Push templates (carousel images, background color, font color, and so on) do not display correctly in Push notifications when the Notification Content Extension is not implemented.
Perform the following steps:
- Create a Notification Content Extension Target.
- Name the Extension Target. Choose a name for the extension target. Swift is recommended as the language as it works seamlessly with Objective-C projects too.
- Add the AppGroupId to the Notification Content Extension’s Signing & Capabilities settings.
- Set the minimum deployment iOS version of the Notification Content Extension to match the main app’s iOS version.
- Integrate the MORichNotification Framework into the Notification Content Extension Target.
- In your podfile, add the Notification Content Extension as a separate target and install the MORichNotification framework.
target 'MoEngageDemo' do use_frameworks! pod 'MoEngage-iOS-SDK' end target 'MoEngageNotificationService' do use_frameworks! #use use_frameworks only if included in main target as in above scenario pod 'MoEngageRichNotification' end target 'MoegageRichContent" do use_frameworks! #use use_frameworks only if included in main target as in above scenario pod 'MoEngageRichNotification' end
- In your podfile, add the Notification Content Extension as a separate target and install the MORichNotification framework.
- Code changes in NotificationViewController.swift file.
import UIKit import UserNotifications import UserNotificationsUI import MoEngageRichNotification class NotificationViewController: UIViewController, UNNotificationContentExtension { @IBOutlet var label: UILabel? override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() MoEngageSDKRichNotification.setAppGroupID("") } func didReceive(_ notification: UNNotification) { if #available(iOSApplicationExtension 12.0, *) { MoEngageSDKRichNotification.addPushTemplate(toController: self, withNotification: notification) } else { // Fallback on earlier versions } } }
- Select MainInterface.storyboard in the Content extension, remove the default label, and set the background color of the View to clear.
- Info.plist changes:
</dict> - Check Build Phases in Main App Target.
- In Embed App Extensions/Embed Foundation Extensions, ensure that Copy only when installing is not selected.
Ensure Consistent appGroupId Across Configurations.
- Verify that the appGroupId is consistent across all schemes and configurations (for example, Debug/Release/QA/UAT) in the project.
- Align Build Configuration.
- When running or archiving the project, make sure that the Build Configuration for the Main Target, Notification Service Extension, and Notification Content Extension Target points to the same scheme/configuration.