Why Is the Email Preview Text Shown Twice in Apple Mail?


In Apple Mail, the email preview text appears twice, and the pre-header tag is repeated. This issue does not occur in Gmail.


Apple Mail may ignore non-breaking and non-joining characters, such as   and ‌ which function correctly in other email apps (Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook).



  • On an iPhone with iOS 15.8.2, the email preview text is displayed correctly, and the email body does not overlap with the preview text space.
  • This issue started with iOS 16 and is specific to Apple Mail. Other email apps display emails correctly in both iOS 16 and previous versions.

iOS 16 device:

Untitled design (14).png
iOS 15.8.2 device:
Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 4.39.30 PM.png

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Q. Can we make changes to the problem discussed using the dashboard?
A. No.


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