Create OSM Campaign for TV

To create an On-Site Messaging (OSM) campaign for TV:

      1. Navigate to the MoEngage Dashboard and select Engage -> Campaigns from the left navigation.
      2. Click mceclip2.png at the top right corner of the All Campaigns Page.
      3. Select On-Site from the Inbound channels listed.

Steps to Create an OSM Campaign for TV

There are three steps to creating an OSM campaign, and they are:

      1. Target users: Define the target audience for the campaign
      2. Content: Define the content of the push notification to be sent
      3. Schedule and Goals: Define the campaign's delivery schedule and goals

Step 1: Target Users

On the target users page, navigate to the Target Platforms section. Choose TV as a platform and fill in the rest of the details. If you want to know more about the various fields on this page, refer to Target Users.




You can not select TV as a platform along with Web or Mobile Web. You must only select TV to proceed further.


Step 2: Content

You will get redirected to the Template selection page. Select a template for TV from those that are available and click on Select Template to proceed to the editor. 

You can customize the templates with the help of the OSM editor. The editor allows you to edit the image, background, and text on the template. 

To know more about the editing options in the OSM editor, refer to OSM Editor

Editing Buttons for Focus System

Unlike touch interfaces, TV heavily relies on a focus state to draw the user's attention to the focused element. This serves as the starting point for navigation. The navigation on a TV is constraining as users can only use a remote control device.

While on Focus, the user can use the navigational button to move to other focusable elements or click OK (or a similar button depending on the OS) to take the action associated with the focused element.

With MoEngage's OSM editor, you can edit the buttons using the hover action. To edit the buttons:

  • Click on the button you wish to edit, which will open the editing options.

  • Select the Color button (the square button) in the editing options to access hover mode. 
  • This will open a pop-up where you can edit the text color, background color, border, and shadow of the button that you want to edit. 
  • Click on the Hover option to edit the button in focus mode. Ensure that the button looks different in focus mode as it helps with the navigation on TV.

After you have made the desired changes and edits, click on Next to proceed to Schedule and goals



  • You must not add or remove a button on the TV templates to make sure that the focus navigation continues to work as expected in the template.
  • The Display Settings section has been disabled for TV.
  • The Test Campaign feature currently does not work for TV campaigns.


Step 3: Schedule and goals

Select the sending criteria, conversion goals, and other details for your campaign. If you want to know more about the Schedule and goals page, refer to Scheduling and goals.

After filling in these details, click on Publish to publish your campaign. 

Congratulations, you have successfully created an OSM campaign for TV!


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