Create Navigation, DeepLinks, and Rich Landing

MoEngage enables users to navigate to a specific app screen, using three different methods: Navigate to screen, DeepLink, and Rich Landing. You can integrate widgets(like texts, images, or buttons) with URLs that, when clicked, send users to other sections of the app or a different app seamlessly.

In this article, we will learn how to configure Navigate to screen, DeepLink, and Rich Landing into your In-app widgets and how they work independently.

Where can you find them?



Ensure that you're present in Step 2 of creating an In-app campaign. To learn more, see Create In-App Campaign.

Follow the steps below to find Navigate to screen, DeepLink, and Rich landing in your In-app campaign: 

  1. Once you've chosen a template in the Content section, select a widget for navigation.
  2. Scroll down to the Actions section and then click + Actions.
  3. Select Navigation from the dropdown.
    click navigation.png
  4. Select one of the three radio buttons depending on your requirements:
    • Navigate to screen
    • DeepLink
    • Rich Landing
  5. Select the target screen or enter the target URL.

  6. Click Next.

Types of Navigation

Navigate to screen DeepLink Rich Landing

This action navigates to a specific screen within the app when the user clicks the widget. It is used to guide users to different sections or features of the app seamlessly.

  • Specify the target screen within your app from the dropdown.
    navigate to screen.gif

Difference between Rich Landing and DeepLink

Aspect Rich Landing DeepLink
Content Display Within the app’s web view

Within the app or externally (browser, other apps)

User Experience

Keeps the user within the app

Can take the user out of the app

Use Case

Displaying web content seamlessly within the app

Directing to specific screens, external websites, or other apps

Technical Requirements

Requires HTTPS URLs

Requires configuration of URL schemes and intent filters


User retention, seamless transition

Versatility, broader reach


Product detail pages, survey forms, promotional content

Redirect to app sections, open websites, redirect to app stores

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