How to Change the OSM Template Background Overlay Color and Transparecny

The color gradient contains an optional parameter to specify the background transparency of the templates between 0 (transparent) and 100 (opaque). A low opacity means high transparency, whereas a high opacity means low transparency.

Perform the following steps to use the transparency parameter while customizing the selected template for On-site messages (OSM):



Ensure that you have initiated the OSM campaign creation process.

  1. Go to Step 2 "Content" of the campaign creation process.
  2. Select the required template.
  3. Click the settings icon on the top right corner of the editor and then select the third tab to view the background color properties.
  4. Scroll the color gradient bar from top to bottom to select the background color.
  5. Scroll the opacity bar from top to bottom to customize the transparency between the template and the screen behind it.
  6. Click the verticle ellipsis, select Save template, or click Next to continue the campaign creation process.

OSM Gradient.gif

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