The following table depicts some email errors and their resolution.
Type of Error | Error Code | Description | Resolution |
Failed to Deliver | SMTPSenderRefused | The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) refused the sender's address. |
Check with the SMTP provider, or try sending the email again later. If the error is not resolved, raise a support ticket. |
Failed to Deliver | SMTPRecipientRefused |
The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) refused the recipient's address. |
Failed to Deliver | Error in Attachments | These errors can occur because of large file sizes, invalid URLs, and the files' unavailability on the added URL. |
Failed to Deliver | MaximumLimitExceeded | The credit limit on the SMTP end is exceeded. |
Check with the SMTP and try sending emails again after the credits are updated.
Failed to Send | Duplicate emails removed | Users were suppressed because of duplicate email IDs in your segment. |
Failed to Send | BUC | These users were suppressed because a bounce was received, an unsubscribe request was made, or spam complaints were made from them in the past. |
No action. Suppressing these users saves negative engagement and protects your domain reputation. |
Failed to Send | GCG | These users were suppressed because you configured the Global Control Group. This group helps you compare the performance of the users targeted via campaigns. | Turn off the Global Control Group exclusion in Step 1 of campaign creation, or remove the Global Control Group from email settings altogether. |
Failed to Send | Users removed due to CCG | These users were suppressed because you configured a Campaign Control Group. This group helps you compare the performance of the users targeted via campaigns. | Turn off the Campaign Control Group exclusion in Step 1 of campaign creation. |
Failed to Send | FC Removed |
This error occurs when messages are suppressed because the recipient has reached the maximum message limit according to the Frequency Capping (FC). |
Update the FC settings. |
Failed to Send | DND Removed | This error occurs when the message is triggered in the Do Not Disturb (DND) hours you configured. | DND applies only to event-triggered campaigns. DND does not apply to one-time, periodic, and business event-triggered campaigns. These types of campaigns are delivered according to the schedule. |
Failed to Send | Not sent due to campaign-level minimum delay | This error occurs only for event-triggered campaigns. |
Failed to Send | Invalid emails removed | This error occurs when users with invalid emails are suppressed. | Perform data correction or email list validation. |
Failed to Send | Encryption/Decryption Failure | This error occurs because of encryption or decryption failure. | |
Failed to Send | IP Warm-Up Removed | This error occurs because your IP warm-up is removed. | Get your warm-up plan updated. |
Failed to Send | Invalid API response | This error occurs because of an invalid API response. | |
Failed to Send | Personalisation Failure | This error occurs because of a personalization failure. | Address the missing data. |