Why Are UTM Parameters Not Tracked When the Embedded URL Redirects to WhatsApp?


The Email campaign aimed at redirecting users to WhatsApp did not properly track the UTM parameters associated with the campaign.


  • The UTM parameters used in the Email campaign were not tracked correctly on MoEngage because WhatsApp modifies them when the app is opened.
  • When WhatsApp was opened, it changed or removed the UTM parameters, causing them to be inaccurately tracked on MoEngage for the Email campaign.


  • The email you received had a redirection URL in which UTM parameters, such as utm_source=MoEngage and utm_medium=EMAIL were missing.
  • The modified UTM parameters need to resemble utm_source=MoEngagedue.


    This is a known limitation of WhatsApp; currently, MoEngage does not have a workaround.

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