On the Coupons page, you can create, manage, and track your coupon lists for your marketing campaigns and flows. To ensure coupon availability for campaigns, you can add more coupons to a coupon list proactively:
- Coupon lists: This is the repository of one type of all coupons stored within the system. It contains only the single-use coupon code for each coupon. These lists serve as the foundation for all coupon-related operations. MoEngage allows you to create multiple coupon lists, enabling you to maintain distinct lists for different types of codes or various campaigns.
- Coupon files: You can add coupons to an existing Coupon list by importing a coupon file. You can upload a coupon file directly from the dashboard or automate the task through the Coupons API for a more efficient and streamlined import process. This feature ensures your coupon lists are consistently updated and ready for deployment in your marketing campaigns.
MoEngage does not manage the creation of codes. In the context of coupon-based campaigns, the role of MoEngage is to allocate single-use coupon codes and distribute them throughout the configured marketing channels.
While MoEngage focuses on streamlining the distribution and management of promotional codes, it expects you to generate and implement redemption validation at your end. You can create coupon codes from third-party tools or your internal systems and compile them into a CSV file. You can import this coupon file to the MoEngage Coupons platform to send these coupon-based campaigns.
Add Coupons
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Note Admin, Manager, or Marketer roles can create coupons. You can also define a custom role with permissions to Create and manage the coupon lists. |
Create a Coupon List
- On the left navigation menu in the MoEngage dashboard, click Content, and then click Coupons.
- On the Coupons page, click + Coupon list.
- On the Create coupons page, enter the following details:
- In the Coupon List name box, enter a unique name for the coupon list. For the coupon list, a coupon Personalization snippet is auto-created. This snippet serves as the Jinja placeholder reference for coupon personalization campaigns. While the name of the coupon list can be modified later, the personalization snippet remains unchanged.
- In the Expires on field, define a corresponding expiry date. This date applies to all codes included in this list. After the list expires, the codes will be removed from the MoEngage system. As a result, any campaign that refers to this coupon list will not be able to retrieve any code.
- Under Select Coupon file, upload the CSV file containing coupons from your system. After the coupon list is created, you can add more files. Your CSV file must have a header with Coupon Code. You can also download a sample file to see the format.
- Under File preview, click Preview file to verify that the correct file has been selected for upload and to confirm that it has been successfully uploaded.
- Under Alert configuration, configure alerts associated with your coupon list to proactively manage coupon availability during campaigns. The alert system consistently monitors and triggers email alerts when specific criteria are met. You can add up to 50 email addresses as recipients of the alerts. You can send alerts for:
- Success: Select the check box to get an alert when a coupon file has been successfully processed.
- Failure: Select the check box to get an alert if the coupon file has failed to process.
- Coupon Shortage: Select the check box to notify you if a coupon list falls below the set threshold, reminding you to add more coupons.
- Expiry alert: Select the check box to get daily reminders leading up to the expiration date of your coupon list, starting from the number of days you set in advance.
- Click Create. A coupon list is created and available on the Coupons landing page in the Active status.
The system will then start processing the coupon file. The processing and adding the coupons to the list may take time.
- On the coupons list page, click the coupon list link to check the status of the coupon file processing.
Add More Coupons
As you create more coupons to continue your coupon-based campaigns, you must generate a CSV file of coupons from your coupon generator system and upload them to replenish the coupon list on MoEngage.
- On the coupon list details page, click the vertical ellipsis icon next to a coupon list, and then click Add coupon.
You can also click + Add coupons from the coupons list page. - On the Add Coupons dialog box, attach a coupon file. Upload the CSV file containing coupons from your system. Your CSV file must have a header with Coupon Code. You can also download a sample file to see the format.
- Under File preview, use the Preview file option to verify if the correct file has been selected for upload and to confirm that it has been successfully uploaded.
The system will start processing the coupon Information
It usually takes a few minutes, but depending on multiple factors, it can take up to a few hours to add the coupons to your list. For example, the number of rows in your file or the number of files queued in parallel.
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- A workspace can create upto 50 distinct coupon lists.
- A workspace can import up to 100 million coupons, which can be added in one coupon list or split among multiple lists.
- The largest file size allowed for uploading to the coupon list is 100 MB.
Manage Coupons
You can manage a coupon list from the Coupons landing page or the coupons list page. You can open a submenu to select the options to manage your coupon list by clicking the vertical ellipsis icon next to a coupon list.
Edit Coupon List
You can update the name or alert configurations in an active coupon list. While the coupon list's name can be modified later, the personalization snippet remains unchanged. You can also update the coupon list's expiry date by selecting a new future date, which will apply to all codes included.
Archive coupon list
After the list is marked archived, the available coupons will be removed from the MoEngage system. As a result, any campaign that refers to this coupon list will not be able to retrieve any code.
Unarchive coupon list
When a list is activated back from its archived or expired status, only the list is activated, and the coupons are not restored. Therefore, you might need to add new coupons to the list before using it for campaigns.
Generate the Usage Report
MoEngage does not verify the redemption of coupon codes. You can generate the audit report of the coupon list used by different campaigns. For more information, refer to a sample usage report.
- Click the vertical ellipsis icon next to a coupon list, and then click Generate usage report.
You can also click Generate usage report from the coupons list page. - On the Download usage report dialog box, select the desired date range for which you wish to export the coupon distribution report.
- Click Download. This will initiate the report preparation as requested and schedule an email to your email address.
The report will be sent to your email address within a few minutes.
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