Personalized Preview


The Personalization Preview feature enables you to tailor content effectively, ensuring it meets the needs of your target audience. It lets you visualize how your personalized content will appear to end users. Previewing helps identify errors in Jinja code, provides precise character-level error notifications, helps fix the issues, and enhances the outcomes.

Channels That Support Personalized Preview

Personalized preview allows you to preview the personalized messages of campaigns for one of your users.

Channel Supports Personalization?
Push Yes
Email Yes
In-app Messaging No
On-site Messaging No
Cards No
Connector No
WhatsApp Yes
Facebook Audience No
Google Ads Audience No

Types of Personalization Supported for Personalized Preview

Personalized preview is supported for all types of personalization, such as user attributes, event attributes, Recommendations, and content APIs.

Personalization Type Supported?
User attribute Yes
Event attribute Yes
Product sets Yes
Content API Yes
Content block No
Auxiliary data Yes
Campaign attribute Yes
Business event attribute Yes
Coupon Yes

Preview Personalized Campaign Content

This section describes how to preview personalized content in campaigns.

Push, SMS, and WhatsApp

  1. Navigate to step 2 of your campaign creation process.
  2. Under Preview type, click Personalized. MoEngage will randomly select a user and render a personalized preview for that user.
  3. Use the edit icon to change the default user.
  4. Use the Select user by and User identifier value lists to select the user you want to use for preview.
  5. Click Fetch user data.
    MoEngage will load all the attributes used in the campaign. The fallbacks, where applicable, are displayed next to the attributes.
    • User and event attributes: These values are directly taken from the user data. You can change the attribute values and switch between fallback and actual values.
      image (3).png
      After selecting all the values, click Refresh to render the preview with the selected values. 
    • Product sets: These values are directly taken from the product data. However, they are shown as JSON. Change the JSON object based on your requirement and click Refresh.
    • Content APIs: MoEngage fetches these values using the configured APIs. You can change values in the JSON object for previews here.
    In case the endpoint is not reachable, an empty response is displayed. This will let you create your temporary data for preview purposes.
  6. After selecting the user and previewing them, you can close the slide-out and continue with the campaign changes. The selected user details are stored for your future previews. 


  1. Navigate to step 2 of email campaign creation. You have the following options to create content for your email campaigns:
  2. Similar to Push and SMS, you can select a user and preview your email message for the selected user.

Note that you can pass personalized data for inbox previews. To do this, turn the Use personalized preview data toggle on while running inbox previews. Click here to learn more about the inbox previews.  

Edit Personalized Preview Output

You can modify the personalized preview output to better align the content with your campaign goals and audience preferences, ensuring the preview accurately reflects your marketing intent.

To edit the personalized preview output, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Personalized preview page, click the text box next to the personalization inputs and enter the data. You can also edit product sets by expanding the product sets list and clicking the edit icon. After editing the output, click Refresh to update it.
  2. After verifying the changes in the output, click Done.
  3. Turn on the Use sample data from the personalized preview for the test toggle to test your campaigns with the updated personalized preview output to evaluate their performance and effectiveness before launch.


MoEngage displays an error in the preview output if the corresponding Jinja is incorrect or contains any irrelevant element in the code.

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