should be sent.
Ends: the date on which the campaign should end. The following option is selected by default:
- On: the campaign ends on the end date specified in the End Date field.
- End date: the date on which the campaign should be stopped.
- End time: the time at which the campaign should be stopped. Select am or pm depending on the time of day at which the campaign should be stopped.
Choose this option to send the campaign at the specified time, time zone, or predicted time.
This section helps you send the campaign on a specific date and time and end it on a specific date and time. The following fields are available in this section:
- Campaign time zone: the timezone in which the campaign should be sent.
- Start date: the date on which the campaign should be sent.
- Send time: the time at which the campaign should be sent. Select am or pm depending on the time of day at which the campaign should be sent.
The following fields are available in this section only if you have selected the Allow Future Qualifiers checkbox:
Ends: the date on which the campaign should end. The following option is selected by default:
- On: the campaign ends on the end date specified in the End Date field.
- End date: the date on which the campaign should be stopped.
- End time: the time at which the campaign should be stopped. Select am or pm depending on the time of day at which the campaign should be stopped.
arrow_drop_down PeriodicChoose this option to send the campaign periodically on a specified date and time and end it on a specific date and time. The following fields are available in this section:- Campaign time zone: the timezone in which the campaign should be sent.
- Start date: the date on which the campaign should be sent.
- Send time: the time at which the campaign should be sent. Select am or pm depending on the time of day at which the campaign should be sent.
- Periodic: the periodicity of the campaign. You can choose from the following options available on the left of the screen:
Periodicity Description Daily Repeat every: This option allows you to specify the number of days after which the campaign should be repeated. -
Ends: the date on which the campaign should end. The following option is selected by default:
- On: the campaign ends on the end date specified in the End Date field.
- End date: the date on which the campaign should be stopped.
arrow_drop_down Event TriggeredChoose this option to engage the right users (through segmentation) at the right time (through event triggering). The Active continuously option is selected by default under Send campaign and the following fields are available in this section:- Campaign time zone: the timezone in which the campaign should be sent.
- Start date: the date on which the campaign should be sent.
- Send time: the time at which the campaign should be sent. Select am or pm depending on the time of day at which the campaign should be sent.
- End date: the date on which the campaign should be stopped.
- End time: the time at which the campaign should be stopped. Select am or pm depending on the time of day at which the campaign should be stopped.
- Under the Display Controls section, manage your Card display by configuring the following conditions:
You can configure the Card expiry details using the following 3 ways:
a. At a date and time: All the Cards will expire on this specific date irrespective of when different users received the Cards. After Card is sent, if a user has not opened the Inbox even once till this expiry date, then that user will never see this Card.
b. Days after the user has seen the Card: You can define the number of days for which the Card would remain active in the Inbox after the user has seen a particular Card i.e. after the impression happened. The maximum limit for this field is 180 days.
c. Days after the Card has been delivered to Inbox: You can define the number of days for which the Card would remain active in the Inbox after the Card has been delivered to the App Inbox. The maximum limit for this field is 180 days.
For example: As per the scheduling criteria set above, the Card campaign runs between 6th July and 30th September. And, the Card expiry is set as 60 days after the Card is delivered to the user's Inbox. Now, consider the scenario:
The Card is delivered to User 1 on 6th July. So, for User 1 this Card will remain active for 60 days from 6th July i.e. till 7th September, and expire on 8th September
The Card is delivered to User 2 on 15th August. So, for User 2 this Card will remain active for 60 days from 15th August i.e. till 15th October, and expire on 16th October.
info Note
The default value for Card expiry is 30 days after the Card is delivered to the user's Inbox.
This option gives you the flexibility to decide whether, during the time the Card is active, should the user be able to see the Card 24/7 or only during certain hours on the active days. By default, it will be set to "Throughout the day"
For eg. If you want to run an online lucky draw every weekend at 5 PM for 1 hour and give out coupons to the winners then you might want to show the Card notification for this lucky draw between 4.55 PM and 6 PM.
This allows you to limit the maximum number of times a Card will be visible to the user. Let's assume that when a user clicks on a particular Card, it takes them to a product page with a 10% discount auto-applied. As a marketer, you want to limit each user to avail of this discount only 3 times. So, you can set up the value of maximum times to show the Card as 3. The Card will expire once the user has seen the Card 3 times.
info Note
This is an optional field. If no value is set, the Card will remain active until the expiry time.
If you want a particular Card to get maximum user attention, then you can use the pin Card option. Select the Pin Card to the top option as follows:
A pinned Card will appear at the top of the Inbox with a pin icon as shown in the image below. Also, at any time only one Card be shown as pinned. So, if there are 2 Cards with the pin option enabled, then the latest Card will be shown as pinned.
Enable the Conversion Goal toggle to set your conversion goals for your Card campaign.
Conversion goals help you to track how your campaign helped you achieve your business metrics. You can choose any app event(for example, Product Purchased) as a conversion goal activity.
Let's assume that your conversion goal is to acquire customers to purchase an iPhone on your application. So, you enter the Goal name as iPhonePurchase and the Event name as Product Purchased.
You can add attributes by clicking + New attribute associated with the event to specify your conversion goals. In this case, prod_name is the event attribute/property with the value iPhone which means that your application will log the users who have purchased the product with name iPhone on your application.Multiple Conversion Goals
You can add up to five conversion goals by clicking the + New goal option. With multiple conversion goals, you can now track more than one business metric or can visualize a funnel for your user actions.
For example, you can use multiple conversion goals to check the following events for a Card campaign:
How many users have viewed the product page?
How many of them added that product to the cart?
How many of them made a successful order?
Set Attribution WindowWe also allow you to set an attribution window which is the duration for which you want to attribute the conversion goals to a specific campaign. This duration is calculated from the time at which the user received the campaign. By default, it is set for 36 hours but you can set it to any duration lesser than 36 hours.
info Note
The conversion goals and their attribution window are optional fields. You can disable them anytime by switching off the toggle button next to conversion goals.
Click Launch to confirm your campaign creation.
Upon successful campaign creation, you will be taken to the campaign info page where you can view the campaign performance stats and a brief campaign summary.
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Note When the Card campaign is sent, it means the Card is ready to be delivered to the user. The Card will be delivered only when the user opens their app Inbox. |
Ensure to publish the campaign for users to access it in their app inbox.