Connected Apps Campaign Analytics


All metrics are calculated and displayed in the App's Timezone.

  1. On the left navigation menu in the MoEngage dashboard, click Engage, and then click Campaigns.
  2. On the All campaigns page, click the row that displays the information about the campaign for which you wish to see the analytics information. The Campaign analytics and info page appears. The following sections are available:
    • Campaign Details: Contains information about the campaign and its status. For more information, refer to Campaign Details.
    • Analytics: Contains information about the various metrics that are tracked for the campaign.
    • Info: Contains information about the campaign's target segment, channel-specific information, content, preview, and delivery schedule. For more information, refer to Campaign Info.

Campaign Details

This section contains the following information:

  • Campaign type
  • Campaign ID
  • Campaign creation and updation details
  • Team information
  • Campaign status
    A campaign can have the following states: Active, Expired, Not Sent, Paused, Scheduled, Sending, Sent, and Stopped. If Campaign Approval Flow (CAF) is enabled, a campaign can have two more states: Under Review and Rejected.

Actions Allowed in the Campaign Details Section

Action Description
Refresh This action loads the page afresh with the latest campaign's details.
Edit This action lets you edit the campaign.
Duplicate This action lets you duplicate the campaign and opens the campaign editor page with the details of the current campaign. The word Duplicate is appended to the duplicate campaign's name.


This action is allowed when the campaign is in the Sending state and lets you stop the campaign.


The analytics section contains information about the performance and campaign delivery stats.

Select the Date range for which you would like to run the analytics.

Image 08-11-24 at 2.08 PM.jpeg

The metrics for each Connected App might vary. By default, we show the following metrics:

Image 08-11-24 at 2.04 PM.jpeg

  • Attempted: After removing the users who breached the frequency capping (FC), Attempted is calculated as the number of users who qualified for the campaigns and MoEngage attempted to make requests for them.
  • Failed: Number of users for whom the response from the request URL returned any status other than 200 or the users for whom we failed to find any value against the user or event attributes used in the connector request.
  • Successfully sent: When the request is sent, the receiving server returns a response code indicating what happened with the connector request. Successfully sent is the number of users for whom the request to the request URL returned a 200 OK status.

Note that the definition of successfully sent and failed can also vary according to each Connected App's requirements.

You can also see the split of failures and their reasons, as shown below:

Personalization failed occurs when one or more of the event or user attributes used in the request are not found for the specific user. Error Codes are shown as and when they are received after the request is made to the Connected App. The count shows the total aggregated number.

The Success Rate is calculated as follows:



If you have attached a conversion goal to your Connected App campaign, you can see the following details for the campaign:

  • Conversion Events: Number of conversion events executed by users within 36 hours of successfully sending the connectors.
  • Conversions: Number of unique users who have executed the conversion event at least once within 36 hours of successfully sending the instance.

The Conversion Rate is calculated as follows:

You can also see the following details on the All campaigns page for a Connected App campaign:

  • Success Rate percentage
  • Conversion Rate percentage

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