Email Errors

The following table depicts some email errors and their resolution.

Type of Error Error Code Description Resolution
Failed to Deliver SMTPSenderRefused The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) refused the sender's address.

Check with the SMTP provider, or try sending the email again later. If the error is not resolved, raise a support ticket.

Failed to Deliver SMTPRecipientRefused

The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) refused the recipient's address.

  1. Check with the SMTP provider, or try sending the email again later.
  2. Review email IDs and fix the data issue.
Failed to Deliver Error in Attachments These errors can occur because of large file sizes, invalid URLs, and the files' unavailability on the added URL.
  1. Check the attachments added in Step 2 (Content).
  2. Check that the attachment URLs are correct.
  3. Ensure that the file type, number of attachments, and individual and cumulative size are within defined limits.
Failed to Deliver MaximumLimitExceeded The credit limit on the SMTP end is exceeded.

Check with the SMTP and try sending emails again after the credits are updated.

  • If you use MoEngage as your Email Service Provider (ESP), raise a support ticket.
  • If you use your own ESP, recharge your credits or contact your ESP's Account Executive.
Failed to Send Duplicate emails removed Users were suppressed because of duplicate email IDs in your segment.
  1. Perform a data clean-up to remove duplicate profiles.
  2. If you need to contact the suppressed customer, request to enable the brand-based deduplication control for you, or use one-time flow campaigns and turn off deduplication.
Failed to Send BUC These users were suppressed because a bounce was received, an unsubscribe request was made, or spam complaints were made from them in the past. 

No action.

Suppressing these users saves negative engagement and protects your domain reputation.

Failed to Send GCG These users were suppressed because you configured the Global Control Group. This group helps you compare the performance of the users targeted via campaigns.  Turn off the Global Control Group exclusion in Step 1 of campaign creation, or remove the Global Control Group from email settings altogether.
Failed to Send Users removed due to CCG These users were suppressed because you configured a Campaign Control Group. This group helps you compare the performance of the users targeted via campaigns. Turn off the Campaign Control Group exclusion in Step 1 of campaign creation.
Failed to Send FC Removed

This error occurs when messages are suppressed because the recipient has reached the maximum message limit according to the Frequency Capping (FC).

Update the FC settings.
Failed to Send DND Removed This error occurs when the message is triggered in the Do Not Disturb (DND) hours you configured. DND applies only to event-triggered campaigns. DND does not apply to one-time, periodic, and business event-triggered campaigns. These types of campaigns are delivered according to the schedule.
Failed to Send Not sent due to campaign-level minimum delay This error occurs only for event-triggered campaigns.
  1. Segment your users differently and schedule campaigns so that they don't overlap.
  2. Remove the minimum delay setting.
Failed to Send Invalid emails removed This error occurs when users with invalid emails are suppressed. Perform data correction or email list validation.
Failed to Send Encryption/Decryption Failure This error occurs because of encryption or decryption failure.

Raise a support ticket.

Failed to Send IP Warm-Up Removed This error occurs because your IP warm-up is removed. Get your warm-up plan updated.
Failed to Send Invalid API response This error occurs because of an invalid API response.  
Failed to Send Personalisation Failure This error occurs because of a personalization failure. Address the missing data.


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